How to Shift from a Religious Mindset to Spiritual/Magical/God Mindset?

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
You know, a lot of people are still having a difficult time on making the transition to spirituality because they are stuck in this Judeo-Christian paradigm. If you have read all the books on how Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all based upon Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) science. You know how all these major religions are the main culprit for most of the atrocities that have occurred on the planet such as the genocide of the Amerindians (indigenous cultures throughout the Americas), the enslavement of Africans and the numerous wars fought in the name of “God.” You know that all the stories you have learned in the major religions make no logical sense like God has the power to make everything but needs a rib from Adam to make a woman? And, the Great Flood story, where similar stories have been found in South America, the Pacific Islands and even in Asia. But, still you are having difficulties taking that final step it is because you have taken steps to understand the power of your mind.

Remember, our mind is composed of three parts: BA (Superconscious/Higher Spirit), sahu (subconscious/lower spirit) and Ab (conscious/spiritual heart/soul).  Most people live their life on autopilot, which is governed by the sahu but the omnipotent and omniscient part of our being is our BA. It is our BA that automatically connects us to the Divine, but most religions will not teach this because they want us to continue to believe that the Divine is billions of miles away outside of our being.

The BA has a human head and body of a hawk to indicate that it is the Superconscious (Divine Spark) that connects us back to the Divine, but it will only manifest what we think and believe (human head).

Once you understand how your mind works, then you will see that most of the stories in the “religious” books were not meant to be taken literally. It is all an allegory.  This is the reason most of the stories do not make any sense. Once you make this realization, it will become crystal clear that people are misinterpreting something that was supposed to be metaphorical in the first place. For instance, people are fighting over if Jesus taught this way or that way, when the truth of the message is Jesus was not even real. The stories were all about resurrecting the Jesus within you or connecting with your BA.
So, you see, all the major religions are based upon the sahu, which is why they focus on ethics, morality and commanding you on what you should and should not do. In other words, all the major religious are based upon social control.  To put it plainly, all the major religions are political. All the major religions have nothing to do with spirituality or on teaching you how to work with your BA.  This is the reason you have such a distaste for them and feel a calling for something more outside of the normal routine.
And, there lies the secret to shifting to a spiritual/magical/GOD mindset.
You must do something different or think outside of the box. Einstein said it best and I paraphrase, “You cannot use the same type of thinking to solve a problem, that created the problem in the first place.” All our problems were created either unintentionally or intentionally via our sahu and religious conditionings. So, we cannot rely upon it to resolve our problems. We must tap into our BA. In other words, everything that the establish religions taught us not to do, you need to do.
The church says pray to God in heaven, then you talk to God within. (Yes talk to Your Self).
The church says don’t practice magic because it is evil, then practice magic because it must be good.
The church says don’t venerate your Ancestors because if you do you are going to go to hell, then venerate your ancestors because they will help you to understand how to get out of hell you are in.
The church says building an altar to a deity is a sin against God, then build an altar to a deity to resurrect your God within.
Everything that established religions have taught us as the norm was basically to make us conform and be a follower, a sheep, a piece meat led to the slaughter. Basically, everything that the established religions have taught regarding our spiritual development, we must abandon and do the direct opposite to liberate ourselves.
You must remember that if these established religions were so good for us, there would not be a church, temple, mosque, etc. on every corner.
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