Ring Shouting My B-Day Like A God/Goddess (How to Celebrate as a GOD/GODDESS)

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
Never Forget
Today, as I sit her sipping on a cup of coffee, contemplating on how, on this very day I was born.

Maa Aankh with Utchat
Copyright 2019 Derric Moore

I look across the room and notice my 14 month old squatting. Before I can think, “She’s pooping,” I wonder in amazement at how she knows that naturally this is the way her body works.  When she regains her stance signaling that she is finish. I reach for the diapers, wipes and ointment, while she tries to climb on the bookshelf. Funny how she knows certain things but does not see the danger in climbing the 6 foot high shelves that could easily fall.  I see the manifestation of Npu in her as her inquisitive spirit gets into everything and runs away from Daddy as he reaches to change her diaper.  She reminds me of the child within me.  I honor you Khepera for the Beginning.
Then, I hear from my teenage niece who tells me, “Happy Birthday!” in passing. She is too busy texting to have a one-on-one real conversation.  I over hear that she does not like people messing with her things and how upset it makes her. I remember when she born and when I changed her diapers, now she is busy teenager wrapped up in her own life. It is confirmation to me that it around our adolescent age that we come into the false sense of ourselves based upon the physical things surrounding us.  However, it is necessary for us to realize our purpose. I honor you Ra for Life.
My Mom enters and sings a brief rendition of Stevie Wonder’s Happy Birthday song. I am positive that as she wishes me well on my birthday, she remembers the pregnancy, the childbirth, the getting up with my father in the wee hours  of the night because she hears me coughing or crying because of an earache, stomach ache, scratching from the chickenpox, etc.  I see in her heart that there are some things she wish she could have done differently. Then she reminds me that Sunday school is at 10 tomorrow, thus verifying her role as an elder. Yet, signifying the death or end of an era that has become obsolete.  There was a time when the Church was the most important and most significant institution in our community. Nowadays it is relic meant to be appreciated, studied and admired in a museum because we do not live in the days of (physical) slavery any more. My niece showed me in the previous Ra moment that there are a lot of distractions preventing us from seeing our true self that was expressed automatically in my baby. I honor you Ra Atum for Death, hence Change.
The words of Ra to Oset “I am KhepeRa in the morning, Ra at noon, Tmu (Ra Atum) in the evening, ” which are all references to the Moments of the Sun. More information see: https://www.1solalliance.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=133_55276&zenid=d807dd7a6fb14e88b5833ee0a37cb30c

So, why on this day was I born? I am aware of all things both past and present.  If I decide to live tomorrow and do things according to some plan. It signifies something that easily missed, which is that I was born on this day because I chose to be here at this exact moment in time. Just like my daughter was aware of certain things regarding her being, prior to being conditioned like my niece and mom.   I am aware of certain things. I am aware that I AM.

Happy Earthday Amun Ra. “Thank you for Rebirth.”

E.W. Kemble

Today, I dance for you.


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