Why We Do It? Is Spiritual Living Really Worth It?

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
Family. Let me get real with you for a minute. Sometimes being spiritually minded is a pain in the a**.
You see, when we were in the church most of us taught to do the right thing because it guarantees you a place in heaven and prevents you from going to hell.  But, now that we have gotten older, more spiritually mature.  And, we realize the Divine does not reward or punish us because Nebercher – the Lord of Everything – our Perfect Creator –  is not biased or prejudice but truly objective and does not directly get involved in human affairs. Many of us lose sight as to why we are practicing being spiritual. In other words, we have no real goal or reason to be spiritually anymore.

What makes spiritual living even more gruesome and wish you had taken the blue pill like Cipher in the film the Matrix, is when you understand.  That part of the human spirit is subconscious, which means it controls all of our actions and behaviors that it indiscriminately learned from others – both right and wrong. Indiscriminately means that like a child, our subconscious solves problems by motivating us to do what Easy and what we feel, not necessarily what is Right. Therefore, most of the problems we have in our life begin in our head because we did not learn the unbiased, impersonal, or Right Way to solve our problems.

It all comes to head if you have a nagging wife that does not understand that the quickest way to drive a man away is to nag at him by focusing on petty faults and errors. Instead of being considerate, appreciative and giving praise about the wonderful qualities that both the husband and wife have.
Or, it all comes to a head when a brooding husband does not understand that psychologically speaking he commits adultery.  If he gives attention to destructive and negative thoughts, which can easily result in sharp and harsh remarks, anger, resentment and hostility. Instead of love, appreciation and honor.
Yes, all of this spiritual stuff comes to head when you are at your workplace and you feel that you are being taken advantage of by a jealous and self-entitled coworker who does more complaining than work.

And, the list of problems goes on…
These are all challenging situations that make us question why are we trying to be spiritual and what’s the purpose of it anyway.
Don’t throw in the towel. The reward or the reason we are here practicing spirituality is for spiritual power. This spiritual power comes from the Amun Ra moment, which is why it is important to ignore the feelings that motivate you to do the Easy thing, and instead do what is Right.


No, doing what is Right is not always going to be easy but the more you do it. The stronger you become. This is not pie-in-sky religious babble. This is where the real power comes from, which is the reason “they” do not want you to seriously practice Kemetic spirituality.
It is important to understand that spiritual living is not like religious living. In religious living, when you have a problem or a person annoying the crap out of you. You are taught to pray to have them removed from your life or pray that God can rescue you from this annoying person. But, in spiritual living, you invoke the Power of God so that the annoying individual will change.

Does this mean that you are supposed to take everyone’s crap and just let people walk all over you? The truth is that there is no definite answer to this question. For some people they can be like Dr. Martin L. King Jr. because they have a high tolerance level but for others they have short tolerance level. Before you judge who is right or wrong in regards to their tolerance level, think of how tolerant our Creator is towards us.
In fact, think of how patient, understanding, loving, etc. our Creator is towards us. Do you think that our Perfect Creator doesn’t want to just descend to the planet and smack us and say, “You are GOD! Stop acting like a FOOL!”?

But, why doesn’t our Nebertcher do it? Because how else would we learn.


Feel free to share anywhere but please credit authorship to Derric Moore and provide a link back to this article. 

 Copyright 2017

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