The Return to Amun Ra Spiritual Tradition (How to Come into Your Own)

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family

I do not have to tell you how bad things are because if you look at the news or follow any social media outlet. You know. We are all being bombarded with images of how bad the president of the country is, how gang violence is on the rise, racial discrimination and race related offenses have increased, not to mention the various sexual perversions that are being publicized.  If you did not know any better, you would think that the world has literally gone to hell and the only escape is to sit around theorizing on the ending of the next Avengers movie or who and what is going to be in the next Star Wars.

All of these events were predicted to occur because according to the Maa Aankh, which is based upon the four moments of the Sun: KhepeRa (Sunrise/Birth), Ra (Midday/Life), Ra Atum (Sunset/Death) and Amun Ra (Midnight/Rebirth).  We have all been living at the Ra moment, which is the hottest time of the day, year, season, etc. before the fall.  So naturally the breakdown in society is normal, which is why we all sense the decay and the descent to Ra Atum (Death).  But we are being discouraged from returning to Amun Ra, so that we can all be rejuvenated and revived.
Maa Aankh with Utchat
We are being encouraged to stay in this religious mental state of fear for monetary reasons, so that we can be someone else’s slave.  Yes, Family. The new world order is here and the reason our senses are being assaulted with all of this negative imagery is because they want us to eventually cry out and plead for more government control. If we cry out about all of the violence occurring in the streets then they will have grounds to remove the police and declare martial law. Everything has been designed so that whatever we complain about will make us seek help outside of ourselves instead of going within. In fact, it is getting harder and harder to remind yourself to go within, which is the reason we really need to understand that true spirituality learning to trust your BA (the Higher part of your being).

The character Creek from the film Trolls was a serene, Zen-like state of mind, troll when under pressure was a selfish and treacherous coward. Courtesy of

There are also these self-proclaimed gurus that have appeared who are also trying to get us to stay in this mental state as well. Most of these “gurus” claim to be masters on building ancestral altars, working with the spirits and building all sorts of altars, etc. It is interesting (sarcastic) that all of these people knew about ancestor veneration but a few decades ago when our folks were being persecuted they were no where to be found.
Anyway, in order to keep from getting caught up in this crap.  You have to understand that true spirituality is about working your own mind.  If these gurus are not telling you this, then they are setting you up to be someone else’s slave.
So how do you come into your own? Let’s go back to the basics.

What are the Basics? 

The basics of the Amun Ra tradition is that the ancestors are within you because their consciousness, etc. is in your DNA. The gods and goddesses are within you because you were made in the image of the Divine.  You have to remind your self that everything that exists in the universe exists within you and vice versa. It is not outside of you.  If you are having problems working with your ancestors and other spirits it is possibly because are you are praying and worshipping your ancestors and the gods/goddesses, which is like praying and worshipping yourself. It doesn’t make sense but this is how we have been programmed to think.
When you return to basics, which is that you are made in the image of the Divine. This means that you were not created to worship anyone or anything. You came here to do a job, so the spirits who accompany you in this lifetime are here to help you, not receive your prayers and offerings. Stop thinking you are offending God or these gods and goddesses. Oshun is not offended and is cursing your love life.  This is western religious thinking that put us in the mindset that the gods and goddesses reward and punish us. In fact, the whole idea of having a divinity on an altar where you must look up at them is western religious thinking. I used to have altars like this too until my Cuban godfather corrected me and told me “We don’t worship them.”  All of my altars are either at eye level or below to remind me that they are guardian spirits and spirit guides who work with me and not me worshipping them.

On Offerings 

The psychology behind making offerings to any spirits I have found was because when Oset (Aset, Isis) tricked Ra into revealing Amun Ra (his Hidden Name or the Hidden Ra) in the Story of Ra and Oset.  To appreciate and not misuse what we receive, an exchange must occur and this is Maa.

On Doing Magick

We are Ab/conscious souls but when we come into this earthly plane, we are given a BA (Higher Spirit/Superconscious or Divine Spark) and a subconscious/ physical body consciousness, lower spirit or sahu to physically survive. We are all brilliant due to our habitual sahu conditioning based upon the parents, family, community, church, etc. we were born to, our consciousness is suppressed.
Consequently, most of the people in the world are dominated by their sahu, thus making them emotional, egotistical, reactive beings that are manipulated through their fears, likes and dislikes. We the conscious understanding that the fears, inhibitions, etc. is what prevents us from growing are actively engaging in a mental battle with our lower spirit, to seize control over our life. Because the sahu cannot distinguish between what is real or imaginary; and the sahu does not respond very well to verbal commands to cease certain actions and behaviors, but the sahu does respond to symbols impressed upon it in the present. Magick, the art and science of causing something to appear or disappear, is employed by impressing symbolic ideas upon our sahu. Once the idea is impressed, then the sahu passes the idea to the infinite BA, which does the magick.
For instance, the magick of storytelling occurs when a story is read or viewed repetitively. After the story has been committed to memory, if the story is rich in symbolism then the BA will give the reader/viewer flashes of insight.
Homeopathic (or imitative) magick is the idea that similar actions produce similar results.  In other words, the person acts out what they want. Therefore, to rid yourself of a problem, person, etc. take a small pebble and name it after a particular person, problem, etc. and then toss it over your shoulder into a river – symbolizing ridding yourself of the problem.
Contagious magick is based upon the belief that things in contact with each other will remain linked and can influence one another. An example of contagious magick is a mother taking a lock of hair from her child’s head and placing it in between two seashells, then praying for the child’s protection.
All of these techniques and practices were created to remind us to go back within, hence Amun Ra (the Hidden Ra within).
Magick is all around us and it has been around for about 50,000 years or more.  It is our God given talent that we are supposed to use as Divine beings.  This is the reason people turned to it during ancient times.  Our Kemetic ancestors understood that our sahu (physical consciousness) was limited and that the only way to access the BA/Higher Spirit was by temporary tricking their sahu/lower spirit.  When you temporarily silence the sahu and allow the BA to come to the forefront, this is when you tap into the unlimited power of your being. Your BA is responsible for natural synchronicities, insights, assistance from total strangers and all sorts of unexplainable phenomenons. It is mysterious and magickal because it is ethereal in nature, which means you are not supposed to logically understand it. If you can logically understand a thing you can control it and this is the trick to working with your BA and performing magick.

The weirder, stranger and “odder” the magick is, the more powerful it will be for you because it is out of the norm of your sahu, which is based upon habits.

When Magick Does Not Work

When magick does not work, it is not because magick doesn’t work at all. It is because either one does not believe in magick and/or they are not focusing on the proper reward, which is the reason magick is not strictly defined as an art or science, hence results vary.  Remember, our sahu does not like change so a large part of magick focuses on convincing it of what we want. If the sahu is not thoroughly convinced then it wonders when the magick is going to work or obsess over the success of the magick, which is called in the occult “lust for results”. Magick is all about moving from belief to knowing.  This is part of the reason we have incarnated to this plane because many of us believe in God but do not know that we are God, but that’s another post.  Magick is about changing our beliefs into knowing. For instance, athletes use magick (aka positive visualization) all the time whenever they imagine crossing the finish line first (the reward) and repetitively repeat this image in their mind (repetition builds belief). The athletes who win we can say had a strong knowing.
So, understand that we are all unique and we all have different backgrounds, beliefs, etc, which means that one magickal technique is not going to work for us all.  Most of us left organized religion because just praying to Jesus, Jehovah or Allah does not work for everyone.  Therefore, creating sigils might work for one person but not for another, so they may have better luck with chanting mantras instead, while another may have better success with working with the ancestors and other spirits of the dead. While another may prefer to work solely with saints, gods and goddesses from other traditions, and another can only work with affirmations.
This is the reason you have to understand truly what spirituality is.  Once you understand what spirituality is really about, then you can find the magick that works for you and keeps you connected to the Divine. The magick that works for you becomes your maa.  It does not matter if someone else believes in it or not. All that matters is that it works for you. It is all about convincing you. If you are convinced that you are powerful, all you need to do is attract the experience to verify it.

4 thoughts on “The Return to Amun Ra Spiritual Tradition (How to Come into Your Own)”

  1. This post is so timely!
    I told my friend the other day about Incubi and other spiritual vampires that feed off your (usually) negative energy. These low level, lesser vibrational beings NEED to instill fear, doubt, anger ( my greatest weakness ), resentment and pity to live and thrive.
    Once we as Originals understand this very basis concept, we’ll be able to properly maneuver ourselves as best as we can in this new system. Also, August is coming and being the hottest month of the year, our Spiritual energies will be high and powerful. We should expect a racial event coming soon to incite our rage so they can feed and grow stronger.
    Mark my words, I feel an event looming in the midst.
    Once I detached myself from this matrix ( sleep) and see things for what they are, I can almost predict the future. One of the most and simplest forms of magic I use is to write things down in clear, concise language, ask the Great Mother-Father for help with it and then burn it and scatter the ashes.
    A simple offering of water or a copper penny or a nice slice of delicious cake is more than enough to appease them.
    Then we wait…

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