The LoK Gallery

According to Kamta belief, there is only one Supreme Being, and It is Anyame in Akan,  Olódùmarè in Yoruba, Nzambi Mpungu in Kongo, or Nebertchar in Kemetic.  Underneath Nebertchar is its Divine Power or Divine Light, Rau, personified as the Sun and symbolized as a falcon-headed man, representing the divine life force in nature.  Beneath the Rau are ten netcharu (force of nature, guardian spirits, etc.) . From the closest to the farthest from the Rau, they are: 

  • 0 Rau
  • 1  Osar (Asar, Osiris)
  • 2 Djahuti (Thoth)
  • 3 Sokar-Ptah
  • 4 Maat
  • 5 Hru Aakhuti (Ra Hrukhate)
  • 6 Hru (Horus)
  • 7 Nebthet (Nephthys)  
  • 8 Npu (Anubis)
  • 9 Oset (Aset, Isis)
  • 10 Set 


Since the human mind is made in the image of the universe, these ten netcharu manifest themselves within and outside of our being.  Therefore, the closer we are to the Rau (the Divine Light), the more spiritual we are, and the farther we are from the Rau, the more earthbound we become.  For instance, if we are influenced by the netchar Set, who is the farthest from the Rau, we are very egotistical, selfish, and materialistic.  

I am not an idol worshipper. 
My altar is a symbolic reflection of communication with the deep recesses of my mind (higher self, superconscious, collective unconscious, etc.). 

Dark Matter Ancestor Altar