Hetepu (Peace) Fam,
This just came to me while visiting a relative. As many of you know, I was like many of you was raised in a Christian household, and my father is a preacher. So I spent a great deal of time in the church and attending church functions. But it saddens me to say that most religious leaders due to Western thinking are the cause of most of the ills occurring in the world today. Yes, that is a bold statement to make but when you think about it, besides a handful of preachers. When was the last time you heard a preacher give an uplifting message? Most of the sermons preached from the pulpit are about doom, gloom and how the world is going to end. It is so bad that it makes you wonder that if there weren’t any catastrophes would churches still exist?
But, it is not the churches’ fault. I use to think it was until I encountered some traditional spiritual communities and they were the same way. I had diviners telling me that if you don’t do this, this orisha or spirit (instead of God) is going to punish me. Thankfully, my padrino explained things to me clearly, which helped me to discover the maa aankh and find the Maa. It was through his guidance I learned that God is not a bias or vengeful Being. The same air that fills my lungs fills the lungs of every living thing on the planet, including my so-called enemies, which means God has no likes, dislikes or prejudices. The Divine Almighty God, Nebertcher is impartial. So, if God doesn’t punish this means that most of the ills that occur to us are the results of our previous actions. This is what the Kamitic people called the Maa.
What is Maa you might ask? Well, Egyptologists will tell you that Maa(t) is the concept and goddess of truth, balance, order and righteousness, but this just scratches the surface. Maa is much more than that. Maa is balance, law, justice, order, love, truth, faith, righteousness, etc. Maa is also about seeing, which ties into truth. In order to see the whole picture, you have to use both eyes…an allusion to seeing holistically. That is physically and spiritually. This is the reason the prince Hru could not defeat Set because he only had part of the truth…not the whole truth or picture.
So you see, Maa was very important. It was so important that the Kamitic people believed it was the first thing that God created after coming into existence. This is why the Kamitic people devoted so much time and energy to living their lives according to it. In a nutshell, Maa is basically the Kamitic version of the Tao. It is the Kamitic Way of Life, which inspired the 42 Declarations (incorrectly called 42 Negative Confessions of Maat).
To properly understand how one lives their life according to the Maa, it has to be understood that we are a spiritual being inside a physical body with a soul. The same way our physical body consists of various parts making a whole, our spiritual being is composed of several parts or consciousness as well. For simplicity purposes, I will call these parts or consciousness, the subconscious (the lower self or physical conscious), conscious (the true self, soul or human conscious) and super conscious (divine conscious or divine spark). Most of us have heard these terms before and aware of the fact that our subconscious governs our memories, which influences our actions and behaviors; our conscious corresponds to our rational mind, gives us the ability to make decisions and exercise our will; while the super conscious is the part of our being that gives us ability to accomplish anything that is humanly possible. The super conscious is what makes prayer possible.
What you might not know is that our subconscious governs our entire physical awareness because it helps us to physically survive, but it is horrible when it comes to solving problems because it doesn’t have the ability to reason. The ability to reason belongs to our conscious, which means anything that has a dramatic effect on us. The subconscious will store the memory of it either on the cellular level or in the muscles of our physical body. This means that if something traumatic occurs, it causes the subconscious to tense up (like preparing to get sucker punched) and it stores the memory of this in the body, so that when a similar situation occurs. It is ready to help us deal with it. This is why it only takes most of us (some of us are a little slow – smile) one time to put our hand on a hot stove to know not to do it again. This is how the subconscious helps us to physically survive, but the same occurs whenever our subconscious hears a verbal curse, which people nowadays call criticism. When someone tells us, we are ugly, not pretty enough, that our nose is too big, that we don’t have good hair, etc. Consciously we might choose to ignore it, but our subconscious, which is always listening, hears it all and this causes it to tense up. This tension (or stress) may manifest itself in a number of ways to help you to deal with it. In extreme cases, the subconscious may lead an individual to physically alter their appearance artificially using chemicals, drugs, etc. so that the individual doesn’t have to deal with this again. Remember, the subconscious is what influences our actions and behaviors. So just imagine what our subconscious does when it hears that we will not be blessed by God because we have sinned or that we are going to be punished for committing a sin?
That’s right. Some peoples’ subconscious will lead them to the altar or pulpit to get divine assistance but for the wrong reason. (These are usually the people that end up misinterpreting sacred texts out of zeal.You can read all about them in history.) For others, it will lead them in the opposite direction. Think about it. How many times has someone told you what you can’t do and you went out your way to prove them wrong? If you’re like me it was 95% of the time. Then after you did it, besides feeling a great sense of foolish pride you realized that you didn’t even want to do it because you were motivated by anger. The same occurs with children. Tell a child that they are “BAD” and try to force them do something and they will do the opposite.
So, Maa is about understanding that there is a cosmic balance and order that exist. When you or anyone does something there is a corresponding effect and vice versa. The concepts and principles of the Maa are based upon the nature of our super conscious that is our divine potential, not our physical being. It is because of the Maa, the way to counteract negative affects is to get our subconscious to relax. How do you get your subconscious to relax? It is by making it feel comfortable. For instance, when someone issues a verbal curse (criticism), by saying you are ugly, not pretty enough, that your nose is too big, that you don’t have good hair, etc. You have to tell and reassure your subconscious who is responsible for your physical being, “You are beautiful! You are gorgeous! You are perfectly made in the image of God!” and so on, because if not. Your subconscious will assume, that the previous negative statements were true because remember it lacks the ability to reason. Oh, in case you’re wondering how do you know when something is affecting your subconscious, you will feel it and find yourself for no reason at all thinking about something that was said or saw, because it was disturbing.
You can use this technique whenever someone issues a verbal curse to your loved ones and to something you possess. When someone says your child is “BAD”, you have to counteract it with something positive because it is not that your child is bad. They are just at the moment behaving in a negative manner, but they have the divine potential to act in a positive manner. To focus on the child’s negative behavior is to encourage the child to act out even more just to get attention. You just have to encourage the positive behavior to manifests itself in your child. The reason this perspective and technique works is because it is based upon the concept that Maa is Love and Love is Exchange.
People need to understand that so long as we physically live on the planet, problems will never go away because it is a part of life, but we have to learn as divine beings how to be problem solvers. You know, if you focus on the glass being half-empty, that’s what you will always see, a half-empty glass. Yes, there is a lot of bad things going on, but there’s a whole lot of good going on as well. We just rarely hear about it, because it is bad for ratings, but this is what we need to focus on. Again, this is not about denying that problems exist but it is about recognizing the problem and acting on faith (Maa) that the Almighty God is bigger than the problem. For a full discourse, see Maa: A Guide to the Kamitic Way for Personal Transformation.
Hope that helps.