How to Develop a Maa (Holistic) Perspective

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
One of the biggest misunderstandings we hear when it comes to spirituality is that the physical world is not real. When people begin to ‘wake up’ or become conscious (enlightened), they are told that the physical world is not a real without further explanation. Some spiritual teachers actually tell their students that only the spiritual realm is real and that it exists above and beyond the physical world.
This is not true per se. This misconception and misunderstanding is due to Westerners culturally appropriating the Hindu concept “maya” without properly understanding the philosophy behind it. The term “maya” is often translated to mean “illusion,” but its literal meaning is closer to “deception.” In other words, maya is a deceptive force that deceives us into seeing that the physical world can give us everything we want, including peace, prosperity, love, wealth, power, happiness, etc.
It is not that the physical is not real.  The physical realm is very much real.  It is that the physical realm casts an illusion that it is a separate and the only reality.  It deludes us into thinking that we are trapped in this realm. For instance, if you are born into poverty, you will also be impoverished, which is an illusion.  If you are ill, you will always ill according to the physical realm, but again this is an illusion because it has been proven that most illness are psychosomatic. Most illnesses are influenced by a thoughts, actions, beliefs, etc.  When we see accidents, tragedies, etc. the physical realm makes us believe that these events just happened or all of a sudden occurred. In other words, the physical realm creates the delusion that we live in a world of happenstance because we do not see the front end of Maa.
The truth is that the physical realm is the end product or the end result of the spiritual realm. Whenever we see planned and unplanned events occur, what we are witnessing is the physical effect of a spiritual cause.  Said another way, the physical realm is a manifestation of the spiritual realm, which is the reason the spiritual realm is called on the maa aankh KAMTA (the southern region of Kemet or Upper Kemet) because it was the inundation of the Nile River in this region that flowed upward and made the northern region TASETT (the Red Lands or Lower Kemet).

Maa Aankh with Utchat

So in Kamta the physical realm is called TASETT (the Red Lands or desert) and is identified with the Kemetic/Kamitic adversary Set, the author of confusion, chaos, war, etc. because it is an energy that creates the delusions of happiness, power, prosperity, peace, etc. from physical things. Set, the foe spirit that governs this physical realm or TASETT, is the spirit of deception that causes us to be selfish, egotistical, arrogant, narcissistic, self-centered, etc.  For this reasons, we say that Set blinds us from seeing the whole as Netcher (Neter) intended.
Understand. If you think that money, sex, drugs, or any other physical thing is going to give you happiness, prosperity, peace, etc. You have been blinded by Set, as the Kemetic hero Hru was when the enemy gouged his eye. But, at the same time, if you think that you do not need the physical realm or that the spiritual realm is the only thing that is important, thus resulting in you thinking you do not need money, shelter, food, etc. Then, you are being too spiritual and not practical like Osar (Asar), which resulted in him underestimating Set and leading to an early death.
To bring Maa (Balance) into your life so that you can see with both eyes, here are several activities that you can employ:

The Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)
The Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)

  1. Build an ancestral altar. In the Kemetic Legend of Osar, after Oset and Nebhet collected the dismembered body parts of Osar. Everywhere they recovered a missing part they erected a shrine in Osar’s honor, which is an allusion to ancestor veneration. The reason ancestor veneration is the most widely practice tradition all over the world is because it is proof that there is a spiritual reality beyond this physical reality. The followers of Set have done a great job convincing people there is a heaven and hell but have yet to prove the existence of both. Ancestor veneration is proof that the human soul does not die.
  2. Begin to Practice Divination. True divination is not a means of foretelling the future and determining the winning numbers of Powerball. By the way, the purpose of divination is not to tell you what you should and should not do. The true purpose of divination is to show you the consequences of choices that you make. Divination provides you with the intuitive or the spiritual side of reality, which is the reason the Kemetic sages ingeniously state that after Set gouged out the young Hru’s eye. It was Djahuti who repaired his perfectly and made it whole.
  3. Rhythmic and Meditative Sounds. When I first became attracted to this way of life, I remember I was watched the movie Quilombo which inspired me to listening to the sacred songs of Cadomble. As a result, the sacred music of Candomble became a gateway that helped me to go into a meditative state. Today, I can listen to blues, gospel, traditional African, etc. and it will transport me to the spiritual realm, thus allowing me to get a Maa perspective. In order to use music as a tool, it is best that music be slow, rhythmic and preferably in another language (or no words like drumming music), so that you are not focusing on the literal meaning of the music but the rhythm. If you possible, you can also try drumming but note that it may require you to drum for several hours.
  4. Studying Metaphysics. Studying metaphysics can also lead to one expanding their awareness but it has to be combined with ritual in order to give a holistic view of reality. When metaphysics is not combined with ritual it leads to “intellectual masturbation” which results in the creation of numerous theories without any practical application. In other words, you are just talk and no action. By combining metaphysics with ritual you are able to see which theories are applicable.
  5. Studying Dreams. The language of the BA (Superconscious) and sahu (subconscious) are symbols, so when one dreams or has visions. They need to ask what does the symbol mean in order to interpret the dream. By diligently studying the symbols in one’s dreams, one is able interpret the vast symbols that exist in nature. Certain patterns such as seeing three feral dogs or encountering individuals wearing red and black, will become easily identifiable as Npu, the jackal masked spirit. Through studying dreams and symbols it becomes clear that the physical realm is a manifestation of the spiritual realm.

There are other ways to establish a Maa perspective in your life but the methods used above are the ones I have found to be the most useful in my development. One thing that must be understood, is that every method does not work the same for everyone. Some people may be more clairvoyant, clairsentience, clairaudience and/or claircognizance. It is rare that one individual will have all of these traits but understand that these are all signs that one eye is being repaired.

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