Why Is the Spiritual Path So Challenging, and How to Make It Easier

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

We are all made in the image of the Divine. Every religious text states this because but most clergymen, theologians and religious philosopher gloss over this concept, to conceal their lack of spiritual understanding. We are all conditioned to accept and believe that we are subordinate, sinned and lowly dragged creatures who are simply a few DNA strands above apes.

Image result for i did not descend from an ape
Courtesy of Planet of the Apes

As a result, we live our life like everyone else that has been programmed, by following the same daily routine.  Until one day something “miraculous” happens, which is out of the norm. Maybe, we made a wish to pass an exam and it happened, or we strongly wished for some money and got it.  It could have been we were in a dangerous situation and prayed real hard and escaped with our lives. Or, we had a love one who was miraculously healed. Whatever the case, something miraculous happened in our life and it was enough to jolt us and make us see that we have been living in a dream.

After we have been awakened from what we see is a long sleep, we decide to learn about this new reality that has been right under our noses, which everyone is calling spirituality.  So, we buy books and lately watch videos on what is spirituality, how to be more spiritual, etc. and here is where the problem begins.

Most of the books (not all) written about spirituality are actually by authors who write from a religious perspective, which is the belief that we should fear God and serve him.  And, not from a Divine perspective, which is that we are all made in the image of the Divine and therefore are gods and goddesses.  This is why if you search for anything spiritual, if you do not add a specific term like African or Kemetic spirituality, you will get a plethora of information on how to be a better Christian, Muslim or Jew.

Image result for egyptian god aan baboon

Since most of the books written about spirituality are from religious mindset authors and not Divine mindset writers. Most of the information we read about spirituality is very confusing and misleading. Aside from that, if you read books from several authors who say a similar thing.  You subconsciously assume that what these individuals are saying is the truth and anything that deviates from them is false, thus establishing a set of beliefs based upon someone else’s perception. The Kemetic people symbolize mimicking spiritual wisdom as Aan because baboons (or primates) can imitate human beings perfectly but this does not make them human beings, and therefore they are not gods and goddesses.   Spirituality is about reconnecting to the Divine so that you decide what is best for you and not believing what others believe just because they say so.

For instance, I had a crucifix (non-Jesus one) on my altar to symbolize the Kongo Cross and the Four Ras of the Maa Aankh, thus becoming a Sign of God to represent everlasting life. But, this one brother saw it, then told me that my beliefs were wrong because the crucifix was a symbol of death. I had to tell him that the crucifix predates Christianity in order to get him to check himself about my spirituality, which is personal and should not be up for debate in the first place. The thing is I knew where he was coming from because he read this from somewhere and felt that he had the right to tell me what was right or wrong for me. This is totally a religious attitude and history will show this is the same attitude that the missionaries had when they encountered the Africans, Amerindian (Native American), Polynesians, Asians, and the list goes on, but we fail to see when we perpetrate this behavior on ourselves.

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So, how do you distinguish from Divine mindset authors and religious mindset authors, who are simply writing to lead you back into a fearful, religious mindset? In fact, how do you know which spiritual path you should embark upon?

It is simple. Spirituality is about understanding that we are made in the image of the Divine and therefore, we are gods and goddesses. If you find an author or teacher who is afraid to say this, they are trying to lead you back into another religion.

As to which spiritual path you should walk, all of the spiritual paths are the same with the same focus, which is to unite you back with the Divine. They only appear different because they have different methods of how to achieve this unification. For instance, yoga focuses on this unification through physical postures, while reiki focuses on this unification through auric healing and most magicks rely on this unification to achieve specific goals, etc.

Spirituality is not supposed to be hard and it is not supposed to be boring. Understand.  Individuals from a religious perspective who believe that God or some other force is going to punish them for not serving them correctly, believe that spirituality should be difficult. They believe that being spiritual means sitting all day Sunday and listening to someone preach or humbling yourself on your knees and proclaiming that you are not worthy. This is not spirituality. This is being religious.

Thoth (Djahuti, Tehuti) 12"
Spirituality is supposed to be fun because it is mystical, magickal and powerful, which is why Djahuti (Tehuti, Thoth) is said to be the master of these arts. It also explains the reason why Set tried to avoid Djahuti at all cost, similiar to how people are discouraged from learning about magick today.  In fact, spirituality for some people is an escape from the norm to the extraordinary.

So, remember that if you are on a spiritual path, the objective is to become a god man or god woman. If this is not stressed on a regular basis, you may need to check to see what path you are on.


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