Creating Permanent Positive Change through Invocation

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
You know, if you grew up in the church, a religious or Christian household, you know that the one practice that is heavily stressed is prayer. We are instructed that if we are sick, having money issues, problems with our family, needing a raise on our job, etc. We are instructed to pray because…prayer changes things.
But, what I have learned over the years is that this is not entirely true. I remember the first time I got into a bind and really tried to pray to God for some help.  Like many young Black males in the City of Detroit during the mid-1980s, I was trying to avoid the crack related violence occurring all over the city. I had attended church all of my young life but when I entered my teen years, I was no longer under the protection of my parents’ spiritual grace. So, I tried my best to pray and ask God to help me but, my request fell on deaf ears.
I remember asking more experienced people at my parents’ church how to pray and why I felt that my prayer was not being answered.  The response these people told me, led me to believe that my prayers were not being answered because I did not have faith.  Since, I did not have faith, it was like oh well, too bad, so sad, go get some faith and suffer until I did so for God to help me.
I remember I after hearing this, I walked away contemplating suicide because in my young mind.  It was reasoned that God did not want me because I was not one of the “Chosen Ones.”
Fortunately, thanks to intervention from my ancestors and spirit guides I was saved and directed to take an alternative path.  It was through this alternative path that I learned that the reason prayer does not work and for that matter affirmation, positive thinking, creative visualization, rituals and even magick a lot of times does not work is because as many church going people claim, “the lack of faith.” But, it is not because of the lack of faith in God.
It is the lack of faith in oneself and their belief in God. Now, the reason most people lack faith in them selves in regards to their belief in God is because we have been taught to fear the Divine and that to question anything in regards to the Divine is considered blasphemous. Now, that we are adults, we can put aside these superstitions and recognize that the reason we have all been drawn to understanding the nature of our being in regards to the Divine, is because deep within our being.  We understand that the secret to knowing the Divine lies in understanding our mind.

Understanding the KAMTA (Spiritual) and TASETT (Physical)  Aspect of Our Being

So, in order to have faith in our self in regards to the belief of God, we must learn to think differently about ourselves and our relationship to the Divine.  This means understanding that we are all made in the image of the Divine and that everything that exists in the Universe exists within us in an infinitely small scale. Since our Universe is composed of energy/matter, everything that has been discovered and undiscovered both energy/matter can be found within our being.  Everything that we see and do not see in the Universe can be found within our being as well.  Therefore, metaphysically we say that both the visible, physical realm (TASETT – the Red Lands) and the invisible, spiritual realm (KAMTA) can be found within our being. Psychologically speaking, the visible, habitual or TASETT part of our being corresponds to our subconscious or sahu, while the invisible, unusual or KAMTA part of our being corresponds to our Superconscious or BA.

Therefore, there is a known, familiar, habitual, subconscious part (sahu) of our being symbolized as TASETT, which is based upon our beliefs and.  An unknown, unfamiliar and inhabitual or unusual, Superconscious (BA) part of our being symbolized as KAMTA that is based upon our knowing.
Understand, the difference between belief and knowing is that beliefs are based upon observable events and things that occur in one’s environment. Beliefs are usually communicated to us by someone we see as an authority figure such as our parents, other adults, teachers, leaders, politicians, etc. Beliefs are subjective, meaning they change based upon an individual’s cognizance, maturity, intelligence and experience, which is why most people believe in God.  However, knowing is based upon an individual’s inner-sperience or insperience. Knowing does not change, meaning that when you know something such as 2+2 =4, you cannot go back and unlearn it.

TASETT – the Lower Kemet/lower self/subconscious – sahu part of our being.

It should be noted that the root of the word TASETT is Set, who is personification of our sah (subconscious ego-self) and the spirit of chaos, confusion, calamity, storms, etc.  This means that since our lives are based upon either our beliefs or knowing., most of our problems in life are due to the fact that we live our life on autopilot based upon our sahu (subconscious) beliefs and not our BA  (Superconscious) knowing. For instance, although most of us know that life is full of shades of gray, we believe that life is black and white. Although we know that we are all unique individuals with different backgrounds and experiences, we erroneously believe that we should all have the same morals, ethics, standards, etc. and if we do not, we label one another as being crazy, etc. When the truth of the matter is that when an individual does not act or behave in the appropriate manner, it is because they are living their lives based upon their erroneous beliefs and not knowing, which is symbolized as living under the sway of Set. Understand, obstacles, problems, trials, etc. are simply signs that we are in an unfamiliar situation that we have no knowledge of.  The problems become worse when we try to resolve them based upon our limited belief system within our sahu because the purpose of the sahu is not to solve problems but to help us to physically survive. Problem solving is a task assigned to our BA – the knowing part of our being, which is the reason KAMTA is ruled by Osar, the ultimate judge, spirit of knowledge, peace, wisdom, stability, prosperity and tranquility.     

KAMTA is the Kemetic term our Nilotic ancestors gave us to remind us that our greatest potential is within like the dark fertile soil of southern Kemet or the dark and mysterious starry night sky.  Therefore, new actions, behaviors, creative ideas, etc. must be cultivated from out of the deep recesses of our mind or out of KAMTA. This is the mysterious part of our being which means we are not supposed to understand it logically. This also means that we are all genius, we are all brilliant, we are all amazing individuals but in order for us to be geniuses, brilliant and amazing individuals we have to cultivate this mindset from within and make it a new habit. Simply repeating an affirmation, visualizing, praying, etc. means nothing if it is not cultivated within and made into knowing. People who are geniuses, brilliant and amazing do not believe they are geniuses, brilliant and amazing. They know it.

How Do You Cultivate Knowing? 

The way to cultivate knowing is by practicing following your intuition. Before I continue, remember ideas coming from our BA (Superconscious) symbolized as a KAMTA are going to be strange, unfamiliar and even a little weird but they will never put you in harms way, endanger you or force you to go against your ethics.

Remember, this is the part of our being that we are unfamiliar with, so to tap into it you have to do something that is out of the ordinary. For instance, when my wife and I got married, we both wanted a child. Like many married couples desiring to have a child, we stressed about it and even talked to an obstetrician to discuss our concerns, which is the sahu approach.
Then, my wife found a Bes statue. Bes, in Kamta belief is a “civilized” African faery/dwarf spirit who protects children, households from negative spirits and assists women in pregnancy.  Since he works closely with Nebhet (Nephthys)– the Lady of the House and Npu (Anubis)– the Kemetic Messenger spirit, I painted him red black, white and yellow. Now, I remember my wife placed the Bes statue in our living room and then he moved to our bedroom. Next, she offered him pieces of candy and then one day, I offered him a glass of Red Stripe beer, which are all BA practices.
The next thing I know, one day my wife and I were joking around a little bit more than usual. I found myself spontaneously dancing for no reason, almost as if I was teenage boy flirting with her.  This went on for a long time during the month of February.  To make a long story short, almost a month after meeting the obstetrician, I had to go out of town for a conference. On the third day of the conference in March, my wife called me with some important news and told me she was pregnant.
Today, when I reflect back and think about that entire scenario of how our daughter was conceived, I tell you that Bes did not descend out of the ether into my wife and my body.  Bes was already present because he existed within the deep recesses of my mind or KAMTA and consequently, Bes manifested out of the darkness of my higher spirit. The offerings that were given to him were mental triggers to activate this spirit within my wife and I, so that he came into the light.  The funny thing was that during the pregnancy, my wife began to take on the form of Bes’ wife Tawret.

Now, if you are new to this and it sounds weird it is because you are relying on the intellect of your sahu (subconscious) and trying to figure it out but this is not the purpose of your sahu.  It is our BA’s responsibility to solve our problems. We are simply supposed to say, “Hey, I want x, y and z” and our BA is supposed to figure out how to make it happen.
Remember, the knowing part of your being does not need you to understand how it works.  My wife and I did not question how we were going to become pregnant. We focused on knowing that we would by allowing the BA (Superconscious) part of our being to figure out the details.
For some people, this sounds bizarre because you have seen pictures and/or film of people prostrated before some strange idol. These same images usually label the followers as being pagan, primitive and overly superstitious people who will give these idols anything their first born.  Sorry people, this is all fantasy created by so-called monotheistic people who have no understanding about how their mind works. True positive and permanent change is based upon connecting with our BA using images and symbols to awaken our potential.

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