Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
If you are reading this post, it is because you have already made the transition or you are beginning to make it. So, this is just confirmation as to why you made the move to embrace your spirituality.
So the other day I happened to see a televangelist who gave that same come to Jesus spiel or else in regards to the violence occurring in the streets.
And, it made me wonder, do Christians ever have a good day? I mean seriously, everything that they do is centered around drama and tragedy. A tornado hit and they say it is because “God” is punishing them. An earthquake hits and it because “God” is angry. An accident occurs and it is because “God” wants this person’s attention, etc.
I have said it before, there is only one god that I know who acts this trivial and trifling and his name is Zeus.
When I was a kid and used to read Greek mythology, I remember after reading about the various Greek heroes and finally Homer’s Iliad. I told my mom, “Zeus is crazy!” It used to always strike me as odd after reading it for so long that we are taught to use logic and reason all throughout life but, when it comes to religion-particularly Christianity. We are supposed to suspend all logic and reason and just accept this badly written interpretation of a story that appears in the bible.
But, that is when something very profound came to me as I was shaking my head at the televangelist.
If it is true that if you tell yourself a lie long enough it becomes your truth. Then, the same can be said if you tell yourself a bad story repeatedly, then it too becomes true too. Basically, what I am saying is that the reason a lot of people got drama in their lives is because they model their life after the Christian paradigm that is full of trauma and drama.
It is unfortunate that a lot of people do not understand that our mind is composed of three parts (Superconscious, conscious and subconscious) and that the subconscious (learning/mimicking) part of our being, draws upon that which it is familiar with. Therefore, if you go to church and have been told that you are sinned and flawed being, then you never aspire to be better. You accept your fate and believe that “God/Zeus” plays favorites and literally favors the Jews over the Gentiles, etc. You only come running to “God” when tragedy strikes but until that time you are free to do whatever you want.
The subconscious will only let you go as far as you believe you can go. So, this means is that if you are believing Christian that when you get in a bind. You are taught to pray (and beg) Jesus/God to save you. Who can say “Yes” or “No.” If the answer is “Yes” then, God favors you but if the answer is “No” then, God does not have favor for you.
This means that when we see all of this tragedy and people losing their kids over senseless violence. It is because God does not have favor according to Christian beliefs. Because I am sure these people prayed to God for protection and everything else, but God was not pleased with them.
If you want God to be pleased with you, all you have to do is become a God/Goddess.
When you accept that you are made in the image of GOD/GODDESS and that your purpose is not to be a child of God forever but to become a God or Goddess walking on earth. Then, you open the gate of your subconscious and can now access greater knowledge and wisdom as the Divine does. In other words, you think and believe like GOD or GODDESS should.
For instance, one of my main stories is the Kemetic Story of Osar, in which the youngest brother Set kills his older brother Osar (Osiris). I can draw all sorts of parallels from this legend because it is a great story full of metaphors and symbolism. Although it is not a simple fix, the only way to stop so much violence is to issue a command that people wake up and realize their divinity. A lot of people like Set are in a childish mindset spiritually and cannot seem to see beyond their four corner block, and understand that if they are GOD/GODDESS they got the whole Universe is theirs.
It is all about perspective and unfortunately, a lot of people are stuck in the Christian paradigm, which only gives them one perspective, one reality and that is of a slave/victim of circumstance.
If you want out and you want more, then you got to want to be a God/Goddess.
A co-worker who is into knowledge attainment told me to check out this dude and his books. His name is Dr. Joe Dispenza. I only watched 30 minutes of the link I am going to put up, but he talks about this same premise.
“If it is true that if you tell yourself a lie long enough it becomes your truth. Then, the same can be said if you tell yourself a bad story repeatedly, then it too becomes true too. Basically, what I am saying is that the reason a lot of people got drama in their lives is because they model their life after the Christian paradigm that is full of trauma and drama.”
Except he isn’t talking about a religion just lif ein general. Bu tit’s crazy that I watched that and come to your site and you are pushing a similar message.
Synchronicity works like that. I just was visiting some family and they started in on the Christian woes and that’s what sparked my post. lol. Good eye Brah. Hetepu
Haaa I love that your post come from real life experience. 💪💪💪