Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
OMG! It has been a long time. I must apologize for being gone for so long but yo’ BRAH was putting down that foundation work. New works are coming out soon. I am posting this to let you know that I am still here and wishing all of us peace, love, success, prosperity and happiness. But, I want to remind you Fam about something.
You know, since I have been gone I have heard and seen some krazy stuff. Â I am not going to even give them any power by mentioning their silly acronyms. I have tried to stay away from social media b/c there is a lot of foolishness on there. In the meantime, I have tried to just build with my wife. BTW we got a little one in the oven and I am almost finished with this schooling. Â But, during this little hiatus I happened to watch a documentary on the Black Panthers on Netflix.
Now, I do not know if the whole documentary was true or not. What I do know is this… j.edgar hoover executed an excellent plan to destroy that movement. It was called divide and conquer via cointelpro, which is a similar tactic that Sun Tzu advised in the Art of War. I mean the cointelpro destroyed a lot of positive movements and a lot of peoples’ lives.  I cannot even begin to mention all of the lives it destroyed and it was using the same things.  The same vices, namely, sex, drugs and money. And according to the documentary, the next thing you know the organization was infiltrated and there was division between Huey P Newton, Bobby Seale and Eldridge Cleaver.
It is the same story and if you study history, you will find that these are the three things that have destroyed nations, bankrupted countries, destroyed movements, etc., etc. etc. And, if you study mythology, you know that every time you hear of something positive failing it goes right back to these same three things. Why? Because these things are rooted in FEAR. And, FEAR is main energy that our Set (our ego) uses against us.
I mean as I watched the BP documentary and then saw what happened to Huey P. I was like “Wow.”
Like I said, I do not know how true the documentary was. All I know is that there was a generation of folks who were proud to be themselves and willing to invest in their culture. I mean the BP had food programs and other programs that existed all throughout the country. And, POOF! Gone because of some he said, she said crap regarding the three leaders of the party.
Thank GOD and the Ancestors. We do not have to go this route anymore. We can use an oracle Family.
You see, we all have mess that we have to go through and clear out of our lives. That is what this earthly plane (TASETT) is all about. We are here to purify our soul of all of the garbage (conditionings) we have picked up (indiscriminately learned) that keeps us from being the gods and goddesses that we are. So, it is very easy for us to get wrapped up in crap especially if you are depending upon what you know. This is the reason Hru (Horus) in the Story of Osar (Osiris) kept losing against Set.
He was blind. He needed some sagely wisdom, which is why Djahuti (Thoth) fixed his eye (an allusion referring to inner sight). But, Hru won the war because Osar (his deceased father, hence ancestor) intervened on his behalf. But, don’t forget that by working with your aakhu, it empowers them as well. Remember, it was Osar who came to Hru and asked him to avenge his wrongful death, so working with your ancestors helps them as well.
The point is that anyone can lie and say something that sounds good to our ears, but when you got ancestors on your side. Family. Your aakhu (ancestors and spirit guides) are not fettered by the human body so they can see through other peoples’ BS.  They will whisper in your ear and tell you when someone is not on the up and up. I am telling you. My aakhu has intervened and saved my backside a number of times.
Can you imagine how things would have been if the Brahs and Sistas had an oracle and did a reading before accepting someone into their organization?
How about before they decided to engage in some activity, they did a reading to find the likelihood of success? Do you know how many beefs could be squashed if they just took the matter to the aakhu?
We have been born in a wonderful time where we can use all of the tools that our ancestors had, which made their civilizations great, RIGHT NOW! I know it is different. It is strange. It is easier to make a decision based upon your own knowledge, but wouldn’t it be better if you had the knowledge, experience and insight of your ancestors supporting you? I mean just because something is easy doesn’t make it right in the long run.
We need to stop trying to do things like our enemy and do things like our ancestors. Â The annals of history are full of failed attempts that we have tried. Every system these folks have created have failed and will fail because it is based upon lower nature. Not ours. All of our systems are based upon humanity’s higher nature and the immortality of the soul. Â This is the reason the ancestor veneration permeates every aspect of traditional African life. THEY say that the ancestors are evil and should be feared but this is not our experience. Â And, when you study mythology, Set did not want anyone honoring and remembering Osar. Just like today. THEYÂ may be afraid of ancestors but we’re not so, embrace them for your benefit and theirs.
As always…love you all. Stay positive. Hopefully this helps. Â Remember, nothing of worth comes easy.
Congrats to you and your wife. Must be exciting to have a bun in the oven. Your child is so fortunate to have wise parents that can see through society’s pitfalls and guide him or her on the right path.
Also, I wanted to thank you for your sage advice and insights.
Yes, I watched this documentary awhile ago with my then 6 yr old daughter. My local librarian invited us to view it before they aired it on PBS here in Tampa, Fl. I wanted to educate her on our history and how we were and still are treated. I want to thank you for providing us with such valuable information. I love to share this with my daughter and anyone who will listen. But most of us don’t want to know the truth. Again thank you for enlightening us all.
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Hetep Black Diamond.
One of the lessons I took away from this documentary was that it does not take a lot of people to create change…only a few. So, if we keep doing what is Right versus what is Easy. That’s good enough. Right? Thanks for your comments. Peace and love.