How to Worship the God/dess Within

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
It has come to my attention that a lot of people approach spiritual work as if they are in the church, temple or mosque because they have superimposed a lot of their old religious beliefs on to the new path they are on. This is not correct because it will basically make everything the same just with a different name. The only way to change this is by adopting another paradigm.
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For instance, as most of you know, I grew up in a Christian household. My father is preacher and my mother songstress. Like most who grew up in a strong Christian household, we went to church 4-5 times per week. For the longest time I could not understand why we went to church so often, until I learned that most Christians especially those from the southern U.S. believe that “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” Simply put, if you do not occupy yourself with something constructive you will eventually do something destructive, so a lot of people would counter this by going to church. Sidebar: Too bad they don’t understand metaphysics because there is a better way but, oh well.
Anyway,  because I went to church so often, when I finally got old enough and left the church.  I always felt as if something was missing.  I remember, I tried filling this void with yoga practices, daily meditation and/or prayer but something was still missing. When I began dabbling with other faiths, I found that filled the void temporarily but not completely mostly because it was outside of my cultural experience.   When I learned about the various energies or deities and the religions that centered around these entities, I learned that to worship them was to serve them but I could not bring myself to worship a deity/angel/archetype after being told for years that gods and goddesses are idols .  Even though it was right under my nose, it took me a long time to figure out that what was missing was the practice of attending church and praying to God on a regular basis.
Catholic Church Idolatry Exposed! Idol Worship FORBIDDEN by God
I felt as if there was a void because I had been taught that this was the only way to worship God who existed outside of me. When I finally found my whole knowledge of self, I realize that since the Divine is omnipresent – meaning everywhere. There is no need to worship the Divine in a church, mosque or temple. Many people feel comfortable and more at ease doing so because it helps to put them in the frame of mind. However, once it is realized that the Divine is everywhere and within you.  Then, when you talk to yourself, you are technically speaking talking to the Divine.
When I realized this, that is when my life changed because I realize that I had been talking down to my Divine for a long time.  You see, some of us have to check our self-talk because some of us talk horribly to the Divine within us. We cuss, swear, call our Divine stupid and dumb when we make a mistake, or tell ourselves what we can or can’t do.  This negative self-talk is truly anti-God, which means to worship the Divine within is to talk positive and affirm itself of its’ divine abilities.

Osar as Lord of KAMTA (the Black Lands)

Once I began to change how I talked to myself. I developed a different relationship with my Spirits. For instance, instead of serving them on a daily or weekly basis, it became me honoring and/or feeding them on a weekly basis to serve my purpose.  Remember, the Universe is mental so you must approach spirituality from an empowering perspective.