For the record, I call you Family because it does not matter what you believe or where you come from, I consider you to be Family created from the same Spirit. I love you and want to see us all rise up. I am a child of Kemetic spirituality and we are taught that even our foes are still family. We are also taught that even when our family acts and behaves against us, like Set did it is out of ignorance, but they are still family. This does not mean that we are supposed to be subjugated or oppressed by them because we have a right to defend ourselves, but we must not forget that they are family.
That being said, I want to talk about something that has really been on my mind because times are changing and there are people saying that Africans enslaved Africans. What we must understand before we begin this discussions is that we cannot see the ancient world using our Western trained eyes. Just because a person has black or brown skin does not mean they were of the same tribe or clan, and this was certainly the case with the Moors.
Now, I am not going to turn this into bashing but just explain my point from a shamanic spiritual perspective.
So, let’s begin.
The Kemetic people as you know are the descendants of the Kushitic people (Ancient Nubia). Archaeological and historical research reveals that the indigenous Kemetic people actually migrated northwards towards the Mediterranean Sea from the Kush region. So, Kemet is the daughter of Kush but when Kemet finally fell after several invasions and political upheaval. It was the Moors who basically became the stewards of the Kemetic teachings.
Who were the Moors? The Moors were basically a term that was applied to Arabs, European and the North Africans who had converted to Islam, hence blackamoor.
The Moors, became stewards of the Kemetic teachings and were responsible for introducing the maths, sciences, etc. to Europe. Yes, they taught how to navigate using the stars, etc.
It is important to understand that discrimination in ancient times had nothing to do with race but tribal differences. Although we say Kemet and the Kemetic people, as if it was one nation of people. The Kemetic people consisted of numerous tribal clans, which is the reason we find traces of the Kemetic tradition scattered all over the Sub-Sahara. So, when we put things in perspective, what made Kemet great is that it was a very diverse African society consisting of numerous tribes united for a common cause. Imagine that. Several groups of people specializing in specific skills and talents voluntarily coming together to make their nation great.
If this sounds strangely and eerily familiar, it is because this is the template that the ousted Europeans used to create America, with the difference being. That instead of the various groups voluntarily coming together they were forced. This is the reason Europeans studied the Kemetic people to an exact science and where did they get this idea from? It was from the Moors.
Understand that the reason we find documents and images of the Moors participating in the enslavement of Africans is because the Moors following Islamic belief and wanting to be included in the New World dominating scheme saw other Africans as non-Muslims, which translates to mean not part of my tribe. For the record, the Moors also enslaved fellow Arabs and Europeans.
So, were the Moors in cahoots with Europeans? It was because of money. It funded their Islamic cause. This all means that once again, the most divisive tool used against us was once again, religion. Let me explain.
Western society is built upon ideology. They come together based upon beliefs like the belief that “all people are free”, that “all people are Children of God”, or that “all men are created equal.” Again, notice that I said belief, which means that it is subject to individual interpretation, and not knowing. This erroneous belief sets-up the idea of Divine Right to rule others. In other words, the reason you are able to oppress others is because allegedly God favors you, your cause, etc., hence privilege. I hope you see where I am going with this because this is what I call New World belief.
Traditional African societies like the Kemetic and other indigenous societies that followed afterward, are based upon the knowing that we are all Children of God. This means that regardless of what you believe or do, you are still a child of God and respected as such. This perspective obliterates the whole Divine Right and puts everyone on equal footing. This is basically is what we can refer to as an Old-World belief.
So, imagine if there were two guys fighting and each of them represented the perspective thoughts. The guy from the New World thought would believe that God fights for him, while the guy with the Old-World belief would just believe in himself. New World thought focuses on world conquest.
Think about it. If the Moors had knowledge of the Americas prior to Christopher Columbus, then why did Europeans call the Americas the New World? It is obvious that it was because the Christians and Moors saw it as an opportunity to create an Egyptian-like society based upon oppressing others.
From a spiritual perspective the New World thinkers are the Moors and the Christians who worked together to destroy the Old-World thinkers or non-Muslims and non-Christians.
The facts reveal that the Moors worked with the Europeans and Arabs to enslave other Africans because they did not see themselves as Africans. They saw Africans as non-Muslims, just like the Arabs and later the Christians who saw the Africans as non-Christians, which meant according to biblical and koranic law, the Africans were uncivilized and had to forcefully be converted to Christianity and/or Islam.
So, correction, Africans did not sell each other into slavery. It was the Africans who converted to Islam and later Christianity that sold Africans into slavery.
They all participated in the enslavement in order to stamp out Old World thinkers.
This popular dish still eaten in Cuba today called Moros con Cristianos (Moors and Christians) commemorates the partnership between the two groups to eradicate the Old World thinkers. The black beans were not meant to symbolize black people but the Moors. Racism based upon skin color did not evolve until later.
The Europeans from the beginning saw all of the Africans as slaves based upon their skin color. They did not care if they were Muslim or not. They simply took advantage of the Moor’s self-hatred and eventually got rid of them as a middleman (the Moors).
The maiming and mistreatment of African people was perpetrated by Moors, Christians and Muslims because they represented the Old World views and were seen as less than human or “uncivilized.” It should now become clear why the terrorizing of descendants of Africans continues to this day by the same groups.
This is the reason the great historian John H. Clarke did not favor the Moors or Muslims and believed that the Moors, Muslims and Christians would direct us back into a form of slavery.
Why Kemet?
When the Portuguese stepped foot in the Kongo-Angolan region and began teaching Christianity. There was a group of Kongolese who wanted to maintain their Kongo tradition and continue to express their spiritual beliefs from their cultural perspective. Europeans interpreted the syncretistic attitude of the Kongo people as a refusal to convert to Christianity. This is cultural misunderstanding is how African spirits like Lubaniba and Eshu became associated with the devil when there is no devil in African thinking. Here we see the first sign of Eurocentrism.
Since these Africans were seen as refusing to convert to Christianity wholeheartedly, the Spanish called them judios (pronounced in Spanish as hoo-dy-oh). Today, in Cuba there is a Kongo based religion called Las Reglas de Palo or Palo for short, where there are some followers who are called Palo Judio (Jewish Palo) because they do not include any catholic imagery in their tradition.
One of the traditions that closely resembles the Palo religion (note resembles is not the same) is African American hoodoo. It is a documented fact that although the hoodoo tradition is a conglomerate of African beliefs and practices combined with Native American and European influence, the core is Kongo-Angolan base. This is the reason it is believed that the term hoodoo is a corruption of the Spanish term Judio, referring to the fact that those who practiced the tradition refused to convert to Christianity like the Jews in biblical times, hence Old World versus New World. Keep in mind that African Americans themselves, until recently, never used the word hoodoo to describe their tradition, which means that the word is not of African origin. Just like the Palo Judio is not an African term but one initially meant to demonize the Old-World believers and thus justify their mistreatment. This would also explain the reason hoodoo was deemed evil and defined as a Negro superstitious, cursing tradition.
Not only that, there were other indigenous African societies that existed throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, which means that the true stewards of the Kemetic culture are the indigenous Africans known as the BaKongo, Yoruba, Fon, Akan and so on. Let me say it again, the true descendants of the Kemetic people were scattered throughout Sub-Sahara Africa are the stewards of the Kemetic teachings. The problem is that many people are ashamed of those traditional African beliefs and ideas. To this day, people love to talk about how the Haitians defeated the French, Spanish and Americans but refuse to mention that it was through Vodou. Some people love to talk about the Kemetic people but refuse to mention that the Kemetic people had ushabti (a Kemetic version of an nkisi) and practiced all forms of magic that can be found throughout Sub-Sahara Africa and the rest of the Afro-Diaspora.
When we understand this from a spiritual perspective we see that Old World thinkers were beating the New World thinkers because they had an in depth understanding of the mind. The Kemetic people and their descendants put it that work to develop themselves but the New World thinkers did not. What Old World thinkers did is what people call voodoo, which is really the science of the Spirit.
Once again, if we study Kemetic lore from a metaphysical and metaphorical perspective we find that the Kemetic people prophesized this and allegorized it in the Story of Osar. Osar metaphorically speaking represents the Old-World ways and Set the New World.
In the Kemetic tradition, Set is not evil per se but does evil things because he also represents a new way of thinking. Osar symbolizes old traditions but also outdated traditions that have fallen. Hru represents the best of the old and the new. Set was a powerful war spirit but when unchecked went haywire.
So, why Kemetic spirituality?
Kemet was the greatest and longest standing African civilization. Although we cannot imitate and mimic the Kemetic tradition perfectly, the concepts and principles that the Kemetic people laid down in stone, are relevant then as they are relevant now. When these concepts and principles are applied with love, understanding and a true appreciation for the African spirit. They are empowering, which is why when I step before my het (spiritual altar) and see my nine glasses dedicated to my spirits. It is a visual reminder of my history, where I come from and who is the enemy. I am reminded that what made Kemet great is that metaphorically speaking nine tribes united together to oust Set. Therefore, it is our unity that that will empower us and bring an end to the Setian systems created against us. My het is a combination of both the Old and New World thinking.
Again, the purpose of this post is not to offend but to set the record straight and help us to see that the only philosophy that has improved our life as a people, are the ones based upon the cosmology of the Divine.
Hope that helps.
Thank you for such skilled, and valuable information!
Even though this knowledge is appreciated, it is also painful.
Yes it is but it is a part of growth. The great news is that by facing our ego (Set) we are able to embrace our whole self and not the small fraction that others want us to be.
Thank you so much for all the valuable knowledge that you have shared. I truly appreciate you and am so grateful that I found your website.
Sent from my iPhone
The http://www.realhistoryww.com still works, I was just on it.
Absolutely love this post, and your blog overall. Keep writing brother.
Thanks so much. Glad to help. I really appreciate your support.
Wow…I was pondering the Moors from a spiritual perspective very recently while reading your other articles…I had questions as to why you had not mentioned them ever and then you published this article…so a big thank you for your help in clarifying and increasing my understanding…
Thanks Jahchannah. I was really fighting with my Set on this one. I had to do readings and the Spirit said this needed to be posted. This post helped me as well. So, thanks for the confirmation. Hetep
Totally agree. The misinterpretation and misinformation about African spirituality is still being spread, and it’s done consciously to destroy us as a whole.
BTW, http://www.realhistoryww.com is a great source of information, I’m always on that site looking for information.
Great post, thank you.
Thanks Autshumato. Good looking out. I had to fight my Set on posting this one. Thanks again.
Is that site still accessible? Every time I try to check it now, Google’s blocked it.
What site did google block? Could you let me know so that I can repost? Thanks.
Exceptionally written and researched post! I really like how you opened up the post with your own explanation. Blessings and Sabali (patience) to you fam. -L
Thanks lilwayneonthebrain.
Yeah, I was really fighting Set on posting this one. Thanks again. Hetep
This is why I emphatically shun ALL religions.
I once read that religion is a tool that was invented by reptilians to gather all people in one area (church) so that they can be eaten en masse.
I take all documents and gather my own conclusions based on my experiences and what the spirit leads me to believe.