Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family
The other day, I saw a person wearing this shirt that said “Get Your Jesus On” and it made me think. Have you ever noticed that when you attend church on Sunday. You feel elated, happy, overjoyed and ‘sanctified’ while you are in service, but as soon as you leave church you lose your Holy Ghost?
What ‘they” do not want you to know is that the reason this occurs is because the human mind-spirit is composed of three parts, which many within the church call the flesh, the soul and the spirit.
If you talk to any preacher, they will tell you that the flesh is the weakest part of the human being. It is the part that the devil persuades to do his evil bidding, and most people will by default live in sin because of the flesh. Preachers will also tell you that you the ways of sin lead to a horrible death, which is why the only way to escape sin is to be saved.
How do you get saved?
It is by repenting, being baptized (depending upon the denomination) and giving your life to Jesus. After you have done this everything is supposed to get better right? But, it doesn’t and that’s when ‘they’ will tell you that you have to go to church on a regular basis and immerse yourself in the “Word of God.” If you don’t do this, the devil will ride you and coax you into backsliding (leaving the church or having a loss of faith).
Well, now that we are adults, let’s have a grown up conversation about salvation without all of the superstition. First, the flesh part of our being is what psychologists refer to as the subconscious. This is the part of our being that function on autopilot based our emotional instincts and everything that we have learned and memorized both good and bad…starting from birth. The subconscious does not distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad because our Perfect Creator did not designed it with the ability to reason. For this reason, the subconscious part of our being is called the sahu because it is in the habit of doing what it has learned (or hiding a ritual subconscious issue) and memorized from birth. It is stubborn and does not like to change.
The soul, which is psychologically speaking called the conscious mind, is the part of our being that the Creator designed with the ability to reason, as well as make choices and decisions. For this reason, it is called the spiritual heart or Ab, hence the saying, “a man/woman follows what’s in their heart.”
However, problems arise because the Ab (our soul/conscious) only has the power to make decisions and to reason. It does not have complete control over the sahu (the subconscious or flesh). For instance,
What this means is that the idea that we are born in sin is simply a metaphor referring to the fact that we are all slaves to our sahu (subconscious/flesh). It is not because of Adam, but actually the Kemetic Atum or actually atom (the smallest component of matter). In other words, everything that physically exists is intricately connected to the sahu part of the being, which remember governs our emotional instincts and stores everything we have learned, memories both good and bad. Early Christian writers borrowed this concept from the Kemetic mystery systems but that’s another story.
The point is that we are not born in sin because of the mistakes of a biblical character. We engage in sinful behavior because our sahu (subconscious/flesh) has not learned the correct way and is simply in the habit of doing things the wrong way. For instance, if you grew up in a household where your parents argued, bickered and eventually the marriage was dissolved in a divorce. More than likely, your sahu (subconscious/flesh) stored that entire event in an area marked “Relationships,” so when you get into a relationship. When you begin to have issues with your significant other, you more than likely are going to do what your parents did because this event made a strong impression upon your sahu.
And guess what? It doesn’t matter if you say you are not going to do it or not because the sahu does not respond to reason. The Ab (conscious/soul) responds to reason not the sahu, which acts out of habit. This means that even if you are aware that your actions and behaviors are destructive habits leading to your demise, you cannot change the present course. This is like seeing yourself racing towards a stone wall and you cannot stop yourself from hitting it. This is what a living hell means.
Fortunately, salvation comes by connecting to the spirit. The spirit is the Superconscious part of our being also known as the Higher Self. This is the source of all our intuition and creative ideas. It is known as the deep mind because it lies beyond the subconscious ad for this reason it is called the Ba part of our being. In fact, if you Google the writings of famous inventors, writers and artists, they will all talk about how they got their life-changing ideas from this part of their mind, which has been called the Universal Mind, the Collected Unconscious, even God, the Holy Ghost and yes Jesus. The reason you are told to repent is because in order for the Superconsicous to kick in, you have to surrender to it. Remember, the old songs about inviting God/Jesus into your heart? These were all metaphors because the Superconscious does not intercede unless called upon to do so.
Yes. The devil is allegorized as your sahu (flesh/subconscious), while Jesus (the Lord, God and the Holy Ghost) are all metaphors symbolizing your Ba (spirit/Superconscious).
So, the reason you lose your Holy Ghost when you leave church is because you are in the habit of following your devil (sahu/subconscious/flesh) and not your Jesus (or Holy Ghost/ Ba/spirit/Superconscious). Now that you understand the nature of the sahu (subconscious/flesh/devil), it should now make sense why so many people go to church to be entertained. A lot of people in denial will claim it is tradition, but you can clearly see that it is a habit.
I know it is hard to believe and that’s because your devil (sahu/subconscious/flesh) does not want you to. Remember, it is in the habit of doing what it has learned and memorized from birth and does not like change.
The good news is that as sooner you accept it, the faster you will be empowered from Jesus (or Holy Ghost/ Ba/spirit/Superconscious). When we reconnect to this Higher part of our being, this is what makes us act and behave in a divine manner.
This is the basis of all religions but the reason most people have been deluded because they were duped by their pastors who were duped by clergymen, theologians and priests that can be traced all the way back to a group of men who did not understand the nature of the divinity of the human being and wanted to use religion as a means of social control (the Council of Nicaea). This is the reason so many clergymen have been found guilty of committing heinous crimes because they do not know how to submit to their Jesus (or Holy Ghost/ Ba/spirit/Superconscious) either.
Thankfully, the ancient Kemetic sages knowing that human beings are habitual by nature, left stone carvings detailing the first religion, so that we would not forget who we are and our reminded. To follow our Osar (Jesus/ Holy Ghost/ Ba/spirit/Superconscious), so that we can save ourselves.
I agree with your comment ‘living hell on earth.’following in your parents footsteps for some of us is truly like falling off a cliff. My parents separated when I was a child, and every time he walk out of the house, I feared he was cheating. In the book of Job it says somewhere, “what I feared has come upon me.” Great article!