Kamitic Magic and Christmas Spirits (OMG! Santa Claus is Real and other Christmas Traditions)

Hetepu (Peace) Family
Greetings. In this holiday season I deemed it necessary to talk about something that we have all seen and for whatever reason aren’t benefiting from. Have you noticed how people around you get the things they want throughout life and it seems like they are just blessed or extremely lucky.  Well, it is because these people are unconsciously tapping into the true meaning of Christmas and we aren’t.  I don’t know about you, but I am tired of us not being blessed. So, let’s talk about this.
Now, before we begin, those of you who know me know that I very concerned about integrating and making spiritual traditions practical in our contemporary times.  Especially since Western science seemed to have become the main religion in our society today.

Osar as Lord of KAMTA (the Black Lands)
Osar as Lord of KAMTA (the Black Lands)

That being said, I am not going to talk about how the sun, moon and stars align to create the winter solstice.   I could tell you how Christmas signifies the birth of the Christian savior and how it was a concept borrowed from the Kamitic (Ancient Egyptians) but, I am not. I could tell you about how wrong it is for Christmas to be commercialized and how Santa Claus is not real blah, blah, blah. NO. I am not talking about any of that, so if you are looking for me to criticize and blast others. Sorry, not today, we have more important work to do. This post is for those with children who are struggling to keep them on the path of righteousness in the midst of the greatest illusions of the year.


Yes. All of these things are true – winter solstice, the origins of Christmas, etc. – but what does it have to do with you and your family? I haven’t met, read or heard any “spiritual” person saying, “Ah Yeah! Winter Solstice Was On Blast. I got _______!” In fact, what I have noticed is that the poorest people on the planet are usually so-called spiritual people.
Now, I am not saying this has happens or that there aren’t people benefiting from this sharing season, but for the vast spiritual majority, they don’t understand how to tap into this energy so they miss the opportunity to advance from it. Based upon my experience, I have concluded that most people miss it because of two reasons:
1.  They miss it because they have no spiritual cosmology, so they continue to separate the physical from the spiritual and fail to see that the two realms are intertwined. See, it takes spiritual energy to get physical things. When most people asked what they really want they will say, “I want to be more spiritual” and when most people say this what they really want is more self-discipline. The thing is when people ask to be more spiritual, what they get is more adversity because the Spirit doesn’t distinguish good and bad.  The Spirit only knows that adversity will force you to become more discipline. I did the same thing once upon a time. One time this season came around and I asked to be more spiritual.  Shortly after Spirit said, “Voila! Take this troubled individual (in your life) with no money, and I will take away your job, other sources of income for you. And, now you can be more spiritual (focused).” Yeah, I was homeless for a while for that and I will more focused, but I will never ask to be more spiritual ever again. It is better to ask for what you want because in order to get what you want you have to focus your mind/spirit anyway, which is the whole point. For instance, if you want a better job, improved finances, a new car, etc. in order to get it you have to focus your energies to getting that and that whole process will make you more spiritual. We have to abandon this Western religious (and Eastern thought) concept that we either have to be spiritual or secular (physical/material). Kamitic spirituality like most indigenous spiritual systems is about balance (Maa). We need the physical and spiritual, the good and the bad, etc. to survive and part of our purpose of being on this earth is to learn how to be a Man and Woman of God by living between both realities.

Hru and Set - Fighting the Devil Within
Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

2. The second reason people don’t prosper during this time, (which also ties into not having a cosmology) is because they are too damn spiritual. They basically end up confused.  Their head is so up in the stars and wrapped around metaphysics that you literally have to pull these people down by their knees and not the ankles. Simply because they forgot that they are here to have an earthly experience, which means you need physical things in order to physically survive. As the Christian saying goes, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you aren’t any worldly good.”  Again, I understand why this occurs because most of us raised in the West were taught by people who believed according to Col. 3:2 that we should, “Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth.” The problem is that earthly things have always been misinterpreted by Christian leaders who believed that if things aren’t heavenly they are evil, hence the misquoted and erroneous belief, “that money is the root of all evil.”  The true understanding of the scripture was that you are supposed to keep your mind focused on the heavenly things.  Meaning, don’t connive and scheme on getting physical things but let the Spirit guide you to obtaining the things you want. That’s the purpose of magic and miracles in the first place, to let the Spirit guide you.
Since most of these religious practices we learned when we were children, and they were based upon superstitions because any time you have a tradition with no understanding of the spiritual science, it becomes profane.  It is hard for many of us to break from these beliefs and practice because they are firmly impressed upon our subconscious.  It is not impossible because the wonderful thing is that we can always learn something new by replacing outdated info with new learnings. So, let’s get real and let me tell you how I made the transition in order to tap into true meaning of Christmas.


First, Christmas is the Christian version of the Kamitic holiday Hed Sed or Sed Day. Sed Day was created by the Kamitic sages to signify the symbolic victory of knowledge over ignorance, hope over despair, new over the old, good over evil, symbolized as the rebirth of Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris in Greek) through his heir Hru (Horus in Greek).
According to Kamitic legend, Osar united the Kamitic people by teaching them law and the science of agriculture, thus making his kingdom a very prosperous land. All loved Osar except for his youngest brother Set, who became so envious of Osar, that he held a banquet for the beloved king and murdered him, thereby separating the once united kingdom and usurping the throne. Fortunately, due to Osar’s righteousness and his devoted wife Oset, Osar was reborn through his heir Hru, who later challenged and defeated his evil uncle Set, and returned Osar’s rule to the throne.

Hru Osar and Set
Hru Osar and Set

The Kamitic people depicted this concept of life over death or good over evil by symbolizing Osar’s life as the moon during the month of regeneration Keehek (December). It was from this concept the tradition was born to celebrate the figurative death of the reigning king’s authority, which occurred 28 days after November 27 – the Last Supper (or Banquet) for Osar hosted by his younger brother Set and, his rebirth, which occurred around December 25th.  This is where the origin of the old adages, “the king is not dead!”, “Long live the king!”, “Out with the old and in with the New!” and “The righteous will receive their justly reward!”

Maa Aankh & Seasons

As you can see, the months of regeneration correspond to the Amun Ra moment on the Maa Aankh cosmogram. Therefore, when you put this in perspective you can clearly see how it all ties into Christmas because we’re dealing with Amun Ra (the Hidden Ra) or Energy associated with rebirth and renewal. That means “News Flash! Santa Claus is Real.” No there is no fat jolly man flying around on a sleigh being pulled by magical reindeers, forcing himself down a chimney to give you gifts. There is a fat, jolly Spirit that will give you gifts if you are loyal to his kingly and righteous cause. Does it make sense now why Santa only rewards those who have been good little children? Does it make sense now, why Santa’s colors are the same as Hru, the son of Osar?

Osar from Maa Ankh 2
Osar (the Ruler over the Higher Self)

So, you see if you want to truly celebrate and benefit from this energetic period of the year. You need to celebrate your triumph over ignorance, despair and evil by marking your king’s joyous return based upon your beliefs and understanding.  Keep in mind that your (Higher) Spirit does not distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad, past and future or any other manmade concepts meant to help us to understand the physical universe. It according to the Laws of Maa, which are the laws of the Spirit, only concerns itself with what you focus on in the present.
But in order to do this we need to understand who or what does Osar, Set and Hru symbolize.  Also, we need to understand the metaphysical understanding behind the Christmas symbolism.
Personally I recognize Osar as my higher self and the higher self that dwells in all of humanity (known and unknown). My understanding of my Higher Self or Higher Spirit is that it is the bomb! Since the Higher Self dwells in us all, it logically is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. When I was much younger, silly and immature, I use to spend a lot of time trying to understand how the (Higher) Spirit is able to make things occur based upon synchronicity but I don’t anymore and I am just glad that it does. Since that time, I have time and time again put requests out and seen my Osar mysteriously deliver what I need.
This means that the forces that try to suppress this knowledge, my ancestral heritage and my connection with my Osar that we call ignorance, selfishness, hatred, poverty, etc. are the energies of our lower self or ego, which is called Set.
Set of TASETT (from Maa Aankh 2)
Set (the Ego Self and Ruler over the Lower Self)

Are you starting to see the picture? Do you see how Set (our egos) kill and try to separate our Osar?


 Therefore, the Christmas tree is depending upon your Kamitic tradition is the Tree of Life or Paut Netcharu (Paut Neteru)– that is all of the so-called divinities that aligned themselves with your Hru and fight for your Osar.  From another perspective all of the lights and things on the Christmas tree are your chakras spinning harmoniously to support the Crown chakra. Yes, the little twinkling star or the angel on top of the Christmas tree is your Higher Self or Osar. So, all of the gifts under the tree are the blessings you received and will receive from working your (Higher) Spirit. I meant to add that the lights also refer to star Sirius and this ties in the whole 3 Kings Day or Tres Reyes Magos, which is practiced in Puerto Rico and parts of Latin America. The point is that we have to find what resonates with us and use it to build upon for our spiritual purposes and to keep our children interested in our own tradition. Remember, it is not about if Jesus or Santa Claus were real people or not. For that matter it is not known if Osar, Hru or Set were real either, but the concept and principle is what matters and that’s what makes it real.

Three Kings Day wallpaper courtesy of https://agoralibre.wordpress.com/2014/01/05/tres-reyes-magos-tambien-andan-buscando-el-portal/

That being said, instead of three kings we can say that it was Npu (Anubis, Sebek, etc.) whose sacred number is 3 as well, guided and protected the virgin Oset in order to give birth to HrupaKhart or the Infant Child Hru.
Npu (Anubis) - The Opener of the Way
Npu (Anubis) – The Opener of the Way

Therefore, you want to leave treats for Npu just like you would leave treats for Santa. Again, if you harbor on the notion that Jesus is not real, you are missing the point because it is not about if they are real or not. Remember, this is about Divine Energy, which does not discriminate based upon good or bad, ethnicity, right or wrong, etc. We have to think of this Energy as being like electricity, which means you can either sit around in the “dark” and complain (pun intended) or plug into it and turn on your lights (pun intended).
HrupaKhart or the Child Hru and the Infant Jesus
HrupaKhart or the Child Hru and the Infant Jesus

As you can see, the good news or point of the whole celebration is that Osar still reigns through you and me as Hru, who symbolizes our conscious decisions to trust, believe and willfully act towards the goal of triumphing over Set (ignorance, selfishness, hatred, poverty, etc. and other traits of the ego-self).
So, how do we do it?
Maa-The Path of the Feather
Maa-The Path of the Feather

Well, besides the suggestions mentioned above, one of the things that the holiday tradition got right is that this holiday season is about sharing and this is what brings about Osar’s return. Sharing in the Kamitic tradition is an attribute and virtue of the netchar Maat, who is the personification of Maa or Divine Justice, Divine Law and Divine Truth. Think about it. Ever notice how some of the orneriest people share and give things during this season and they still remain on top. This is why. It is very hard to go against the energy that is sweeping the globe.
The trick is though, it is about unconditional love. That means sharing and expecting nothing in return. Sounds hard to do but it really isn’t. Just the other day, I went to the store got some deserts for $3 and gave it to my neighbors who were very appreciative of it. I don’t expect them to go out and by me something but in that little simple act, I just made an ally for Osar and struck blow against Set. Who knows, one day my neighbor may see something suspicious going around my house while I am not there and decide to call the police or scare off the intruder. Do you see it?  That’s how Osar works. It is synchronicity that the untrained would call magic.
That means don’t go out and buy some real expensive stuff with the hope that you will get a nice gift in return. That’s doing it for the wrong reason. If you don’t get anything in return, good just know that the blessing is come from another avenue and hasn’t physically manifested yet. By the way, the Christmas tree symbolizes blessings descending from your Higher Self, your guardian angel or Osar and manifesting physically as presents. So, you don’t get a gift great, it means it is not here yet but it is coming.

milk&cookies for Santa

We have to remember that we are dealing with energy and energy in invisible but when it manifests itself physically it becomes physical matter and action. This is why children were taught to bribe Santa with some cookies and milk to sweeten the energy. When you understand that spirits are energy and they don’t physically consume food but absorb the essence. The thought of seeing cookies and milk changes how people feel, hence changes their energy. Again, if you don’t feel comfortable putting milk and cookies out for Santa, offer the cookies and milk or actually candies, rum, cigars, etc. to Npu (the Kamitic Ellegua), while asking for his protection this year. This is what brings on the jolly energy of St. Nick. That’s right Family, we need to reclaim our magic and magic is not based upon the intellect but on the Spirit.

January 6 is the celebration of the Epiphany or Three Kings Day, where before going to sleep, children leave grass and water for the kings’ camels, instead of milk and cookies. In some countries like Cuba and Spain it is placed inside of shoes. In return candies are put inside of the shoes instead of stocking stuffers. http://carmensluxurytravel.com/2014/01/three-kings-day/

So there are numerous ways to tap into this energy to get the things you want to improve your life. This January 6, I will be setting out a special offering for my Npu based upon the Story of Osar, since Npu protected Oset and the Child Hru, to recreate a tradition for my own children, thus building pride in our cultural ways. That means that the Eve of January 5th, would be a good day to have a party for the arrival of Hru instead of a Christmas Eve party.  Does that make sense? Remember, spirituality is not all based upon the intellect but about subconscious emotional programming, which is tied to our childhood. Many understand this which is why they are able to use this spiritual science for negative and often destructive purposes.  It is our responsibility to rescue it and show others how to use it correctly, so that we can heal ourselves and our community. After all, this is way to actually spread peace on earth.
Hope that helps.
Be careful this holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you all next year. Happy Holidays.