What Does It Really Mean to Tap Into the Power of God?

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
You know, the other day a fellow comrade shared a video with me that featured a number of prominent actresses and singers rapping about male genitalia. I am sure many of you have seen or heard about this video so there is no need to give it more energy than it deserves. The thing was that my friend (as a number of people I saw in the comment section) were pretty shocked.  When I asked my Brah why he was so upset that some of the ladies were in the video. He told me because he really respected some of the ladies in the video because he thought they were “conscious” and would not humiliate themselves by stooping to such a level.  This prompted us to have a really deep conversation because this is one of the misnomers that people have about consciousness.
Consciousness or “woke” means that you are aware or can see, but consciousness does not mean spiritual development and elevation. What’s the difference, you ask? Let me give you a real quick example.  Due to the aggressive anti-tobacco campaign, everyone (non-smokers and smokers alike) throughout the United States are aware of the dangers of cigarette smoking, hence they are “conscious” or “woke.” However, it is believed that 36.5 million people continue to smoke cigarettes because cigarette smoking is a destructive habit that is deeply lodged into peoples’ lower spirit (sahu/subconscious part of their being). The sahu part of our being is not governed by reasoning but by emotions, which is why if you ask a cigarette smoker when they started smoking and why. Most of them will tell you that it was peer pressure and risk-taking behavior. This is the reason it is so difficult for so many people to break this habit because we all do not respond to peer pressure and social conditionings in the same manner.
What does this have to do with conscious people? Simple. Just because a person is conscious or woke does not mean that they overcome their personal Set. I have met people from all walks of life who have literally floored me with the amount of knowledge they knew, like the gangster who was telling me how he knew the Ancient Egyptians were Black. However, this knowledge was not enough to make him stop abusing alcohol and smoking weed. Or, the lady with the most gorgeous dreadlocks who was all into holistic living, spirituality, doing yoga, etc. but she couldn’t have a successful relationship because she treated all men as if they were her enemy.
The point that I am making is that consciousness or woke means that you are aware or can see because you are informed.  It does not mean you are developing spiritually or spiritually evolving. This misunderstanding is due to the fact that archeologists, historians and Western pagans have told people that Djahuti (in Greek Thoth) is the Greek Hermes and Roman Mercury, but this is not correct. Hermes and Mercury are both tricksters like the Yoruba Eshu and Kemetic Npu (Anubis).  In Kemetic lore, it was not until Npu (Anubis) assisted Oset (Isis) that she was able to successfully find the body parts of Osar (Osiris) and successfully mummify him with Djahuti’s assistance. This is an allusion referring to the fact that Npu Opens the Way, as one of his praise names Ap-Uat (Opener of the Way), states.

In other words, Npu starts the ball rolling for your development. He leads you to the door that will open to your spiritual and physical freedom.   He is the one responsible for all of us becoming “woke” because he is the lord of information and the master of this Information Age, but note. With all of this information, we still cannot solve live peacefully with one another. We still cannot eradicate poverty or cease the destruction of our planet. This is a classic trickster move to get us to understand that all of the technology in the world cannot bring us peace, prosperity, perfect health, success, wealth, love, etc. because these are all ethereal.
To put it bluntly, actors, actresses, athletes, singers, musicians, etc. are not gods and goddesses.  They are entertainers paraded in front of us to be our role models but these people have Sets (personal demons) that they have to overcome. This is why I was not surprised when I saw certain actresses and singers publicly disgracing themselves because they may have been conscious but their Osar was’t alive.
The enemy knows that we all draw from the Rau (the Power of God), which is the archetypical Source of All Things. What archeologists, historians, etc. call gods and goddesses are actually guardian spirits or archetypes of the Rau that the Kemetic people called netcharu (netjaru).  Or, we can simply call them netchars.  We are all influenced by these guardian spirits or netchars but some of these netchars take a more dominant role in our life. These netchars are sometimes referred to as our personal guardians, our godheads and/or spiritual parents.  We all have spiritual parents rather we choose to believe in them or not, and this goes for celebrities as well.
So, the reason Snoop Dogg refers to himself as such, is because he is a Npumesh (child of Npu). Beyonce is Oset’s child. Kayne is Hrumesh (Hru or Horus’ child), and we can go on and on.  All you have to do is study the mythology and observe how these people act and behave. The reason I am mentioning this is because if these individuals’ Osar had been revived in their life, they would understand that many of the problems that they face corresponds to their guardian spirit or netchar. For instance, everyone has problems with self-control but this is a major problem with all of Hru’s children. Hru’s children will struggle with some form of self-control because that’s the energy that they incarnated with on to the planet. Now,  with that being said, go back and look at the things that Kayne West has done. If you are into Latin music, like I am because they actually proudly sing about the Yoruba orishas (the guardian spirits of the Yoruba tradition), you will see this self-control problem manifesting in Marc Anthony.
Understand.  The enemy knows how the guardian spirits manifest themselves but he refuses to publicly acknowledge it and will continue to delude us by saying they are gods, goddesses, deities, etc. Set does this because he does not want us to truly learn about these energies, so we can use them to overcome our personal Sets. Does it make sense why it is so Easy to sing and rap about the latest dance, drink, drug, syrup, sex position, latest craze, mysigony, etc.? Again, in the Kemetic lore Set was said to be married to Nebhet, the guardian spirit who governs entertainment, until she finally left him. So, it is great to encourage these entertainers when they act and behave in our best interest but that’s it.
Yes, encourage these celebrities to resurrect their Osar so we can all be free from this mess.  In fact, I look forward to that day when all of us free from this mental/spiritual tyranny.  First instance, could you imagine if Snoop had made a song about his divinity instead of “What’s My Name?” In fact, could you imagine what would happen if Kayne, Beyonce, or any of these entertainers had an awakened Osar how powerful their music would be? I mean seriously think how Hip Hop would have been different if the pioneers had taken their creative genius and used it as a means of empowerment.  Then, put a trademark on it so that it could be used for empowerment instead of being capitalized and monopolized by those who do not have our best interests. I mean did you know there are neo-fascist rappers? I mean just think of the stupidity in that, a group of people who hate you because of your complexion but they are going to take your music and use it to promote their hatred of you?
Again, I am not here to place blame on anyone because it is the enemy that has manipulated and tricked us all. Does it make sense why the enemy manipulates these entertainers to serving his selfish purpose for an award, a trophy, a ring, public gratification, money, etc.?
Yes, the enemy (Set) takes advantage of us all because of our ignorance of our Higher Self or Osar.
So, let’s not be deluded.  We need to see celebrities for who they are, which is ordinary people with similar if not greater struggles as us. Just because Set parades these talented individuals in front of us as false idols does not make them special. We need to return our eyes to the true glory of the Divine and replace these false idols with real models of individuals who have successfully overcome their Set.

4 thoughts on “What Does It Really Mean to Tap Into the Power of God?”

  1. Thank you, very insightful.
    I agree with your definition of conscious, it has nothing to do with spirituality.
    I was not surprised, at entertainers joining in on the latest social media challenge. Its their way of staying relevant.
    (Webster 1828 Dictionary meaning of relevant – to advance, to raise).
    Decorum and basic morals are fastly becoming a thing of the past.
    I appreciate you!

  2. Stopped watching TV YEARS ago. And I mean YEARS….
    Don’t care who’s on and what’s the “in” thing.” Too busy with my land.
    But the overpaid celebrities we love so much are demonically possessed entities used to lower our vibrations and keep us asleep. Also they give some of us a glimpse of how the rich live to inspire envy. After all, “if “X” person can have a 90,000 Bentley, why shouldn’t I?”
    All of this is cleverly marketed towards black people, of course, because their masters know who we are.

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