Why Mimicking Kemet Does Not Work

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
One day when I had started this whole journey I was called to jury duty. Like most people, I tried my best to get out of it but there was no escape. I had to go, so on Tuesday I got a book and headed downtown to the courthouse. When I arrived, one of the bailiffs told everyone who was waiting that we could have a seat in one or two rooms, while they went through the jury selection process.  I decided to go into the waiting room that did not have a TV, so I could read. When I went inside, there was a guy looked like he was in his mid-30s reading a book.  He looked up and saw me, and we nodded at each other and sat down I opened my book.
About 15 or 30 minutes into my book, the guy next to me noticing that the title of my book had the word Kemetic, asked what I was reading. I told him the title and he flashed the cover of his book, which was about the kabbalah system. From that moment, we started talking about the various esoteric systems, history and spiritual development.
Around noon, the baliff came in and told us that we could take a lunch but not to go too far because they are conducting jury selections. So, me and this brother went to the cafeteria and continued talking about everything we had learned. When we got to the cafeteria, he paid for my lunch so that we could continue talking. Then, as we’re eating he asked me how I was doing on my physical. By physical he meant, my money, my daily exercises, my sleep, etc.
I told him, “Well, I am okay. I can be a little better” and then he said something that changed my life. He told me that he was not 30 but actually 52 years old. He mentioned that the other day, he beat his 16 year old son in a 100 yard dash. Looking at him in total amazement, he explained how he exercised and it was HIIT (High-intensity interval training) before HIIT was ever discovered and mentioned.
Then, he asked me, “Can I be honest with you?” I told him to go ahead, and then he began to tell me some hard truths. He told me that I was working the spiritual thing properly and that my understanding in history was coming along great, but my physical was weak. He said, “If you look at the Ancient Egyptian wall carvings. You will not see overweight or malnourished Ancient Africans. They were fit people…”
Astonished by his acute observation but his wisdom still was flying over my head, I said, “Well I try to exercise and stay on top of things.”
Seeing that I was not totally grasping what he was saying he said, “No little brother. What I am saying is that the reason the Kemetic people were able to accomplish so much is because they did not have to worry about their physical.”
As soon as he finished the sentence, the light bulb came on and I said, “You’re right! The Nile River provided the Kemetic people with everything they needed to nourish themselves, which allowed them to focus on other issues like the mysteries of the universe. “
“That’s right! So, are you doing the same?”
The answer of course was no, and with that he said, “That’s where the problem lies.”
The message was simple, deep and shook me to the core because at the time I was really about mimicking the Kemetic way of life. Technically speaking, the Kemetic people never had a religion because they were attuned with Nature (NTR). They had always believed in the existence of One Supreme Being years before the heretic king Akhenaten was born and promoted his Atenism movement but even then. The people were still attuned with nature and it was this way of life that was spiritual. They learned how to trust their Higher Self, it was the Jews, Christians, Arabs and the Moors, who refused to develop themselves spiritually that gave birth to what we call today religion. Then, shortly after, the bailiff came in and told us that we were free to go because the case had been settled out of court.

I thanked him for dinner and the stimulating conversation. I exchanged phone numbers and I went my separate way. Then, it hit me that he was wearing a reddish (burgundy) sweater, I met him on Tuesday at the courthouse and all of this occurred around 12 Noon.  There were all signs that I was talking to an incarnation of Kemetic warrior spirit Hru Aakhuti. In other words, Hru Aakhuti was monitoring my progress and decided to pay me a visit by giving me some advice on things that I should be doing.
I remember that I was sort of weirded out when I realized this but then I remembered that there were numerous biblical stories of how angels appeared, but I never experienced this until I stopped being religious.
The funny thing is that when I called this guy a few days later, he seriously acted as if he did not know me. However, the message he told me stayed with me to this day. It is because of what he said, I believe that the reason it so difficult to come up with new ideas and solutions. Is because many of us are in survival mode, which the Kemetic people in general never faced. To add to this dilemma, the reason many of us are in survival mode is because of post slavery conditionings. This is the reason I could no longer mimic what the Kemetic people because they don’t know my struggle.
For the record, please understand that I am not religious bashing.  I know there are numerous paths that have led us to be at this point, but we have to see the facts for what they are. We have to accept the fact that none of the religions that we have subscribed to have improve our lot.  They have all further divided us because they are all misinterpretations and/or perversions of our Nilotic ancestors teachings used against us.  This is the reason it is silly to mimic someone else’s interpretation of what our ancestors did.  Our ancestors worked with their ancestors and trusted their intuition, which is what we need to get back to doing.

The good news is that I found solace in knowing that they were near and had not abandoned me. I also found solace in understanding that the importance of meditation, divination and rituals, is to get us to that peaceful mind state that our Nilotic ancestors had that led them not to worry about where their food was going to come from. In other words, the concepts and principles are still applicable and with them we can change our world. What we need to understand is that the last thing we need is another religion to teach us how to be children of God. All we need to do is to listen to our higher Self and reclaim our divinity.

3 thoughts on “Why Mimicking Kemet Does Not Work”

  1. “The good news is that I found solace in knowing that they were near and had not abandoned me. I also found solace in understanding that the importance of meditation, divination and rituals, is to get us to that peaceful mind state that our Nilotic ancestors had that led them not to worry about where their food was going to come from. In other words, the concepts and principles are still applicable and with them we can change our world. What we need to understand is that the last thing we need is another religion to teach us how to be children of God. All we need to do is to listen to our higher Self and reclaim our divinity.”
    Very well said!

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