Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
You know, one day I was watching a documentary I think about the San people and how for centuries, they managed to retain their culture even in these modern times. When the American visitor asked the San elder about their culture and lifestyle. The elder explain how they got their food from the land and asked the American visitor if he wanted to accompany men on a hunt. To which the visitor acknowledged and said he would.
Centuries of wisdom had taught the San men to walk in a single line as to not confuse their foot tracks. It also taught them study their surroundings, observe the animal tracks left in the arid land, the animal droppings and most importantly how to get water from the dry vegetation if they were dehydrated. Then, after days of hunting and unable to find a prey so that they could bring it back and feed their village. One of the men took out a pouch revealing an oracle. With his oracle in hand, the man asked his ancestors to give them direction so that they could successfully find an animal to feed their people. Then, the oracle was thrown and after giving praise the man gathered the pieces and they proceeded in another direction. Shortly after, they spotted their prey, which they quietly stalked and gently killed to feed their village, the American visitor and themselves.
In typical westernized fashion, the show continued talking about how the San people lived their lives as such for centuries. It completely glossed over the fact that if the one man had not used an oracle, the men’s hunt would have been unsuccessful. The divination practice was glossed over because in western thinking, divination does not exist due to the fact that it cannot be explained scientifically. (Divination can be explained, but more on that later).
The reason most westerners do not understand divination tools is because of charlatans, parlor trick readers (such as the ones shown in the TV series “Shut Eye”), television psychics, etc. This combined with overzealous preachers with poor historical and theological skills, who have put the ‘fear of God’ in the public by claiming that oracles are evil or the works of the devil. Most people are convinced that oracles are objects that foretell the future. In truth, oracles do not predict the future, they simply inform you based upon present position, past anxieties and apprehensions, the decision you will most likely make. They give you an objective response regardless if you want to hear the truth or not. The apostle Paul witnessed this first hand. Although, fundamentalist Christians are quick to point out that Paul exorcised a “demonic spirit” out of a slave girl. What they fail to mention is that the reason Paul “exorcised” the slave girl was because she possessed an oracular spirit who was annoying Paul by proclaiming truth about him (Acts 16:18).
Before proceeding, it should be noted that every culture has used oracles to speak with God within but fundamentalist Christians are quick to argue against it by reciting Leviticus 19:26, which states “Do not go to mediums or consult fortune-tellers.” However, these fundamentalists refuse to mention that the Great Jehovah allowed certain divination practices such as arrow sortilege that was randomly shaken from a case; the careful study of a sacrificed animal’s liver; prophetic dreams; the use of teraphims, the Urim and Thummim lots, which was not a casting of votes as fundamentalists proclaim. It should also be noted that these oracles were used in both the Old and New Testaments, even after the death of the Christian savior. The reason the Christian God allowed the use of oracles in the bible is because they are tools to help you to communicate with the Divine within.
For instance, if there was a supervisory opening at your job and you were qualified for the position, but might require you working late hours, working on the weekends (especially Sunday) and worst yet, you will have to supervise your office pals, which means no more goofing around as before. The oracle is going to tell you that a position has opened up and you are qualified to do it but are you emotionally and mentally mature to handle such responsibility? Do you have the discipline to do what is right versus what is easy?
Every oracle, no matter if it is a simple tool like the flip of a coin, game dice to playing cards, simply. All oracles do basically the same thing and the only difference between them is the complexity and detailed insight they give. For instance, a deck of cards is more complex and efficient then a 25 cent quarter piece because the deck of cards has more symbols (4 suits x 13 cards = 52 not including the Wilds) than the heads and tails of the quarter.
For the record, I am against seeing mediums and consulting with fortune-tellers too because you do not know if they are being genuine. In fact, the real reason westerners are often taken advantage by charlatans, parlor trick readers, television psychics, overzealous preachers and we can also include in this list dishonest leaders, televangelists, professionals (dietitians, doctors, scientists, etc.), politicians, etc. is because western culture is based upon a monetary system. This means that we trust only those who have purchased their credential over our own intuition. As a result, we look to everyone outside of our self to tell us what the best thing to do for our life is, instead of intuiting what is best for ourselves.
Why do we do this? Because most of us do not understand that the Divine is within. We do not understand that everything that exists in the Universe can be found within our being. In short, most of us do not know when God (or our ancestors, spirit guides, angels, etc.) is talking. So, when we receive hunches from our Higher Self we are not sure if it is us talking or what. When we receive symbolic instructions from our ancestors in our dreams. We ask other people to interpret them instead of learning how to interpret our dreams ourselves. We want the preacher man to tell us how to live because we respect them as being the divine mouths for God, instead of seeking the kingdom of God from within. Simply put, we are programmed to go without instead of going within. Therefore, if you are tired of being taken advantage of and placed in a vulnerable position, consider learning and using an oracle.
Now before I proceed, understand that I am not saying that there aren’t any good leaders, clergymen, professionals (dietitians, doctors, scientists, etc.), politicians, etc. but in a money based economy that is fueled by competition. Where it is impossible to know if an individual is being honest, genuine or just greedy and selfish. The oracles can help.
Oracles can help you discern if someone is being honest or not. They can also help you to see another’s intentions but most importantly. Oracles can help you to help you overcome your own shortcomings because the reason most of us cannot succeed or evolve to the next level is because we self-sabotage our progress. We could be working on a project and everything is going well but then our anxieties, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, etc. kicks in and the next thing you know…KAPUT!
Oracles can be used in other situations as well. For instance, everything in your life is going well and you meet your ideal mate whom you decide to marry. Then several years later, your spouse becomes gravely ill, lose their high paying job due to accident, or “suddenly” out of the blue tells you that they are not happy. In the Maa: A Guide to the Kamitic Way for Personal Transformation, where I briefly speak about an oracle I am fond of. There is a listing of the Seven Codes of Maa, which are very similar to the Seven Universal Laws. There we find that Code 6: Maa is Order and Not Coincidence, which means basically that accidents and other events do not “suddenly” happens. It only appears that these events and incidents suddenly occur because we cannot see with our naked eyes the invisible forces leading to event but, oracles can see and help you to see the whole universal picture.
When you use an oracle, essentially what you are doing is taking the guess work out of the equation and handing the issue you are dealing with over to your BA and sahu. In a nutshell when you do a reading your sahu brings all of your stored memories to the table, which includes your wants, desires, anxieties, fears, past experiences, etc. And, your BA brings all of your potential to the table. Your BA says, “You are not healthy, wealthy, successful, etc. now but other people with similar circumstances are so your dream is not impossible. “ Oracles give you the straight objective truth.
For instance, I remember hearing of a lady who went to a diviner to help her find a companion. According to the diviner, this lady was tired of being alone and really wanted a man but could not figure out why she was not able to attract a decent suitor. When the oracle was casted it revealed that all the lady did was go to work and return home. This was her daily routine and the oracle revealed that she was not going to find anyone by following the same routine. She had to do something different if she wanted different results in her life.
There are many types of oracles such as dreams, scrying, tea leaves reading, and bibliomancy just to name a few. It does not matter which oracle you choose to use but when you become proficient in the use of it. You will receive messages and omens using this system. For instance, the other day I was outside dumping the garbage and out of nowhere a hawk appeared and captured a little rodent. I knew right then and there, that was Hru speaking to me because Hru uses hawk totems.
Note that oracles do not tell you what to do. They simply give you a snapshot of what will happen based upon the present situation and if you make a certain decision. Therefore, to change the predicted outcome revealed by an oracle, simply change your decision.
Also, it is ideal that you get a reading, you should do so for major problems. Although, you are not going to be punished for asking for insight on buying a new outfit, a pair of shoes, etc. It is considered insulting to ask for such trivial matters. Instead, ask for insight regarding serious situations such as job loss, illness, family issues, etc.
So, as you can see, the only real reason why people discourage you from using oracles is because they want to continue taking advantage of you. This is why in this day and age, every spiritual minded individual should have at least one oracle to help them to develop their intuition because we are really going to need to use them in this upcoming year, to direct the course of events for our people.
Hope that helps.