Hetepu (Peace) Family
This is post number 50! Wowww! Hard to believe we posted that many. Well, I am not sure what WordPress is going to do with me after this but hey, what the heck. I live by focusing on today and not worrying about tomorrow. So, lets make this one really count!
As always I like to refer back to my experience and I remember when I first came into this understanding. Boy I was on fire. Hru (Heru, Horus – the Kamitic symbol for positive revolution) had me on fire. I was gunning and I wanted to take on Set single handily. I listened to the Last Poets, became a Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, Burning Spear and Steel Pulse fan overnight. I was all about revolution. I read all sorts of revolutionary books. I studied The Book of Five Rings and Sun Tzu’s Art of War, because I was about change and I wanted it now. I was always fond of Public Enemy and give them much props but the underground revolutionary groups like Paris, Gangstarr, Poor Righteous Teachers, Brand Nubians and The Coup, were the ones that really embraced me. I became a member of several organizations that were about change and even participated in several marches on Washington. I was full of raw zeal until I saw the movie Drop Squad starring Eriq LaSalle.
For those of you who have never seen Drop Squad produced by Spike Lee. The movie was about a team of African Americans who were kidnapping other black people that betrayed the community and deprogramming them to change their ways. In the movie a conflict erupts between team leader (played by Vondie Curtis-Hall) who believes in deprogramming using nonviolent tactics and another member (played by Ving Rhames), who believes in using harsher tactics of deprogramming. It is real interesting movie worth watching because the movie introduces the great conflict that exist amongst us all. As the team tries to deprogram Eriq LaSalle’s character who is actively involved in advancing his career by advertising negative stereotypes.
The issues that come on the table for me were:
1. How does one advance in a capitalistic society without capital and taking advantage of the ignorance of others?
2. How does one advance in a society that historically uses discrimination and racism to promote the agenda of those with more assets?
It is a similar issue that Keenan Ivory Wayans ridiculed in his classic comedy I’m Gonna Git You Sucka, when Clarence Williams III states and I paraphrase that the “Brothers went to take over (the building) and came out with jobs.”
At the time I was a big conspiracy theorist. Thankfully, that’s when Kamitic spirituality began to take an active role in organizing my thinking.  All of these movies and everything that I had read made me realize that the reason the revolution has not been won is because God was not included!
You see, we (those of us in the past) believed the revolution is solely about material possessions and that our enemy is some elite group plotting against us. While it may be true that there are corrupt individuals in every level of society that is scheming and trying to take advantage of the disenfranchised. Every revolt that has been lost in this country and abroad was not due totally to outside influences. It was mostly because of internal betrayal, which is due to having a weak mind. What I am saying is that our greatest enemy has always been the devil within, because he has tricked us all into believing that we are not divine beings.When you believe you are not a divine being you think like a human being and everything is done on a superficial level.
During the 60s and 70s people threw out the baby and the bathwater when our elders told us stories about the devil. We thought they were crazy, silly and backwards for telling us about the devil or the blues (devils). We thought they were talking about some little impish creature running around tempting people to commit evil. But they were actually talking about those non-physical energies that influence our actions and behaviors. It is these same energies that psychologists tell us is our subconscious that sabotages all of our hopes and dreams. You know those anxieties, anger, fears, ignorance, worries, etc. that we try to ignore and fail to conquer.
While I have nothing against Martin L. King Jr. and am grateful for his sacrifice. But, this is why King’s dream was cut short in his prime, while Mahatma Gandhi’s dream was realized as the British were forced to leave India. It is because Gandhi understood the power of the mind and knew that when a belief is firmly impressed upon one’s lower spirit (subconscious – the sahu division of our being). There is nothing that can deter that individual from achieving what they will.
This is why I am so very fond of the Story of Osar, because once you begin to look at the story from a metaphorical perspective. You see that Set is not one person, one group, etc. but can be anyone and anything that rebels or fights against you and the whole of humanity.This is why he is called the Kamitic devil.
When you recognize Set in your life, this is when your destiny begins to become clear, because you see. That the very force that is encouraging you to use your Divine potential for selfish and destructive means is your true enemy. This means, that it is Set that is on the street corner. It is Set who robbing us blind. It is Set that is killing us. It is Set that is poisoning people. It is Set that is abusing women. It is Set that is destroying the youth. It is Set that not educating the people. It is Set that not fighting for justice, and if you and some you know are committing any of these acts it is Set that is influence you, the Kamitic spirit of fear, ignorance, chaos, death, destruction and tyranny.
How do you fight this devil? You don’t find the devil with bullets and guns. As stated in Ephesians 6:12
“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
In other words, our fight is and has always been within the mind. This is where the real revolution takes place and to defeat your devil. You simply decide not to follow him and go the other way. I know it sounds crazy and you would think it would be something ridiculously hard, but it isn’t. It is that easy, but so long as you continue to follow Set you will continue to experience his horrific wrath – hell on earth – symbolized as TASETT on the maa aankh.
When you truly decide that you will not follow Set’s path, this is when it gets mystical and you begin to get divine assistance, because your consciousness has shifted to the Amun Ra moment, which is where the Rebirth takes place. It is here where you will have your moments of clarity and flashes of insight that will change your life. It is here where you will meet your guides (physical and spiritual) and get miracles helping you to achieve your dreams or your destiny. All of this is possible because life is not about just living from a TASETT or Setian (material) perspective. In order to succeed in life you have to make a full REVOLUTION like the Sun. And, anyone can do this regardless of who you are and what you have done. You just have to see your divine potential and stop letting Set win.
I cannot explain to you how life changing this is when you come into this understanding. I mean when you Ladies begin to really see yourself as divine creations. You will see that every child you give birth to is a child of Hru born to create change and you the mother of a nation. Not only that, you will declare that every man treats you with respect and will receive protection from those who don’t.
When you men begin to see the divine within you. You will work, defend, protect and provide from a different perspective because you see the interconnectedness of what you are doing. As long as you continue to follow Set’s path you will always see one side of everything.
Same goes for husband and wife. When you see the Divine Potential in your relationship. Every experience resembles the cosmic change between the celestial heavens and material earth, hence Nut and Geb.
Our ancestors left us with some very powerful guides to reclaiming our heritage. We just have to step out on faith and begin to use them. It is not necessary for us to have a leader to create positive change in our homes, community, neighborhood, etc. Anything that we don’t like and want to change we can do it, but we have to include God in that change. Change cannot be accomplished by physical means alone because we are spiritual beings within physical body with a soul. Meaning we need a spiritual (KAMTA) and physical (TASETT) techniques to create permanent change in our life, because it is all about being holistic or Maa (Balance).
Yet another good read with great advise. Asante Sana