What "They" Will Not Tell You About Being Conscious

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
There is a lot of confusion about what Kemetic spirituality is because there are a lot of people claiming to be conscious and “woke.”  But, they do not have an idea what the concept means.  A lot of these people are “playing spiritual” and are simply riding the “conscious” bandwagon because it is the “in” thing.  So, let me explain what it really means to be spiritual for the truth seeker.
We are told in this western society that the only reality that exist and is worth mentioning is the physical realm.  As a result, we are educated, taught, trained, etc. to assess, evaluate and measure everything that we encounter based upon our five physical senses. Everything and everyone we meet, we are told to judge them based upon what we see and hear. This approach to life is what is known as Cartesian logic and it is because of this approach, most of us are prone to believe only what we can see and touch.
The problem with this approach is that this western way of thinking it is limited because our universe is not just composed of a physical reality.  Every other non-western culture knows and understands this.  If you pick up a book on feng shui, the first thing the Chinese authors talk about is how the western viewpoint is warped.  If you pick up a book on Hinduism they will say the same thing because there is a spiritual reality that exists as well, which is hidden to our awareness.  The thing we have to understand is that everything that we physically see did not just come into existence.  It manifested itself out of the invisible spiritual reality.  Therefore, we truly “conscious” people believe that the invisible spiritual reality is stronger than the physical reality and this is why we believe we can change our physical environment.  If you do not understand this or know this, you are not being spiritual.
The whole idea of being spiritual is that we know that everything that physically exists is temporary and an illusion. This is why my ancestors told me that the physical realm is TASETT – the Red Lands which is a symbol of a desert because deserts have all sorts of mirages of oasis.  This means regardless of where you were born, what you have done, who your parents are, what side of the town you come from, etc. none of this defines who you are.  ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. Some of you have heard my testimony but I have to tell you so that you understand the gravity of the situation. Several years ago, my body was diagnosed with lupus. I remember when the specialist told me that it was lupus, the only thing I could think of was how my fellow Detroiter, J-Dilla, passed away from lupus complications. When I did some research on the ill-ness, I noticed that some people after being diagnosed had all sorts of complications, while others drove this ill-ness into complete remission. This made me think about my Mom and how she overcame cancer. When I asked my Mom how she beat the cancer, she told me that she basically had a talk with God and said that she had too much going on to leave. She said, “I told God, I need you to take this away” and shortly after it was gone.
What my mother did was tap into the spiritual realm and changed her physical reality, which is the same exact thing I did to improve my physical health. I did not rely upon what the doctors told me. I fixed in my mind what I wanted and made it a physical reality. Before this incident, I used to talk being spiritual but after I underwent my experience, I understood and became spiritual. You see, I had to learn the hard way that being consciousness is not about how many books you have read or how many books you got in your library.  But, when the sh*t hits the fan, none of this really matters. I know that our Ancestors are real because I talked to mine and this is how I know it is all about your MIND, which is the Creator’s greatest invention.
The funny thing is that I always have people ask if it was hard? My answer to them is yes, but they are surprised when I tell them that the hardest part was battling my lower self. You see, there were all sorts of negative and depressing ideas and thoughts that were trying to discourage my healing. I cannot even begin to tell you about all of the doubting thoughts that came to my mind and worse yet, the doubting and negative thoughts and energies that came from other people. Some of these negative energies were intentional but most were unintentional negative vibes that did not want me to recover. It was a serious battle but I managed to look pass the illusions and this is how I began to perceive the spiritual reality.  As I mentally fought these negative thoughts and energies, that is when I discovered that there is a spiritual realm for myself. Then, through my ancestors I discovered the Maa Aankh and learned that the physical realm corresponds to the subconscious part of our being, hence TASETT.
Maa Aankh
The purpose of our lower self or subconscious is to help us to physically survive by recording our personal experience in our memories. It is because of our lower self or subconscious, we do not put our hands into a fire because it reminds us that if we do we will burn ourselves. But, when the subconscious gets stuck with an idea or thought and refuses to change, that is when things become disastrous. For instance, imagine being afraid of fire after touching it.  As you could imagine, you would never cook your food, warm your house, warm yourself, etc. because of your fear that fire burns.
This perspective is totally dangerous because just like the physical realm, our subconscious is lopsided and does not see the complete view of the whole.  Our subconscious only can give us limited ideas from our personal experiences.  In other words, if you have never personally experienced something then you cannot comment on it.  We got a lot of people claiming they are spiritual gurus but all they have done is read a bunch of books.  A lot of these people do not even know what cosmologics is because if they did, they would not be worried about what the president does and giving into all of their fears. If you claim that the Supreme Being is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent then, you should know that we’re going to be Alright! All we have to do is seek a solution to our problems from within.  In other words, if an individual is truly about being spiritual, it will reflect in their life.  For the record, I have had my share of following fakes, which is why I am trying to get us to stop giving our power away and expecting people to save us.  Instead focus on saving our self!
This is the reason our Nilotic ancestors called it Set, which was later modified to Set-an and finally Satan.  Today, most of the world population is controlled by Set who gives us a lopsided view about family, relationships, money, health, education, government, religion, etc.  This is the reason there are so many contradictions that can be found in our health system. It is this same lopsided view, which is the reason all of these medications have adverse reactions and side effects. Relationship problems, such as high divorce rates and the attack on the nuclear family, are all due to this lopsided view given to us by Set, who is none other than our Ego.

Set of TASETT (from Maa Aankh 2)

Does it make sense why all of the violence we see occurring across the country in the school, public spaces, on the Internet, etc. are the ego amped up on 10. I mean have you ever seen so many people just go plum crazy and going berserk over the stupidest things? Have you ever seen so many people full of anger, rage, envy, etc.? It is all because we are all focused on one perspective or seeing the world from this lopsided view. We see only one side of the picture, which is the reason this realm is called TASETT – the Red Lands.  In the Story of Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris), this is metaphorized as Hru (Heru, Horus) battling Set and the conflict consistently ending in a stalemate because Hru’s eye was damaged.

So, we’re all living in the last days because we are controlled by our Ego, lower self or Set.  We will never find true peace, true prosperity, true happiness, etc. because no one in this lifetime has ever experienced it and since no one has any personal memories on how to get it. It is a pipe dream.  This is the reason most religious people thrive on devastation and will tell you that we are doomed.  But understand, this is only because these people are affected by Set too and can only see one of the whole picture as well.
Maa Aankh with Utchat
The truth is that we are not in the last days  and here’s where being conscious and spiritual comes into play. We all have a Higher Self and this part of our being is connected to the spiritual realm. Remember, the spiritual is more powerful than the physical, well within our being our Higher Self is more powerful than our lower self. In other words, our Higher Self, which the Kemetic ancestors called Osar trumps Set, but Osar cannot do it alone.

You must consciously and willingly call upon your Higher Self or Osar and when you do your Osar will intervene. This can be accomplished through divination, meditation and rituals. When you perform divination, meditation and rituals, you get to see the other side of reality. You see that things do not just happen. Accidents don’t just occur. Life is not full coincidences. These are all silly things that people say because they have a lopsided view influenced by Set.  If you saw the whole picture, the whole scheme of things, you will know that our world is governed by Cause and Effects. Whenever we see something “suddenly” happen, we are only seeing the Effect and not the Cause.
Divination, meditation and rituals can help you navigate through life. There is no need for Black Lives Matter or to protest when you see the whole picture because when you  inject your Osar into the situation, you can hit the enemy where it hurts. But, as long as we continue to use this lopsided view to solve a lopsided problem, we will continue to get these same half-ass results, like Hru did when he fought Set.

3 thoughts on “What "They" Will Not Tell You About Being Conscious”

  1. Hetepu Family.
    I have been blessed by my Ancestors to have read this information. I have been studying my heritage (Ancient Egyptian History), for some time now and have definitely been enjoying my transformation. Thank you for this electrifying post, for reading this has confirmed alot of what I’ve seen and felt from others based on this new awakening experience. I believe we are living in the age of Aquarius and I take my enlightenment very seriously. Unfortunately, I see for some, it is only a fad. Thank you for sharing, for I choose to pass the knowledge on.

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