The Truth About Kamitic/Kemetic Spirituality: What about Jesus Part 2

Hey Fam.
Interesting thing. This just came to me…Acts 17:20 “You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, we want to know what they mean.”
So, I want people to understand that true spirituality from my experience is not anti-religion and for that matter it is not anti-Christian.  Hell.  Since I have embarked upon this journey I have practiced more Christian tenets than I ever wanted to and you know the reason why? Because the true tenets or laws of Christianity aren’t Christian, they are Ancient Egyptian! (Actually they are older than that but, that’s another story).
People get this confused I think because they are so mesmerized by the Kamitic mental science. All of these scholars have come out saying that the Western religions are derived from the Kamitic religion. Then when life puts them in a situation where they have to practice what they preach like “oneness” or forgive (“not forget“) but forgive, they say, “Oh. That’s teaching from the enemy”.  They think that Jesus created this whole thing about forgiveness…umm. If you read the Story of Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris), Oset (Aset, Auset, Isis) was the first one that taught about forgiveness, she had to forgive Set for all of the evil that he had done.  Forgiveness by the way is a Kamitic concept and principle based upon Maa, which is Kamitic/Kemetic for balance, law, order, justice and righteousness. Jesus simply broke it down in terms that the people he was talking to could understand, but he didn’t invent this concept and principle.  Did the Kamitic people invent it? Probably not, remember their ancestors were from the south. The point is who cares who invented it. What’s important is that we understand it and implement it to improve our lives.
You see, the problem with principles like these is that no one explained why you are supposed to forgive. Many of us are still screwed up by the Civil Rights Movement and can’t believe that our folks didn’t strike back when the dogs, fire hydrant, spit and all sorts of other things were done to them.  I can still hear it, “Couldn’t have been me.” Right?
Well, I can’t explain it because it is something you have to experience…that is true spirituality. It can’t be theorized. When all you do is think about it, all you are doing is intellectualizing it and not applying it, which doesn’t go far. is what I mean by throwing out the baby and the bathwater.  If you accept that the origins of the Western religion comes from Kamit/Kemet, then Kamitic/Kemetic spirituality is all about getting the FULL PICTURE, the whole message straight from the horse’s mouth sort of speak. When you have confusion, setbacks, etc. it is because from the Kamitic perspective, you only got one side of the picture, one piece of the pie, one eye (which is why Hru had to flee in the Story of Osar) because Set gouged his eye out. This is illustrated on the maa aankh as being in the red or the RED LANDS, which is TASETT, the land of confusion, conflict and chaos ruled by Set. You have to focus on getting out of the a chaotic, war state because you’re at the Ra moment.
The full picture comes from traveling to the other side, to the fertile lands below, the mysterious land of our ancestors, the spiritual realm within our being, the beautiful BLACK LANDS OF KAMTA. It requires that you become receptive and you move to the Amun Ra moment.  Oh come and go with me, it is so peaceful :).
You know, I had the hardest time trying to make things work for me spiritually because I threw out everything. It wasn’t until I dragged myself to this realization (like Hru) that things began to change and I was reborn.  It wasn’t until I was reminded that the whole purpose of me embarking upon this journey was to learn how the Kamitic/Kemetic people used the same Holy Ghost that Christians talked about to build their society.
An example of what I mean by practicing Kamitic or shall we say pre-Christian tenets, I once upon a time had to bite a hole in my tongue, suck in my gut and swallow that pride in the face of my enemy, and after I did it. Surprisingly, he donated some money to me and my cause, about a $150 worth.  Now, some can call it magic, others can call it a miracle; I call it the Power of God or Rau at work because I didn’t pick and choose what principles I would follow. What would you call it?
For more info check out:
What about Jesus & Kamitic/Kemetic Spirituality?, Why other people’s faiths don’t work for us? , Message from the Spirit through the WIZ

For a complete discourse and in-depth analysis see:
MAA AANKH: Finding God the Afro-American Way, by Honoring the Ancestors and Guardian Spirits.

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