The Truth About Kamitic/Kemetic Spirituality: What about Jesus Part 4

Peace Family.
Continuing our discussion we will discuss possible ways of clearing up the confusion with Jesus. Please note this is not the absolute way but it is one of the ways that I have found to be useful and beneficial in my development.
See, Jesus as a real, physical human being that accomplished great things through the power of God. When we approach Jesus from this perspective, our rational mind says, “Ok. That makes sense” and instead of worshiping one’s understanding or cultural interpretation of Jesus and his teachings. The focus returns to worshiping and serving God.
Jesus then becomes an iconic figure, an ancestral archetype for Christians (and others) to aspire to be like. In other words, he becomes like a guardian angel providing one with insight as to how to accomplish similar feats as he has done in his lifetime.  In this role he is equated with Osar and through this role he is able to connect to others because he is the great Christian ancestor, like Osar is considered the great ancestor of the Kamitic people.
Is this approach anti-Christian? You ask. Did not Jesus say that he was the mediator? Did not Jesus say, “I am the door; the person who enters by me will find Eternal bliss”, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”, etc.  So, this approach is not anti-Christian. It is anti-Set.  Set is the author of confusion and the creator of war, which by the way the present state that most of our affairs are in.
If you really want to know if it is the truth all one has to do is “Come to Jesus” and see if it works. All one has to do is try.  If you try this and it works like I have you will be amazed because everything that Jesus talks about will have such a real and profound meaning to you. You will also discover that the real reason the Council of Nicea and all of the other political motivated agendas confused the issue about Christianity is to hide the fact that true Christianiy is actually a syncretism of the Kamitic/Kemetic religion.
Also see: Why other people’s faiths don’t work for us,  The Truth About Kamitic/Kemetic Spirituality: What about Jesus: Part 1, & Part 2.

Hope this helps. Hetep,

Derric “Rau Khu” Moore

For a complete discourse and in-depth analysis see:
MAA AANKH: Finding God the Afro-American Way, by Honoring the Ancestors and Guardian Spirits.

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