Hetepu (Peace) Family,
Long time no hear. Hope everything is going well with you all.
For those of who don’t know, I just celebrated another cycle completed (birthday). I had some major challenges this past year, but I made it through the storm, I’ve been reborn and now I am basting in the glorious rays of Rau (see the Maa Aankh for more information), which brings me to the title of this post.
I have heard for years, ever since I started this walk that Judaism, Christianity and Islam stole from the Kamitic/Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) people. And, before we proceed, I would like to say that this is totally untrue. In ancient times, people borrowed ideas left and right, because they were all trying to make sense of the world around them. So, I only used the word “stole” as an attention grabber. Most of the ancient people did not have the same sentiments as people do today. This racial undertone that exists nowadays only came into effect after the Western perspective became worldwide.
It is important to understand this so that we do not make the grave error of throwing the bathwater out with the baby sort of speak.
Sure people had prejudices back in those times, but it was not based upon skin color. Back in ancient times, prejudices were more cultural, which is why you find in the bible that the Hebrews were against the Gentiles. Even though the biblical accounts claim that the Ancient Egyptians despised the Hebrew people by forcing them to build pyramids and things with mud bricks, which has, finally been disputed by archaeologists and historians worldwide. Evidence reveals that the Ancient Egyptians were very tolerable of other cultures, but they were a very proud, nationalistic people.
What this means is that many of the ideas and concepts that read about in the bible are very similar to the Kamitic/Kemetic ideas and concepts, because we’re reading another culture’s interpretation of our work. It’s like two people watching the same movie but getting a different interpretation and understanding of the film due to their upbringing. This is why there are so many direct similarities as follows:
- Both Hru and Jesus were born of a virgin.
- Both Hru and Jesus were of royal descent.
- Both Hru and Jesus’ birth was announced by angels
- Attempts were made on both Hru and Jesus as children to kill the forthcoming messiah.
- Both Hru and Jesus were baptized at the age of 30. Hru by Anup the Baptizer and Jesus by John the Baptist.
- Both Hru and Jesus resisted temptation by the devil on a mountain up high.
- Both Hru and Jesus had 12 followers or disciples.
- Both Hru and Jesus are reported to have performed miracles.
- Both Hru and Jesus raised the dead. Hru raised his father Osar (Osiris in Greek) and Jesus raised Lazarus (L-Azarus or EL-Azarus, which is derived from EL-Osar or EL-Asar). And, the list goes on from Abraham’s birthright, which was originally Hru’s to the concept of this world belonging to the devil.
But, what does this mean?
Does this mean that it was all a lie? Does this mean that religion is fake or a man-made product to get the masses to follow blindly? Does this mean that we should hate the Christian religion because of the gross err of the Roman Catholic Church who anointed the genocide of indigenous people in the Americas and blessed the slave trade? Does this mean we should hate Christians because of the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG), whose Anglican missionaries twisted the scriptures thus creating the ridiculous Hamitic curse, in order to justify slavery? And, we can go on and on…
Well, to be honest with you I use to hate Christianity, until I learned that most of the concepts written in the bible were Kamitic/Kemetic in origin, which means we have a poor translation of it. I can’t fault the people for trying; they tried and failed by comparison. Period. One of the Codes of Maa (See MAA: A Guide to the Kamitic/Kemetic Way for Personal Transformation) stressed that we shouldn’t obsess and worry over the past but, we should concentrate upon the present in order to make a better future. That being said, I am so grateful for being made aware of the Kamitic/Kemetic philosophy and theology because it is very life changing.
How? Well, it has to be understood that there are some archeologists, historians and other scholars, that don’t want people to know this, but contrary to popular belief. The Kamitic/Kemetic people didn’t worship all sorts of gods and goddess as claimed. They did believe in a number of intelligent spiritual beings just like we do today. But, one major difference between them and us is that they didn’t interpret their spiritual texts literally, and this is what makes their philosophy and theology so life changing.
You see, although the Kamitic/Kemetic people believed in Osar (Asar, Ausar, and Osiris in Greek), they understood that Osar was the godhead within us all. In fact, all of the so-called gods and goddesses are all metaphors describing and illustrating cosmic events that occur within our being and throughout the universe. For instance, the Immaculate Conception between Osar and Oset (Aset, Auset and Isis in Greek) occurs every time water germinates a seed, a woman accepts a man into her sacred womb, when the sun and moon share the sky, etc. You see, it is metaphor about something that is beautiful, magical and magnificent between male and female energies. These energies are the same energies that exist within us all. There are positive and negative forces within and all around us.
You know when I stop taking things literally and began to look at life from a metaphorical/spiritual perspective. I stop hating one particular group and started if anything, despising the god-form or energy that inspires evil – Set (the devil).
It is Set that wants us to hate each other based upon our external differences, because the Kamitic/Kemetic, Christian, Jewish and Islamic texts all say the same thing, which is that he is the author of confusion, disillusion and delusions. I favor the Kamitic teachings because it goes a little bit more in detail by revealing that Set is so evil that he cut up his brother’s body into numerous pieces; Thereby, clearly indicating that he is all about disunity.
Another reason I really favor the Kamitic/Kemetic teachings is because once you stop interpreting the concepts as being literal and began seeing the metaphorical truth, is when you realize that the Devil is REAL. He is inside you, because he is your ego. That’s right! We are our worst enemy! Not some red impish man running around on hooves and a pitchfork. No, it is an aspect within our lower self that we constantly allow to defeat us. This is the original meaning behind the physical world and all things carnal belonging to Set-an, but they missed the point because they interpreted it literally.
When we open up our metaphorical eye and see the TRUTH for what it is. We see the odd beauty is that God created our adversary, to oppose us so that we can become stronger. If we never had anything to oppose us, we wouldn’t appreciate our accomplishments nor strive for the ultimate fulfillment in life.
This understanding has helped me to appreciate all people. I have since then, had people from all walks help me and those closest to me have caused me the greatest harm. Why? Because I was looking at their externals and not the spirit who was guiding them. It is because of the Kamitic/Kemetic concepts and teachings, I can seriously say now, that I love everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, nationality, affiliation and beliefs, but it is the Set (devil) within them that I don’t trust.
So, now what?
What are we supposed to do now that we know this? How can we use this information to our benefit and our spiritual empowerment, instead of as ammunition for an intellectual argument, which will only boost our ego and make matters worse? How can we help our people that have been blinded by the religiosity of Set’s dogma – all dogma that claims that there is only one way to connect to the Divine? How can we help our brothers and sisters who have turned their back on God (their own divinity) because of hypocrisy and corruption, and decided instead to go their own way with no assistance from any guide, except their own egotistical head?
It’s simple. We must show that even though the early Christian writers got it wrong and merged two concepts into one to create the story of Jesus, that in truth Osar and Jesus are the same. And, we do this through our daily living. We have to do this because it is the only way we can save our loved ones (both living and dead) who have been misled.
The cool thing is that, it is not hard. Yes, it is going to take a lot of work, but it is not hard because the same teachings that Jesus gave to his disciples apply to us all. It is still the TRUTH. Some of us often tell others to stop focusing on the man and pay attention to the message, but we are guilty of doing the same thing sometimes. But, if you read the red writing in the bible, there is nothing that Jesus says that is contrary to what Osar said to save his people. This is why, I imagine Osar telling his people the same thing thousands of years ago before Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and Abraham were even born or thought of.
When we get hung up on this physical and fail to see Osar. We allow Set to win, because we can’t share the message. You think I am lying. Start talking about how something came from Kamit/Kemet and see how many people stick around. But you never mention anything about a, godhead and let it show by your actions. In other words, let your Osar reflect through you and watch how many people will be willing to listen to you. It works, because Osar didn’t have people come to his palace so that he could save them. He met them where they were at and on their level, so he could save them, because Osar loved his people. This is the same thing that Jesus taught and did.
This is why a true Hru according to Kamitic/Kemetic thinking is one that has lost everything but returned more vibrantly, vivaciously and victoriously than before. And, when Hru returns he brings with him his FATHER’S FUNK (POWER) from beyond the grave (in other words from the spiritual realm). That’s why he and she (I didn’t forget you ladies 🙂 ) are considered heroes. Just think about…how many times Harriet Tubman risked her life to save others. How many times did other leaders put their life on the line for us. Think about how many times our own parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, great relatives, etc. did the same. Are you starting to see the connection between Osar and Jesus, and why we must be Hru?
So, we need to stop letting Set make a fool out of us. The MAA (TRUTH) has never changed, maybe the name but MAA has always been the same. I have found the MAA in the Bible, Talmud, heck I have found it in a science book, which means it has always been there. I just had some sunglasses on and couldn’t see it. So you see, it is we who must adapt and grow towards MAA. It is the only way to invoke the desired change that we want in life. If you follow your Ba/Spirit, it will not be difficult for you to decipher when the MAA is being presented to your awareness.
So, don’t let Set fool you into trading in one ball and chain of religious beliefs for another. And, stop letting him (your ego) control you. The time has come to take back what is ours. We need to stop getting upset about others using our sacred sciences in a profane (literal) manner and start celebrating our rebirth. If you overcame something that was a major and could have destroyed you. You need to celebrate and mark your victory over evil, your ego, Set.
We are at war and it has already been written. That the victors, the true heroes or Hru(s) of this war are the individuals that have a strong enough will to wear both crowns. The time has come for you to claim what’s yours.
Hetep (Peace)
Derric “Rau Khu” Moore
For a more detailed look at this subject, check out: So Early Christians Stole From Kamit/Kemet Pt. 2
For more information, visit: www.1solalliance.com
Reblogged this on Black History & Culture.
Thank you for this commentary! You made a wonderful connection between Christianity and Kemetic beliefs and practices. I agree…we must not throw the baby out with the bath water. Unfortunately, Christianity added several pagan observances that were fashioned after their pagan gods that they did not get from Kemet. I too love the non- literal kemetic lessons that are a powerful foundation for biblical teachings. Understanding kemetic teachings can enhance Christian teachings and practices as well as support relationship with God! Great article!!!
For the longest I’ve always believed in Jesus & God as a child & that was always my religion. But, now, at 20, Ive had the opportunity of reaching out and thinking for myself & my parents & sibling support it because they say you have to do what you feel in your heart & our destination will be the same our path is just different. I came to a point where I lost faith and almost became a atheist. Because I read so much Pan-African beliefs from westerns & how God doesnt exist & neither does Jesus & how we are our own God. That was enough. For one I KNOW I AM NOT a God, God in my definition is my creator & I FOR sure DID NOT create myself. But after reading a few of your articles I understand. I am NOT God but apart of. Therefore, I am able to tap into to that part I have a piece of God in me. That is my divine & i can still align my spirt of follow the teachings Jesus had to find & understand the WHOLE God. Now I carry Kemetic & Christian teachings in my heart. No belief adds no value to my life. Thank you for helping me.
Excellent write up!
” Now, I can only tell you what I know and what I “know” is that I was on my deathbed and that I almost died. I know that Jesus or Yeshua, Allah and whomever else did not come and could not heal me. I was healed because I tapped into the God power within me. I talked with my ancestors. I embraced the fear and did what every Western religion claimed was a sin and talked to my ancestors, and through their assistance I was healed. Now, that is what I know and no one can change that experience. ”
It is a good thing that you made a full recovery. I agree that experience is what it is for the individual.
My experience as a human being and a medical professional has been this.
When people are sick, especially in a death bed situations, they have living ancestors so to speak, whose spirits are still with us, who assist, care for, ring our phones without end, cook a meal for us, are their to greet us when we get home, call everyone to tell them that we made it through AND offer up prayers to that which they know as the Divine for the healing of their loved one.
My point is this. Can u give all honor and credit to those ancestors and spirits of old, and not mention those living who may have sought help from Jesus or Allah on your behalf? Is the love of living spirits and ancestors of no value? Just because YOU may not have YOURSELF sought His assistance, does not mean that He would not, nor could not move in your situation on their behalf !
We are commanded and reminded to honor our living ancestors as well. ie. “Honor thy father and mother so that you may live long in the land…..”
That is the issue with works based belief systems. They are subject to man’s ability to boast in and exalt “self”. ” I tapped into ” , ” I talked with ” , ” I embraced “. I share this not to discredit your experience, but to allow you to see it from a different perspective.
And as you may know, faith in Yeshua is not works based. He did the work and we rest in Him. There is no ability for us to boast in ourselves. For what He gives is a gift thru faith. I cannot find one thing to boast in, except to boast in His love towards man, as revealed in the person of Yeshua.
Peace in Him. Kanayo
Hetep Kanayo.
Ok. Thank you for your analysis of my health situation.
1. You said, “Can u give all honor and credit to those ancestors and spirits of old, and not mention those living who may have sought help from Jesus or Allah on your behalf? Is the love of living spirits and ancestors of no value? Just because YOU may not have YOURSELF sought His assistance, does not mean that He would not, nor could not move in your situation on their behalf!”
2. You’ve said, “We are commanded and reminded to honor our living ancestors as well. ie. “Honor thy father and mother so that you may live long in the land…..”
3. You’ve also said, “That is the issue with works based belief systems. They are subject to man’s ability to boast in and exalt “self”. ” I tapped into ” , ” I talked with ” , ” I embraced “. I share this not to discredit your experience, but to allow you to see it from a different perspective.”
4. And finally, you ended with, “And as you may know, faith in Yeshua is not works based. He did the work and we rest in Him. There is no ability for us to boast in ourselves. For what He gives is a gift thru faith. I cannot find one thing to boast in, except to boast in His love towards man, as revealed in the person of Yeshua.”
First, let me say that I am glad that you are happy with your beliefs in Yeshua but as I have stated before. This is not a debate and it is not a discussion. My experiences are my own and they are unique to me. I don’t need to validate them. I don’t need to see them from a different perspective and if I do the Spirit will reveal it to me because this is a Spirit-led tradition.
I reposted your comments because you are proselytizing and that is incorrect. This is not the medium for this. This is not your personal soapbox for you to debate with me and try to convince me that Yeshua (or whomever) saved me out of love. It is not about Yeshua, Allah or any of those dogmatic Westernize religions or beliefs that have kept us separated as a people. This is a blog for those who want to learn about spirituality from an Afro – Diaspora perspective. It is plain and simple about a common ancestry and our cultural bonds that are united by a tree that is rooted in Kamit and Kush. It is about exploring these African roots and branches and seeing what works to improve our contemporary situation.
Simply put, this is an Afro-Diaspora Spirit-led blog and this is the focus.
I am the son of a preacher. I know and can recognize dogma but, I didn’t want to be a child of God. I wanted to be a Man of God and that’s why I underwent that life-death experience. So I know that I was made in the image of God, which means that I have the ability to do the same things as God does just on a microcosmic scale. I know because I have done it and I am not commanded to do a damn thing because my life is not dictated by any book. I no longer live my life according to some superstitious beliefs that is in the torah, bible or quaran.
Now, if you find fault with this and you disagree with these beliefs. You have every right to do so, but understand that this blog is for people who are coming into the knowledge that they are Men and Women of God, instead of cowering for the love of jesus or begging for the mercy of allah. It is for people who are embracing Genesis 1:26, which states that we are made in the image of God and willing to act on the scripture that “ye are gods”.
So, unless you are willing to act on some metaphysical principles and talk about some spirit magic. This will be my last response.
Thank you.
” Not hardly. Most if not all of the wars that have taken place since B.C. have been based upon dogmatic ideology.”
Greetings, Glad we were able to clear the air, so to speak. Hope all is well with you and yours.
Your above stated comment i would like to explore a little. I have heard this sentiment repeatedly, in many ways and forums. Under quantitative analysis, is this view really accurate?
My knowledge of human world armed conflict is admittedly limited. But I will scan my limited knowledge of known conflicts and lets examine the ROOT causes. We will use, if u agree, the labels:1. Religious Ideology, 2.Land & resources, 3. Power& influence, Ethinc Bias/Hatred.
(other labels are open for u to include)
And remember, we will try to honestly reason together concerning ROOT cause.
1. Roman vs. Carthage (1st, 2nd, 3rd Punic Wars)
2. World War 1&2
3. Vietnam
4. Joshua’s conquest of Canaan
5. Crusades
6. Korea vs. Japan (ancient times)
7. China vs. China (warring states period, Sun TZU)
8. Native American vs. European invaders
9. Rwanda vs. Tutsi
10. Mohammed’s conquests
11.American Civil war
12. American Revolution
13. Spain vs other European powers (1300 – 1400s)
There are more conflicts and conflict clusters that I will add later as they come to mind. Please list any that you wish add. I list mine in a completely neutral way, not reasoning already that they were of any known cause. We can then do an anaysis if you like. It should prove fruitfull for the both of us.
Peace in Yeshua. Kanayo
Hetep (Peace & Blessings) Kanayo.
Hey, you are on the right track but, I don’t rely on my intellect like this anymore. I simply do oracle readings, which offer more insight than our limited thinking capacity can. I would recommend getting an I Ching reading in order to delve deeper into what you are looking for. My comment about about most of the wars before B.C. was a reference about Western conflict with the rest of humanity. When I say Western I am including Europeans, Greeks, Romans Jews and Arabs who have all led “holy” conquests/war in order to achieve their goals. Every indigenous culture (African, Native American, Pacific Islander, Indigenous Australian, Asian, etc.) that Westerners and so-called Middle Eastern people have encounter resulted in the indigenous population either forcefully adopting and idolizing European/Arabic, etc. culture or annihilation. So in our contemporary times, a number of people are beginning to wake-up and see that Westernize culture is leading to their demise. For instance, historically speaking Western culture is a male dominant or patriarchal influence society where males are considered according Western dichotomies good, strong and Godly, as compared to women are seen as bad (evil), weak and ungodly (easy to influence), hence Adam and (vs) Eve.
I being a member of the Black race and African American ethnic group, do not have that same cultural perspective. My cultural perspective is that there good and evil are two sides of the same coin, two polar forces, two opposite extremes, which for the sake of argument can say are black and white. Life from my cultural perspective is not black and white. There are a whole lot of shades of grey in between, so everything it interdependent upon one another. My woman is not my adversary nor is she my equal (50/50), she is my complimentary. There are things she can do that I am not physically able to accomplish and that’s why she is in my life. I do the same thing for her. Metaphysically speaking she is my Moon and I her Sun.
So you see there are two different cultural perspectives. Again, this is what is focused upon here.
Please don’t take this the wrong way because I am not trying to be offensive but the approach you are taking to understand this issue is limited (as both of us have acknowledged) by our understanding, lack of information and knowledge of all of the details. This is the reason we use oracles. Western religions will tell us that these are tools of the devil only because according to their black and white dichotomy, black is associated with evil thus anything associated with people of color is considered wicked. This is why I don’t deal.
Well, hope that makes sense. Ok.
Rau Khu
“I mean look at our so-called literate society and the problems that have been caused because everyone has access to read the Torah, Bible and Koran. Could all of this fundamentalism been squashed if only a few people had access to these religious texts? I mean how many people have been killed in the name of god and how many would have if they had the BOD? So, maybe, just maybe it was by design.”
U are associating literacy and that literacy as applied to belief systems with a established canonical text. You imply that with the ability to read and understand these texts, man multiples his murders? And also by implication, illiteracy would work to reduce mans destructive ways?
If we travel to the deepest part of the Amazon rainforest and find a established culture there. With No fundamentalist or religious canon of text of any kind. No Bible, Torah, Quran, Book of Coming forth by day, Bhavad Gita.
My brother, they still war with one another! I guarantee with 200% certainty that it is not the absence of the text that keeps the peace, nor maintains the peace for that matter! Man has a certain nature about himself.
For if I drag of a man’s wife into the bush, harm his offspring, steal his property, he is going to respond in a certain way. And the fact that I desire to do such things to my neighbor speaks of the nature within man for destruction and dis-ease. there is a law written on the hearts of all men concerning such actions. A type of inherent social law.
It is not primarily the cannon or doctrine of our belief systems that is the heart of the problem. I agree that in some cases it is but to get to the root cause is more important.
Man is hopelessly flawed on the inside. On the surface, Religion try’s to deal with this flaw, each in there own and often similar ways.
So, to sit in a room with the lights off is not going to outen the flame of corruption within us.
Peace in Yeshua.
Hetep (Peace & Blessings) Kanayo
You said, “My brother, they still war with one another! I guarantee with 200% certainty that it is not the absence of the text that keeps the peace, nor maintains the peace for that matter! Man has a certain nature about himself.” I am not disagreeing with you there in regards to man warring with one another because that is natural, but would they war based upon different beliefs about a deity? Not hardly. Most if not all of the wars that have taken place since B.C. have been based upon dogmatic ideology. Not to mention the horrors, murders, enslavement and other atrocities that have been conducted in the so-called name of god.
Understand. I have studied every religion created so I respect whatever belief you adhered to regardless if I agree with you or not. If you want to know my opinion based upon my experience I will gladly offer it. If you disagree with what I believe because you lack the experience. I am not offended but understand that if you come on to this blog to prove point, it is not going to benefit you or me. This is a blog for learning based upon practical experience, not theory. If you have never sat down and talked to your ancestors at a shrine then everything you are telling me is what you think, your opinion or someone else’s opinion. Back in the day, we could debate until the cows come home about opinions because opinions are subjective and they always change.
We can’t debate about true knowledge or practical experience. When I say true knowledge I am not talking about what we read in a book. I am talking about what you know without a shadow of a doubt that you have witnessed with your own eyes. For instance, you say your name is Kanayo, I can’t debate and tell you that your name is Jim. Even if I did you wouldn’t care because you know what your name is. I say all this because I don’t believe that the Divine is within all of us. I know. I don’t really care what the Kamitic people did thousands of years ago because it has nothing to do with me today. These little details are what always get us hung up and keep us from moving forward. It is the same little dogmatic details like this that exist in religions that keep our people from coming uniting for a common cause, which is why I don’t give a damn what the Kamitic people did back in the day. I am only concerned with what works for me. I present on this site what works for me as a testimony to help others. If it works for them great, if it does not work great because this is not a religion. It is a spiritual tradition similar to what the Kamitic people and millions of other Africans practiced prior to the Maafa (Slave Trade).
Now, I can only tell you what I know and what I “know” is that I was on my deathbed and that I almost died. I know that Jesus or Yeshua, Allah and whomever else did not come and could not heal me. I was healed because I tapped into the God power within me. I talked with my ancestors. I embraced the fear and did what every Western religion claimed was a sin and talked to my ancestors, and through their assistance I was healed. Now, that is what I know and no one can change that experience.
When I tried to make sense of how it happened. The only spiritual system that made sense and could explain how I was able to heal my body and improve my life was the Kamitic and Kongo based practice I call Kamta.
So, I know that man and woman are truly made in the image of the Divine. Yeah, they talk about it in those religious books, but I know because I am living proof. I know that we are so-called flawed not by accident but by design because it is the only way we will discover our divine nature. In other words, if I had never became ill, I would never had known what I know today, which is that I can do anything. So, “sitting in a room with the lights off” helped me and hundreds of others to address our lower nature because we know that this “corrupt” part you speak of is simply our ego or devil, which makes us afraid to listen to our spirit. It makes us afraid and tells us that our ancestors are spooky haunted ghosts.
Well, the devil is a lie and once you realize who the devil really is, you will be free as well and all of your questions answered.
Hope this helps.
I would like to clarify a mis-interpretation of the comment about “sitting in a dark room with the lights off”. Firstly, our religion, Spirituality, or whatever we call it means NOTHING if we speak rudely or dismissively about a person’s personal spiritual practices.
If you would recall, the questions that I put forward were from your comment. I questioned if you believed that the lack of a Bible or Torah would lessen man’s murder and strife.
The “sitting in the dark” was a reference to the absence of the Bible or Torah, and thinking that the absence of these text would lessen man’s murders. Cutting of the light, so to speak, of what people accept as Divine truth.ie. Sitting in a dark room(no bible), would outen the flame of corruption.(the murder)
If you would review the post and context, I was completely on focus in regards to cannon or fundamentalism text in relation to murder. Why on earth would I then make a statement about a person’s personal spiritual practice????And then wish you Peace in Yeshua?
I in-fact, don’t know anything about how u commune or honor or celebrate spiritually, and I promise you, I would not say anything to demean them if I did.
I hope that you see the motivation behind and context to the “Sitting in the Dark” analogy.
p.s I sit in a room with the lights off all the time! LOL
In Yeshua, Kanayo
Hetep Kanayo
Thanks for the clarity. Yes, it is difficult at times to determine the tone of messages so I hope that I did not offend you.
To answer your question, I don’t necessarily think that if the Torah or Bible were absent it would prevent human beings from committing atrocities because Man and Woman have to both learn to discipline their lower mind/spirit. I do think that the severity and the amount of carnage would have been reduced. I hope that makes sense.
Rau Khu
“I have heard for years, ever since I started this walk that Judaism, Christianity and Islam stole from the Kamitic/Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) people. And, before we proceed, I would like to say that this is totally untrue.”
Greetings Brother,
I agree wholeheartedly with your statement. I apologize if I have lumped all Kemetic adherents together. It appears that you seek from a position of neutrality, and adapt your understanding as you receive.
It has been my observation that many of us who desire to remind the brotheren of the glories of our cultural past do so in a very unlearned way. In their zeal for all things Kemet they accept any view that feels good intellectually and personally.
I know of not one tribe of man who cannot reach back into the remote past and not be able to grab hold of great works by their genetic forefathers. Chinese, SouthAmericans, Persians, Africans, Aboriginal Australians, Native Americans, Europeans ( Hamites, Shemites, Japhethites )
This gives us a sort of barometer or ruler. To not go overboard in our exaltation , at the expense of all others, of our cultural and genetic history.
I perceive by your writings that you are “theist” and most likely in times past culturally Christian. You, as u say, ” started this walk”
I, like you, walked the banks of the Nile, from Kerma to Karnak. I have been greatly enriched by the knowledge found their. Deep within me, the light of Kemetic did not and does not shine as brightly as the True Light that was to come into the world. The Light that was sent as a beacon to the Gentiles. The Light that would be misunderstood, miscommunicated, marginalized, and outright rejected by many.
I looked forward to continued dialogue. Peace, in Yeshua.
Kamites/Kemetic society was elitist.
1. 99% of the population were illiterate.
2. Book of the dead was for the elite. In them were the words that were to be spoken and the confessions that were to be made before the heart was weighted. So the common man did not ever have the knowledge of their concept or salvation. Elite!! You had to be an initiate, and no initiaes came from the lower classes!
3. Was not until approx. 2000 bc that copies of the B.O.D were found in even the higher level scribes tombs! Salvation for the elite class.
So, thousands of years later, you put your hope in a system that would not have allowed u access in it’s prime, wow! Pride, why none of the Kemetic aderants gravitate toward the common man of Kemet? Why only the Pharoah and Priestly classes, the great monuments? Pride! Try and walk the grounds of ancient Karnak and see what happened to you, oh common man! Presume to speak the Medu-Neter and you would have been silenced.How much different was their system that the system that oppressed our North American ancestors?
The same pride from old is the same pride and blindness within all those today that reject and manipulate the truth that is, and is revealed in Jesus Christ.
Hetep (Peace and Blessings)
Hello. Well, thanks for logging on to my blog. Before I address your comments please understand that I don’t worship the Kamitic people nor their culture. They weren’t a perfect people and anyone who is expecting them to be perfect such as a non-elitist, literate, etc. is comparing them to Jesus Christ or some savior.
1. Yes, 99% of the population was illiterate because the most of the population practiced an oral culture instead of being a print culture. This is because it cost money to print books. This was an issue for all of the civilizations of antiquity.
2. This means that the BOD was reserved only for the initiates. The common man not only could not read the BOD but also could not pay to have the elaborate rites performed at their funeral. Fortunately, most of the society was an oral culture which meant they practiced what they heard and saw. They couldn’t afford the elaborate funerary rites but they could afford a cheaper version, because the cultural practice trickled down.
3. It was not until 2000 BC that copies of the BOD were found in the tombs of the scribes, but again they were an oral culture. There are parts of Africa where this type of dynamic continues to exist. For instance in parts of Senegal there are men who will read the Koran before a ceremony begins that is led by women to chase away negative spirits. The majority of the community is illiterate but this may be by design to maintain balance.
So, correction. This is not about putting my hope or faith into a flawed system. The purpose of the Land of Kam blog and Kamta is to take the best African system(s) from the past and use it to create a better present and future. There would have been no need for everyone in the society to have access to the BOD if you look at it from their perspective. It is not as if the Kamitic “elite” denied access to everyone because they did allow people from lower social classes to advance to higher class, so it wasn’t a caste system. As mentioned earlier they were an oral culture and like anyone they made mistakes. It should be noted that one of the biggest blunders was Akhenaten who just about brought the entire society to its demise with his so-called monotheistic religion. After Akhenaten’s reign the Kamitic people returned to the Amen Ra tradition.
Now, I am unclear on what you mean by try to speak the Medu Netcher and you would have been silenced. I have no record of that ever occurring. Kamit wasn’t 19th century United States where people were beat to death for knowing how to read. (Laugh). It should also be noted that the Medu Netcher was a sacred text writing but it was not the writing of the land. The Kamitic people had several scripts such as a script for writing laws. Archeologists have found ancient graffiti verifying this written inside temple walls proving that a certain tribe or clan worked on a particular project.
So, I think it best if we want to understand why only the social elite had access to the religious text (Medu Netcher) is to ask why? We can’t judge what they did based upon past experience and declare it right or wrong. Maybe it worked them that only a few people had access to this sacred text. I mean look at our so-called literate society and the problems that have been caused because everyone has access to read the Torah, Bible and Koran. Could all of this fundamentalism been squashed if only a few people had access to these religious texts? I mean how many people have been killed in the name of god and how many would have if they had the BOD? So, maybe, just maybe it was by design. I am sure if you really want to know you will ask them yourself by honoring them ritually and asking. I am quite sure they have no problem answering you and this is what separates Kamta from the previous systems of manipulation you mentioned and what I mean by oral culture.
You see, I tried reading the BOD and it didn’t go well because it was boring. OMG! One of the worst books I have ever read. Then, I started working with my aakhu (ancestors and spirit guides) like most oral traditions. Now, I have a better understanding of the BOD. Have I read it still? Nope, because after working with my aakhu I realize that the BOD is someone’s old private journal or what some people call a grimoire. In other words, I don’t need it because God is with me and my ancestors walk with me, so I can make my own. That’s why there is no where on this blog will you find me encouraging people to read the BOD or study Medu Netcher because it is outdated. The HOT “STUFF!” is happening now, RIGHT NOW, TODAY in our Spirit. The Kamitic “elitist” created a great system that helped their society but we could not use that system today because of all of the ills we have today. This is why in Kamta it is combined with the Kongo and African American traditions. I don’t need a leader or book to verify anything for me now. I take it to my aakhu and that is the whole point of traditional oral culture because nowadays we don’t know who is telling the truth or who is lying. So instead of relying on our intellect, which could be flawed….go to your spirits.
Well, hope that makes sense. Thanks for the comments and questions. I always look forward to discussing issues like this so that we can remove the common mis-beliefs that people have. If you have any more questions feel free to respond to this reply. Thanks again.
Rau Khu.
Peace brother. I got your book, MAA AANKH: Finding God the Afro-American Spiritual Way, by Honoring the Ancestors and Guardian Spirits. It was delivered yesterday. It looks like a great read. Thanks a lot for all your information. You’re doing a great service. It is very much appreciated. Much respect!
Reblogged this on Theblackfashionista.
A very interesting and educational blog you have for sure – thankyou – also (and i know this may be perceived as going off track somewhat), i was wondering if you have anything to say (at all), on the ancient atlanteans, in relation to early kemet – Hotep.
Thanks Thelemic Rob,
In regards to your question. From my research – and mind you I haven’t done a lot of research on this subject, so don’t quote me – the ancient Atlanteans were one of the original people that had this advanced knowledge many of us marvel at today. Apparently, after their civilization was lost/destroyed, their descendants migrated all over the place. There were many that migrated to ancient Sumer and from Sumer these people migrated to Kamit. Kamit became a great nation because a lot of what they acquired they adopted and borrowed from other cultures – particularly the people from ancient Sumer, which is where the netchar Set orginally comes from. As I have stated, I haven’t done a lot of research on the ancient Atlanteans mainly b/c I am concerned with the practical use of this science. In other words, it is nice to talk about what a people did in the past for nostalgic reasons, but I am concerned with what we can do today.
I hope that helps. Thanks again. Hope to hear from you again.
Please please keep posting. I love your blogs. I’m 21 and understanding more about Kamitic philosophy. Do you know any resources/books I can research?
Thank you, Simone
Sent from my Sprint phoneLandofKam’s Blog wrote:
Thanks you very much. I am glad you enjoyed the post.
For more information, please see my work Maa Aankh, Maa Aankh Vol. II, which is sold on Amazon.com.
Thanks and have a blessed day.
Great post brother! This was very informative. You’re really dropping some knowledge. Hotep.
Thanks Kushite Prince.
You’re very welcome. I may have to purchase some of your books. How long have you been writing? Also where do you get a lot of your research? I’m curious because you seem to have a lot of knowledge.
Thanks Bro.
Well, I appreciate your support. I know it may sound cliche, but I seriously live in the boondocks with no community or anything. Where they still call Black people “Colored” and Black people still call themselves “Colored”. You get the picture.
I am only here because of my family and also because I have a good job. As a result, I really understand how the Kamitic people must have lived to be in isolation. With no spiritual community to rely upon, I have had to really tap into the Spirit and rely upon my ancestors for real, to keep my peace of mind and sanity.
So most of the posts that you read are actually sermons from them to me and you. It may sound strange, but really it is not me. It is really them. In fact, every time “I” think about writing something somehow I am delayed, but when I follow the flow or my intuition. That’s when we get thought provoking posts. Thank you anyway. I hope that helps.
God Bless. Hetep.
@landofkam I hear you. That’s a good enough explanation for me. I really think you’re doing a great service with this blog. I try to give out useful information onsite log that will raise the consciousness of our people. I think too many of our people are in a zombie state. We’re walking and talking but not in our right minds. We need to have knowledge of self to overcome this sick,oppressive,corrupt society. But with faith and the right knowledge we can obtain all our goals. Keep spreading knowledge and truth. You’re on the righteous path.
Peace and be well.
I hear you Kushite. I think you are doing a great job as well. This thing we call knowledge of self needs all kinds of people on different levels. I am optimistic that things will change. It is like the Ra Atum or the setting sun on Maa Aankh cosmogram. Things have to get worse in order for things to get better. We are in the “setting” times and moving towards a new “dawning”. The signs are clear and prevalent.
Well, you have a good one. I will see you on the (web) battlefront. 🙂