What I Know Now About Kemetic Spirituality and the Ancestors (FAQ)?

The truth is that we have all been duped into believing that African spirituality is evil because in the late 1700s on the island of Hispaniola. Enslaved Africans used the Vodun religion to rebel against slavery, which led to Haiti winning its Independence in 1804. Ever since then, everything that was African was demonized and depicted as being anti-Christian.  The fact that I have never seen a Christian leave a Chinese buffet or an East Indian restaurant, which proudly showcases their ancestors, spirits, gods and goddesses, but are quick to withdraw support and/or boycott Afro Diaspora businesses that display their faith. Is proof of this cultural bias. 

Spirit guides is a blanket term for spiritual beings that guide the Living based upon one’s cultural beliefs. So, some people believe that spirit guides are angels, while others believe that they are gods and goddesses.  Basically, spirit guides can be whatever you need them to be or take whatever shape or form necessary to help you to spiritually advance. However, I have learned from trial and error that people of African descent have a unique type of spirit guides and most of them abided by what the Kemetic people called the Maa. To learn more click here.  

First, there are two types of truth – MAA is Universal Truth, which is Absolute, while maa is one’s personal truth, which is relative. Ma’at, which is portrayed as a lady wearing a single feather headdress,  is the personification of the maa who teaches us how to align ourselves more with the MAA.

No. Not according to my experience. If this was the case, good people would not be misused and treated badly.  The reason they are is because Kemetic Spirituality is really about Spiritual Power and has little to do with being good.

Technically, there is no such thing as good and evil because they are both relative. What is good for one person can be bad or evil for another. A prime example of this is slavery, which was good and selfishly benefited slave owners only, but was a great evil for everyone else. It is best to use the Kemetic terms maa (balance, truth, righteous, etc.) and isfet (imbalance), which reflects all who are involved.  If something is maa (balanced), it brings peace, prosperity, wellbeing and power to everyone. If something is isfet, it selfishly only benefits and empowers a minority.

So “good people” are misused and taken advantage of because they lack a sufficient amount of spiritual power. This explains the reason why Osar (Asar, Osiris) who was good but naive was murdered by his younger brother Set.  See the Kemetic Story here

People come into your life (both good and bad), because of a Soul Contract they made with you prior to incarnating to this physical plane. This is my understanding how and why I mysteriously met Papa, Iya, Ms. B, and Ms. Smith who have helped me to discover my maa. The unscrupulous people whom I met that taught me what not to be like and to do.

There are numerous theories that exist so it is matter of picking which one suits you. But, to be honest with you, everything that exists in our Universe cannot be explained scientifically using modern science. Some things are based upon faith and knowing.  My understanding of this phenomena is that our soul (Ab) is eternal. So when we physically die, our Ab (thoughts, ideas, etc.) continues to exist as a spiritual being or spirit. Thus, there are numerous spirits that exist but the spirits that have the most influence in our lives are the spirits of the dead because we remember them the most and they are familiar with this life.

If this was the case, then many of the miraculous events that occurred in the bible where angels intervened would never have occurred because angels are spirits. The truth is that we rub shoulders with all types of spirits. The spirits that latch on to us are the ones whom we can help, and the ones who can help us. So-called evil spirits only gravitate towards people who are involved in evil, low vibrational, Setian or isfet (imbalanced) activities like adultery, theft, violent crimes, murder and anything symbolized by Set (See the Kemetic Story of Osar). In other words, it is not true that the “devil (or some other entity)” made you do something against your will. If it was in your Ab (soul/heart) to do ill against another. All the spirit did was give you the encouragement and inspiration but you are not compelled to follow any spirit. You are made in the image of the Divine, which means you have free will.  

First, there are no such things as accidents. Everything happens for a reason. We say that something is an accident because we do not see the other side, the Causal side, or the spiritual side of reality. We don’t see the thoughts that inspired the imbalanced. We don’t see the activities that led to the imbalance. We don’t see the chaotic spirits that were attracted and surrounding the imbalanced event. We only see the Effects, the physical side of reality, which leads us to believe that events “suddenly” happen. Once we see the whole picture, we see that it is not accidents that occur but imbalances, which are the results of not seeing the MAA. Therefore, the imbalance is meant to help us to develop the maa so that we align with the MAA. Isfet (Imbalances) are like falling the first time you learn how to walk. Once you take corrective measures and learn from falling, you cease falling as much as you learn how to walk.

If you read how I met my first spirit guide on the Home page, and see how I got on this path. Also, if you continue reading my story you will see how I was led astray and experienced all sorts of unplanned events because I did not talk or consult my spirit guides.  So, you will see that I believe we need spirit guides because they help us to what some people call quantum shift. They get us out of the current matrix we are in and into another reality because they are not restricted by a physical body, so time and space does not affect them like it does the Living. This means they can travel around the world in a matter of seconds, because they are our allies. But, they were once upon a time people, and they have prejudices just like we do. Just like you can’t tolerate certain people because of their low vibin behavior. Spirit guides are like that as well, so you have to come “correct” when dealing with them.  

You need to be Called specifically by your Kemetic Ancestors. I have shared my story in all the books I have written to let people know that contrary to what society believes and wants.  All spirit guides are not fluffy, light hearted beings who want you to be ethically and morally good. No. Our Ancestors have a set of rules or a code of conduct that they have been following for thousands of years, and 500 years of enslavement cannot break this 1,000+ year chain. The nuts and bolts about Kemetic Spirituality is about overcoming your ego personified as the Set (Setan or Satan).  If you have been Called, things will make sense, but if you have not been Called.  You will find opposition with what is being said and even accuse me of being bias towards your way of life and lifestyle choices.  Understand. It is not me. It is the Ancestors and regardless of what society says, if the Ancestors do not like your choices. You will not receive ancestral support. You have to understand that acceptable behavior is determined by our Ancestors, which is our spiritual tribe.  Unless you purify your self of Setian deviance, which is encouraged in Western society. Your higher Ancestors will not support you on your Kemetic spiritual path.   It is important to understand that our higher Ancestors know our trials and tribulations. But, they want us to understand that spirituality is not a duty. Spirituality is a Choice. You have to want to do better to do better because only You can save Your Self.  

Of course, if you have not been Called, you can still honor your ancestors and elevate their spirits.  So, that your spirits can help you from the other side to learn our history, the Kemetic religion, the African philosophy, etc.  In other words, by elevating your spirits, you are helping to  repair your ancestral line, which helps your ancestors realize the errors of their ways.  Once they see the ill they have caused, then you will see the ill effect and break the destructive cycle. It is then, and only when this happens that your higher Ancestral spirits will intercede and welcome you back into Kamta. Â