Lesson 6: The Acknowledging the Call Ritual

hands, open, candle

If you are still reading this regardless if you agree or disagree with the information presented, you must acknowledge that you have been Called by those on the other side of the veil. 

To acknowledge the Call all that you need is to do is make a simple offering, which can be performed by both shamans and shaman practitioners.   When you acknowledge the call this is seen by your Spirits from the other side as a gesture that you want to work to help your Spirits grow spiritually, and want them to help you to improve your life.

What you will need:
1 small white candle, like a birthday candle
1 white saucer
1 glass of cold water

First, draw the Maa Aankh as explained in Lesson 5. 

Next knock three times on the diagram. Place the saucer in the middle of the Maa Aankh and the glass of water on top of the saucer.

Light the candle ensuring it is not near anything that is combustible. Then say a prayer in your own words asking that your Ancestors and Spirit Guides help you to find a spirit guide whom you can assist in spiritual growth, and they help you to improve your life. Allow the candle to burn down while you go about your business.

Do not leave the candle burning unattended unless you are 100% certain that nothing will catch on fire.
If you are sincere, which was proven by your willingness to perform this ritual. You will be visited by a spirit who will give you an idea about something that is troubling you.  The message you receive may not be a dramatic and elaborate sign but, it may come as a hunch while daydreaming or even in a dream.  It is best to not even think about it or the ritual. Know that when you least expect it, that is when the message will come to you. 

Note that your helper spirits will give you a message in this manner to show you that they are real.  By performing this ritual it signifies to your spirits that you acknowledge that you have been called.

When the candle has completely burned down. To close the ritual simply clap your hands three times and tell your spirits thank you. The water can be poured out on to a plant or poured equally into four corners of the house. Wash the glass and saucer, which can be used for future rituals.

In Summary

The great thing about this ritual besides introducing you to the helpful spirits that surround you is that it also introduces you to the power of prayer and offerings. 

Offerings are tools that help us to establish and maintain Maa (Balance). They do not need to be elaborate because they are meant to show respect and help us.  To appreciate what is earned, and not take advantage of what is given freely (see the Story of Ra and Oset). You can offer your helping Spirits anything such as a glass of water, a candle, incense, a piece of fruit, time, and devotion to assisting others like a local charity, which is the purpose of tithing from an ancient Afrikan perspective.  Even if you do not have any funds you can always offer a simple word of “Thanks”.  Rest assured, your spirits don’t want you to offer them your blood or your life, this is Hollywood Bull***.  

Therefore, before starting any project, leaving your home, traveling, going to sleep, or starting anything new, if you want some extra oomph. Then, say a prayer and/or make an offering. 

Please note that if you accidentally drop coins, it is your helper spirits reminding you to do what is Maa (balanced/order/right) and make an offering. This is a precaution signifying that if you do not make an offering you may lose more money unexpectedly like an accident, a lawsuit, a sudden expense, etc.  Do not err in believing that when unplanned events occur that it is your spirits punishing you. This is a superstitious belief promoted by people who do not have a thorough understanding of metaphysics. 

Although this may sound superstitious, we must remember that our universe is composed of two realities (See Lesson 4). We the Living dwell in TASETT, the physical reality, so we only see the physical things that are in front of us. Unless you have developed your psychic abilities, we do not see the invisible energies and forces behind the physical scenes moving in KAMTA. This is why from a physical perspective, everything appears to be accidental, coincidental, by chance, flukes of nature, happenstances, or events that just “suddenly” happen. However, when it is kept firmly in mind that KAMTA is invisible and spiritual, we understand that accidents, coincidences, and sudden events do not just happen but are connected through synchronicity. Therefore, the real reason for working with the spirits is because they can see these synchronicities and we the Living cannot. 

Lessons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (You are here right now), and 7.