Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
I am very glad that the information about ancestor veneration is helping a lot of people. Recently, I just received a couple of questions asking why I venerate my ancestors using this particular medium or method I use, and. Second, what is the practical benefit of venerating the ancestors?
Well. The short answers to these questions is that 1) ancestor veneration helps me to see my purpose in the world, 2) ancestor veneration helps you to really understand history, and. 3) It raises your consciousness so that you are not so reactive but proactive in your thinking.
Let me explain what I mean:
1) How Does Ancestor Veneration Help Me to See My Purpose in the World?
As I have mentioned, I venerate my ancestors and spirits (aakhu) from a Kemetic shamanic perspective or Kamta. As I have written in previous posts, it was an elderly Black Cuban man whom I called Papa that introduced me to Espiritismo Cruzado (Crossed Spiritism) and encouraged me to make it my own. I adopted it because 1) it goes by how you feel, meaning you add or subtract from it based upon how feel. This means no one (alive or dead) has the right to tell you how to work with your aakhu. This is important especially for people who come from a dogmatic religion where we are taught to put our faith in a Deity and/or follow some individual who may not have our best interests. No. You are in total control. There is no blind allegiance or obedience. If something does not feel right. Take it off. It is that simple. 2) It does not require you to be initiated and you do not need a priesthood. 3) Truth is not based upon what everyone else is doing, but based upon the tangible results you get.
I remember when Papa first told me about Espiritismo Cruzado. The most attractive feature about adopting and modifying the boveda into a het aakhu (Kemetic for ancestor and spirit guide house), was that one statement which is that “Truth is not based upon what everyone else is doing, but based upon the tangible results you get.” It wasn’t until I really began to put into practice what he taught me that I began to really make a connection with the Divine. This is why the het aakhu has nine goblets instead of the typical seven because it is meant to honor my aakhu (ancestors and spirit guides) and the Kamitic guardian spirits who are a reflection of me. It is also the reason why African, Native American and other spirits can be placed on the het aakhu because it wasn’t the same spirits that existed in Cuba, Brazil, Venezula, etc. However, similar spirits did and continue to exist in North America.
This is how I really began to understand the netchart Maat and was rid of the whole Western good versus evil dichotomy. Because what is good for someone may be evil for another. Think about that and how it relates to white supremacy in regards to religion, education, business, employment, etc. Ancestor veneration helped me to come into my own and realize that what’s good for me may not be good for someone else.
2) How does ancestor veneration help me to really understand history?
In the united states history is all about reciting dates and events. It is not made relevant. When I got serious about honoring my aakhu, I was being inspired in various ways and led me to see things from a different perspective.
As I mentioned my parents were good parents. They did the best they could given what they had. Growing up we were surrounded with all types of positive black images from artwork (and not that bougie Ernie Barnes painting got at the swap meet. You know the one that was featured on Good Times…laugh). They also had the staple Jet and Ebony magazines. We would go to downtown Detroit to celebrate MLK Day and I remember my parents participating in the city choir when Nelson Mandela came to the Detroit. But, guess what? That was not enough.
Why? Because African American history did not begin when our ancestors were brought to this country. Most of everything that my parents and others had done was in response to slavery and the horrific treatment we had to endure as a people. You see, African Americans since we were brought to this country had to overcome several barriers that no other people have had to endure. First, we had to prove that we were human beings because we were treated worse than animals. Second, we had to prove that we were intelligent human beings. Third, we had to prove that we could get along or assimilate in order to get employment. This is why we were taught “proper” English, so my parents like so many did a great job but, now our present fight is the fight for empowerment.
My parents’ generation was in survival mode. They did not teach us how to build for our own because they were just trying to get a job so that they can keep food on the table and a roof over their family’s head. As a result, many of them believed in the American Dream and why?
It was because the American Dream is what a lot of Black Churches used to preach, promote and push. It is not the church’s fault all together but that was part of the movement at the time but it was during this period. A lot of people were taught to be ashamed of their Africanness and who wouldn’t have been? When every time you heard something about Africa in this country it was either some war torn country or some bloated belly child living in a famine stricken land. So, this negative imagery was promoted to make people think and feel, that even though we are being abused, we got it better over here.
Ancestor veneration corrected this misconception for me and helped me to understand this our ancestral perspective. When I first began honoring aakhu, I began with Martin L. King Jr., Adam Clayton Powell, W.E.B. DuBois and several other historical figures because they inspired me to go to college in order to serve my community. I honored Malcolm X because he inspired me to learn about my history and focus more on nationalism and sovereignty. It was Malcolm who inspired me to meet and take classes from Imari Obadele who was the president of the Republic of New Afrika where I learned about the various slave revolts that occurred in this country.
This led me to learn about the relationship that the Native Americans had with early African Americans. I’ve learned that although some Native American tribes practiced slavery, a number of Indians intermarried with Africans, fought alongside the Africans in the Seminole War, hid escaped slaves as was the case in Louisiana (hence the Mardi Gras Indians) and were accompanied on the Trail of Tears. Consequently, I have Native American aakhu who act as scouts and tribes because that is how they were remembered by my family. So, ancestor veneration has basically helped me to fill in the voids. Of course, I also have African aakhu who have helped me to understand the old religion, their new tradition and why they converted to Christianity, and these aakhu are peppered all over the altar.
The thins is that the aakhu will whisper information in your ears, reveal things in your dreams and lead you too books to confirm what they are saying, and this is one great benefits to venerating them.
3) How does ancestor veneration raise your consciousness so that you are not so reactive but proactive in your thinking?
Like I said, I was inspired by a lot of heroes and two of the people I have great respect and admiration for both W.E.B. DuBois and Marcus Garvey. History reveals that DuBois played a role in Garvey’s movement come to an end. What was DuBois’ role exactly, no one knows for sure. We also know that after Garvey left the country, it is not known if DuBois was disappointed, disgusted or had come out of his disillusionment. But, he had become a Pan Africanist and was influential in the independence of several African countries.
Now, the lesson I learned from both DuBois and Garvey is that some ‘other’ people have an agenda. In fact, my aakhu have helped me to see that other peoples’ use the same four things to destroy a movement are: money, sex, drugs and internal bickering.
What’s even more amazing is that money, sex, drugs and strife are all tools of Set, so any time you see signs of things. Know that Set is plotting your downfall.
So you see, ancestor veneration allows you to see mythological or archetypal patterns that occur in history and helps you to navigate around them. Remember, if you do not learn from from the mistakes of the past, history will repeat itself.
It is because me venerating my aakhu that although I use the term African American because I remember spokesman from Jesse Jackson visiting my high school and encouraging us to do so. I identify myself as an African/Afrikan because of my culture, my heritage and ancestry; inside America because I was born here. My family was born here and no other people, other than the Native Americans, have died and worked for it. Therefore, it is my country, so I am an Afrikan in America.
The point that I am making is that we all have a host of spirits who are willing to assist us in any endeavor, which is allegorized in the Story of Osar in the relationship between the hero Hru who could not defeat his evil uncle, Set until his ancestor/spirit guide Osar, interceded on his behalf. That being said, I encourage you to get into the practice of honoring your aakhu. You will be amazed at how much clarity you will receive and how your life will get dramatically better.
Hope this helps.
For more see Honoring the Ancestors the Kemetic Shaman Way.
I see that ancestor veneration is important within the Kemetic system. These ancestors, do they have to be ancient or near this time period or what.
I am sure that many of my ancestors were rotten people, how does this play in to there veneration? Do I choose which ones to call on?
Well, there are few things that have to be considered when it comes to honoring our ancestors. First, an ancestor does not just mean a deceased biological relative. You can have an ancestor who was not related to you but looked after you in life and continues to do so in death. They may have been a relative in the past life or so.
The other thing that has to be considered is that it depends upon what you mean by rotten. Sometimes we have people in our life who are hard on us but they needed to be to help us to become who we are today.
And, finally just because someone is deceased does not mean that you have to honor them. Honoring from a Kemetic perspective refers to honoring spirits that will empowering.
Hope that helps.
PS. Check out the post Honoring the Ancestors the Kemetic Shaman Way.
Very good post brother! Glad to see you back as well. Yeah I grew up admiring DuBois. They taught us in school that he was a great leader for black people. Of course as I got older I did my own research and found out more about him. There’s an obvious reason they taught us that he was great but barely mentioned Garvey. It’s because Garvey wanted us to be independent and do for self. While DuBois was a part of the white created Boule. DuBois purposely mislead black people so we could stay under the foot of white supremacy. He also called Garvey a clown,buffoon and ugly monkey. This is well documented.
Garvey in order to redeem a people who were victims of this heinous crime their minds and thinking had to be reformed—African symbolism, literature, African Tradition, African religion, African culture, etc., this type of nationalism was more than necessary to inspire and empower a people who had lost everything. Garvey knew and understood that white supremacy had evolved based on a misconstrued interpretation of history, which was falsely rooted in the superiority of white people and the inferiority of African people. His mission was designed to decolonize the minds of black people; this plank was essential for people who had experienced a holocaust to make an attempt reclaim their own heritage, traditions, legacy, culture, etc., in order to foster a disperse nation towards personal empowerment and nationhood. His mission was to deconstruct the images that were given to us under a system of white supremacy. Garvey also understood that every sovereign and independent nation had a flag and he gave us the red, black and green: the Red (signifies the blood of the people), Black (represents African people) and the Green represented the land. I have a huge African liberation flag in my home.
Many of the Black bourgeoisie establishment leaders became increasingly jealous of Marcus Garvey’s success in which eight of the top black leaders at that time sided with the United States Government plot to destroy Garvey and his Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Dubois spearheaded this attack and he constantly made some disparaging remarks calling Garvey a buffoon, ugly monkey, clown, idiot, etc., these reactionary black leaders were jealous and envy of Garvey’s organizational success and Dubois did whatever he could to sabotage Garvey. Garvey had a very large appeal to the grassroots and masses (attracting Blacks in the Caribbean, Central and South America, Africa in which he established UNIA chapters throughout the world and at the peak of his organization he had the largest black membership of any organization consisting of five million people. Many of these black bourgeoisie leaders were members of the Boule (Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity) founded in 1904 as oldest Black Greek Society in the United States (it was founded two years before Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated in 1906) modeled somewhat after Skull Bones founded on the campus of Yale University.
The Black Boule is perhaps the most powerful black secret society in America possessing much more political clout than the Black Prince Hall Masonic Order, but lets not be confused these two groups are intertwined on many different levels. Dubois who was one of founders of the Niagara Movement (1903) which became the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (1909), but these groups could not mobilize black people like Garvey and UNIA. Also, Dubois vacillated between Socialism/Communism, Nationalism, Pan Africanism, Integration, and scholarly intellectualism. Dubois believed the way to elevate the African American race was sending 10% of the best of our minds to liberal arts colleges and universities, he referred to this approach as the Talented Tenth Theory, but most of his critics viewed this approach as an Elitist movement and this would only create a petit bourgeoisie black class of reactionary uppity Negroes. Dr. E. Franklin Frazier in his book titled, “Black Bourgeoisie” wrote about this sector and Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950), (defined the circumference and diameter of the thinking of this class in his book titled, “The Mis-Education of the Negro”). Garvey was more in line with Woodson’s scholarly assessment who was the second black to obtain a Ph.D in history from Harvard University and wrote articles for Garvey’s periodical titled, “The Negro World”.
But you are correct that DuBois changed during the end. I believe he was buried in Africa too. But all those years he fought against Garvey until realizing later that white folks wont change. He wasted all those years when he could’ve been fighting alongside Garvey to end white supremacy. That’s a damn shame!
Man Kushite! Thanks for sharing that with me. I really appreciate that but on another note. I don’t think it was a waste that DuBois did all of that. He represents those of us who feel sympathetic towards the enemy. He had to do it in order for us to see that white supremacy is a system and ppl are not going to change no matter how much they disagree with what is going on. This way we don’t waste our time trying to do the same thing. We can say to people who are invested in this system, “DuBois did that and it did not work. I am not sure if you watched that video of Dr. Umar and Roland Martin, but I do not agree with everything that Umar says. However, I do believe that this is what he should told those panelist.
Anyway, seriously. Thanks again for sharing. It is always good to hear your perspective.
Yes I know some people probably feel that way. It’s like learning from your mistakes. I just wish black people would do more research and realize there are people purposely working against us. Yes I saw the entire Umar interview with Roland Martin. Umar put those fools in check!lol loved it! Martin couldn’t catch Umar slipping so he had to bring in his back up. It was basically four against one…and Umar still beat them! It was an ambush but it didn’t work. It was classic!
I must agree. I just wish that Umar could deliver his message without coming unglued. Malcolm in my opinion was the best debater we ever had. He was cool, collected and did not ever debate someone without a plan.
I do not like when ppl use the term coon, uncle tom, etc. b/c when it is not used in context. It becomes a tool of divisiveness. We have kids today calling kids who do good in math and science coons. WTF? I mean you are called a coon b/c you are smart? Where do we draw the line? This revolution is not going to be won through physical arms. It has to be won first with the mind.
What do you think?
Yes I know what you mean. I’m guilty of using terms like coons and buffoons. But I think people who are purposely hurting our people should be called out. I don’t think people are using these terms in the proper context. Getting good grades,excelling in math and science does not make a child a coon or sellout. Black people don’t all have to like rap music or soul music to be considered black. We can have differing tastes in things. But people who are agents and puppets for our oppressors are sellouts in my opinion. Agents are the people that got MLK and Malcolm killed. And got Garvey deported. So if we say we love our leaders that stood up for us….we have to have enough courage to call out those that caused their downfall. Otherwise we do a disservice to our ancestors. Black children must be taught that being smart in math,science and technology is not a “white thing”. We mastered these things long before Europeans ever did. So they must know those are “black things”. Also Umar got upset at that guy because he called Umar a liar. And no one likes to be called a liar. That’s why he called him a coon. But I also feel that Umar was feeling upset because it was 4 against 1. The odds were against him and so he was getting frustrated. He happens to the best of us. Maybe he could’ve used better words. Also Martin said on is show no one can use the terms coons,sellout,Uncle Tom and n*gga. That’s cool he has that right. After all it’s his show. But I do find it a bit odd that he doesn’t allow those terms YET his guests would probably fit in a few of those categories. He didn’t want his guests to feel insulted. But he had no problem when the man called Umar a liar. Martine seemed cool with that. Sometimes people have to open their mind and see when someone has a clear objective.
LOL. I am glad you said that. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t say that the lady and the young republican kid weren’t cooning cuz they were in every sense of the word. I just think that that language turns people off and we end up winning the battle but not the war. Umar is trying to get funding for his project. If he got 700K from those who are not coons, where is he going to get the rest of the money?
We got to fight smarter. I don’t know about you but I am tired of this f***ing system and I am tired of us being on the bottom. I want us to have our own. I am like UMI, “I just want BP to be FREE”
Ya know?
Believe ,e I know exactly what you mean. I get really frustrated too. I think we’ve all ben there. It’s why I do what I do. The struggle continues……