Why They Discourage You From Doing Dark Energy/ Black Magick

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
Lately there has been a lot of talk about dark matter and dark energy since scientists have discovered that dark energy permeates all throughout the universe.  The interesting thing is that they have known about dark energy and dark matter for years but have recently decided to make it public that they are researching it. All one has to do is look at some of the most popular sci-fi movies that came out a while ago such as, The Fifth Element, Stargate, Thor: The Dark World and so on. In all of these films, the dark energy/matter is depicted as being extremely powerful and/or is the Enemy as in Dean Koontz Phantoms.
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Now, according to modern science, dark energy is 68.3%  of the universe and dark matter is 27% of the universe, which is not visible unlike normal matter. What this means is that our universe is composed of 95% darkness, while light only makes up 5% of the universe.
This means in regards to spirituality and magic, that since magick is the manipulation of energy, while spirituality is basically the philosophy one adapts to help them to manipulate this universal energy effectively and safely.  Then, there is no such thing as white or black, good or evil magick because what is good for one is bad for another and vice versa.  There is no such thing as good and bad or right and wrong, either from a GOD perspective because it is all about perspective.
This also means that what we call or have been conditioned to believe in regards to white and black magick is really nonsense tainted with a dash of racism.  This begs us to ask the question, what really is dark energy and black magick? How did this nonsense that everything that is good is white and everything that is evil is black get started? Well, to answer this question we must first define what good and evil is.
Evil according to the Kemetic people is imbalance, while good to the Kemetic people is balance. From a shamanistic perspective, Osar (Asar, Osiris) was murdered by his younger brother Set because he was in a state of imbalance, signified by his naivety of his enemies. In other words, Osar was “too spiritual” and his head was way up in the clouds. But, Set is also imbalanced in the sense he lacks order, structure and it is “too physical.”  Balance comes about through Osar’s heir Hru as symbolized by the white and red Pschent crown that Hru wears, but Hru did not become good overnight. He had to fight for that balance and continue to fight to maintain it.
To see this perspective, we must remember that on the Maa Aankh, Osar is the personification of our Superconscious which is the creative and intuitive part of our being, while Set is the personification of our subconscious, which is the habitual part of our being.  This means that Osar represents the extraordinary and Set represents the norm.  Said another way, Osar symbolizes that which is different and free flowing, while Set symbolizes everything that is ordinary and in the norm.  From an energy perspective we could say that KAMTA represents the divine feminine and TASETT the divine masculine, but as I mentioned. Both of these energies were seen as being destructive in the eyes of the Kemetic people because they were not balanced. One was like hot water to the extreme, while the other was cold water to the extreme, hence Hru symbolizes the balance between the two forces or energies.
Maa Aankh with Utchat
This means in a western Christian dominated society, anything that was free flowing, out of the norm or different was and is considered evil.  Here’s another fact to chew on. Have you noticed that no matter how scientifically sound you are – meaning most of us who are on an alternative spiritual path can explain our tradition using modern science, yet we are demonized?  Does it make sense now?
Now, I am sure you are asking, “What does this have to do with magick/spirituality?” Well, everything because if you are trying to manifest a change in your life doing magick/spirituality. You are not going to get very far because of this social conditioning. Subconsciously you are going to be held back because your Set does not want you to be ostracized and seen as being different. Your Set will discourage you doing anything that is considered too extreme or too different, but the only way to advance is to step out of your comfort zone and trust your intuition, which is really what the Darkside is all about.
If you have followed my blog posts and books, you know that I was introduced to the Kemetic path by my Spirits who spoke to me when I was at a very low point. This was my first jolt away from the norm.  Since I was raised as a Christian by very devout Christian parents, I was taught not to believe in Spirits, so for the next ten or so years, I spent a lot of time deprogramming my mind and cleansing myself of useless doctrines and unproven theories that were not going to assist me in this incarnation.
Along the way, as I embraced the Kemetic philosophy and what some would call the Kemetic theology.  I encountered a number of spiritual practitioners who assisted me along the way such as Ms. Smith a Root worker, Ms. B. a Yaya (priestess) in the Palo Mayombe religion, Iya the Oshun priestess who told me that I was called to be a shaman, and Papa the little old Black Cuban man who finalized my spiritual education before I made my final descent to meet my Spirits face-to-face.
My final jolt came when I became deathly ill.  That’s when I met my Spirits whom I learned never abandoned me as a child but were ignored because I had been social conditioning to only trust and believe in what I could physically see.
The society we live in is Setian in the sense that it is not holistic and does not encourage spirituality. We have all been conditioned to accept what we physically see as a reality.  This is why many people missed the clever Kemetic puns and allegories such as the Kemetic people telling us that they were Dark Energy people. Their entire culture focused on the practical use of Dark Energy but because we live in superficial society. We only focused on the idea that the Kemetic people called themselves Kemetic because of the fertile black soil due to the inundation of the Nile.   Thankfully things are shifting and we see now that KMT or Kemet are all code words for Dark Energy, hence KAMTA.
Understand, dark energy and dark matter cannot be seen and it ties right back to KAMTA and the understanding why it is called the Black Land (matter), yet it corresponds to the hidden part of our being, which is our Superconscious personified as Osar. While TASETT symbolizes the subconscious mind, which is the known and habitual part of our being that can be seen in the light personified as Set.
I know some will disagree but proof can be seen in the fact that the southern region (particularly the Kushite region) was considered the home of the Kemetic peoples’ ancestors. It should be noted that the southern region of Kemet or Upper Kemet was larger than the northern region or lower Kemet, which is similar to 95/5 ratio of darkness/light in the universe.   Another important concept to keep in mind is that Osar (Asar, Osiris) according to legend was the ruler of KAMTA (the southern region), as signified by the white Djet crown.  It makes sense why Osar is also the Lord of the Underworld Amenta (the Hidden Land) and the Tuats – 12 Hours of Night) and why all of these mysterious lands are synonymous with one another.

Courtesy of: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/01/18/sudan-pyramids/

The point is that our Nilotic ancestors have been telling us for the longest time that the basis of our culture centers on understanding this potent energy that exists throughout the universe and within our being.  The Kemetic people left clues on how to use this energy because the practical use of dark energy is our ancestral heritage and culture.  For other people, it may require them to explore other cultures and peoples’ traditions, but for us, as Children of Osar.  All we need to do is do it because it is our birth right.
Osar as Lord of KAMTA (the Black Lands)

For instance, an example of working with this hidden Dark Energy was when my deceased grandmother helped me to make a bridge between the Kemetic Amun Ra tradition and Kongo Cross, which led to the discovery of the Maa Aankh. I like telling people this story because it is a reminder to me that I am not some mere mortal who descended from a flawed Adam and Eve creation, and was was born in sin.  But, I truly am from the Most High because I brought myself into being, and here lies the reason ‘they’ do not want you to work with black magick. It will awaken your consciousness and you will no longer be a slave.

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