Why They Don't Want You To Remember You Are A God/Goddess?

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family
I hope that you are all doing well upon reading this post but this is something I have been struggling with for a while.  And, I thought it would be a great time to discuss it as we come to another end of another Black History Month.
So, let me begin by saying that I am grateful for all of the contributions that were made by our historical ancestors such as Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and the list goes on, but question. Why does Black History begin with our ancestors as captives in this country?
I mean, it is a known fact that majority of our African ancestors who were abducted, kidnapped, enslaved and brought to North America were from Central and West Africa. So, why don’t “they” start Black History stories by stating that Europeans abducted, kidnapped and enslaved people from the Kongo Kingdom, Akan Kingdom, the Kingdom of Benin, the Wagadu (Kingdom of Ghana) and so on?
Again, I am grateful for the inventions made by Garret Morgan, Charles Drew, George Washington Carver, etc. but why don’t “they” state in the beginning that “they” abducted, kidnapped and enslaved scientists, engineers, artists, musicians, inventors, doctors, priests and priestesses, etc.? Instead of alluding that these Garret Morgan, Charles Drew, George Washington Carver, and many others were an exception to the rule?

Courtesy of: https://decider.com/2019/02/13/kevin-harts-guide-to-black-history-netflix-stream-it-or-skip-it/

I mean, I tried watching Kevin Hart’s Guide to Black History twice and I simply had to turn it off because it was not a guide but it was the same black history propaganda that you find in most history books.  Please note, I am not knocking the special but simply stating that this is not our purpose.
So, it made me ask why they do not want to talk about real Black History, and the answer that came back is because a lot of people simply do not want to know.
It is easier to accept that Black History began in this country as a slave because to admit that it doesn’t would mean that we were tribal Africans, which in the minds of a lot of people conjures up stereotypical images of black people dancing around fire. In other words, it is easier to accept that Black History began with our ancestors beings slaves because folks don’t want to be African.
And, I get it. It makes sense. Who wants to admit to being an African who lived in a mud hut back then? Who wants to claim that they descended from a people that simply warred and sold their own into slavery? Who wants to align themselves with a “people” who had gold practically falling out of the sky, yet they walked around not valuing it but instead would fight over trinkets? Who wants to align themselves with a people that simply stick pins in dolls and focus more on revenge then on spiritual development? No one does. At least not anyone who is in their right mind.
But, why admit that Black History began before slavery? Because it ties us back to Africa by indicating that our ancestors were members of a tribal nation, who are the descendants of the people that migrated to Central and West Africa from Kemet (Ancient Egypt), initially out of Kush (Ancient Nubia/Ethiopia).
Courtesy of: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/01/18/sudan-pyramids/

In other words, the reason “they” always start Black History when our recent ancestors were enslaved is to make us forget how old we are and thereby forget our true identity as Gods and Goddesses.
Do you know that the only reason Garret Morgan, Charles Drew, George Washington Carver, and many others were able to advance is because they were given a chance? Please note, I am not trying to take anything away from them and I am not claiming that they did not have any struggles that they had to overcome because I know they did, but think about this.  What would happen if we were all given equal and equitable opportunities? What would happen if we were all given the same chance? Yes, the world would change instantly.
So, when Dr. Carter G. Woodson started Black History week, it served a purpose but now.  Black History month is simply a carrot on the stick to make us chase after the “American Dream” of being accepted as equals but we need to realize.
We are not equal.
There is no one in this world that has undergone the same experience that we have gone through. No one will ever be equal to us and why would we want to be equal to someone in the first place? To be equal means to be ordinary and to be ordinary means to be like everyone else, a follower.
So, where did we get this notion that we should be followers?
From religion.  Religion is a tool for social control and slavery began when our ancestors chose to believe that God existed outside of themselves and not within. We can blame Christianity as much as we want to but the facts are that our ancestors were prepped to be slaves before Christian and Islamic missionaries step foot on African soil.
What I am saying is that we have all been fooled into thinking that slavery was about particular period in time where our recent ancestors were forced to labor in this country and abroad. No, Family. Slavery is a system designed to make people forget who they truly are by taking away their will and desire to be free.
Family. We are Gods and Goddesses, which means all we need to do is decide that we want to do something and do it. If it works for us and helps others that is all that we need.  We don’t need anyone to validate what we do because we are the first to do it, hence the meaning of a God and Goddess. It is time to stop studying history and start invoking it. Instead of just teaching our daughters about Madame C.J. Walker, how about we start teaching our daughters how to be a Goddess like Hatshepsut?  Instead of teaching our sons about Seqenenre Dao who fought against the Hyskos?

5 thoughts on “Why They Don't Want You To Remember You Are A God/Goddess?”

  1. Very well said Kam! I watched 15 minutes of that Kevin Hart show. I couldn’t stomach it very long lol
    But I definitely agree with what you’re saying about being Gods! Thanks for this very powerful post👍🏾

      1. I’m doing okay. I had some family issues to deal with. I needed a break from social media for awhile. I think I needed to regroup. But I still post videos in YouTube every once in awhile. How you been? I hope you’ve been well.

        1. I hear you. My little one is demanding a lot of time. She is really given us a run for our money. Other than that, we’re good. Keep in touch Brah. It is only a few of us on this machine kicking out real info. Talk later.

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