Hetepu (Peace and Blessings) Family.
Ok. I have had some trolls really trying to tell me about their thing. I mean, when I tell them I follow my maa (personal truth and what works for me). They flip out and can’t respect it. They want to tell me that their stuff is the “truth” and how everyone is going to hell. So, I want to share a little bit about what Maa means to me.
I know I do not need to tell you this but I am going to say it anyway. I love you all and I don’t care what you are in so long as it is helping you and not harming anyone. I have to say this because some people think that just because you don’t’ subscribe to Christianity or Islam that you hate Christians, Muslims, etc. And, that is farthest from the truth.
Afro – Diasporic spirituality with all of the fine trimmings put aside is based upon one principle and that is…does it work? If it works, that’s the end of the discussion. There is nothing else to be said. I have family members who were strung out and Jesus helped them to conquer their addiction. I am in full support because if that’s what they need to heal them. That’s what they need. Period.
When I was going through my spiritual dilemma, many of these religions just did not fit me. They did not help me to be happy. They did not work for me. Now, that’s not to say that it does not work at all. It just did not work for me. That’s all.
This principle is called in the Kemetic language Maa (some people call it Maat but this is the personification of Maa). Maa translates to mean balance, law, righteousness, truth, etc. but what it really means is “doing what is right versus what is easy.”
Now, that is one interpretation but Maa encompasses so much more.
In the Story of Osar, when the heir and hero of the story, Hru, has to retreat because his eye was damaged. We get a hint as Djahuti (Thoth) repairs Hru’s eye that Maa is also about holistic vision and holistic living because you have to see the whole picture in order to get the truth.
This brings me to point of this post. Although I respect your right to believe and do whatever you want. I do not appreciate anyone preaching, proselytizing and evangelizing to me what they believe especially when I did not ask what you believe.
This goes for those people who want to knock on my door Saturday morning. For those who want to stand on the corner with their boys and religious catcall. And, these silly trolls following this blog.
I mean come on?
If it is so good…why are you pushing it off on me?
If something is good then it will show.
Take for example a good restaurant. How do you know if the food in the restaurant is good? What are the signs? Well. You will see a line of people lined up at their door. You will see happy and satisfied customers going in and out of the restaurant. You will see people come out of the restaurant with smiles on their face. After the experience, you will hear people still comment on how good the food was at the restaurant, and so on.
You never see these people from the restaurant go door-to-door trying to make people eat their food. You don’t see these people jumping up and down on the corner proclaiming how their food will save peoples’ life. You do not see these people criticizing other restaurants. Usually they let their product speak for itself.
So, my question to those who feel they need to proselytize? If what you are doing is so good why aren’t you happy? Why aren’t you pleased or a satisfied customer? I mean, the only people I know who peddle or push something that is not good but claims it is are drug pushers.
If what you are doing is good, it will show and people will see your inner light. If not, you might need to check and see if what you are doing is a right fit.
You see the great thing about Maa is that when you have a divine connection with the Divine. When you need something in your life, it will appear. Call in synchronicity but that is how it will happen. For instance, just recently I had a dream where my wife was driving on the highway and I was on the passenger side. My wife was driving slowly and I was getting a little impatient. Then, I woke up.
It came to me that my ancestors were telling me that I need to be more patient with her because it was information overload symbolized by the highway.
That’s what it means to have a divine connection. That what it means to have a holistic perspective. This is what it means to be Maa. See how my eye was repaired through inner vision, intuition, dreams, etc.?
You see. You can argue beliefs all you want but you can’t argue experience!
So, if you feel you have to go out and convert people to your beliefs. You are really not living or exercising Maa (Truth) because that is not how Maa works. Maa is about Love and love brings on understanding…that is understanding that everyone had different needs.
Again. If it is the TRUTH. You shouldn’t have to force people to accept it because the TRUTH is like good food.
Hope that helps.
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I am a new follower to your blog and I find your experiences so relatable and inspiring. Thank you for putting your Kamatic truth out. I am so glad to have stumbled upon your enlightening blog.