How to Be Saved Kamitically (Kemetically Speaking)

Hetepu (Peace) Family,

Commercialized Easter
Commercialized Easter

Today, as I went to the grocery store and was bombarded by all of the candy eggs, chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks and duckies blocking the aisle.  I was reminded that Easter is approaching and so much of what was sacred has been made profane because of materialism. I of course, have no problem with making something sacred an enjoyable celebration for children, but the commercializing of the concept of rebirth is a bit disturbing given the state of affairs we find ourselves in.  So I wrote this post in response. In all sincerity, salvation is salvation, meaning that there is no one group that has a monopoly on salvation. I use the title “Saved Kamitically (Kemetically)” to distinguish between the popular notion of salvation and the more profound meaning according to the Ancient Egyptians, where the concept originated. Please note: The made-up word Kamitically/Kemetically is being used purposely to describe the metaphysical process that occurs in rebirth.

What is Salvation?

Well, the term salvation is derived from the Latin word salvare, which means, “to be saved”.  Thus indicating that one’s life is in danger or peril.  When we speak of salvation in regards to spirituality, we are referring to one’s soul being in danger. This means that there is an aspect of your life that is going in a particular direction, which is leading to your soul’s demise.
Sidebar: Of course, there are some that will say that the purpose of being “saved” is to be “saved from sin,” which separates us from God. This is true, but I have yet to meet anyone define truly what sin is, or at least specify what is and is not a sin without attaching to it some dogma. For instance, like it is a sin in some organizations to smoke cigarettes. In others, it is okay to smoke cigarettes but a sin to drink alcoholic beverages. Other groups claim it is a sin to do both and to consume pork. Then again, you can find some groups that claim that they are all wrong. This discrepancy is due to not having a true understanding of what Truth is, which we will address later.
But for most of us, we have been taught that “to be saved,” means to be delivered, rescued or taken out of some grave situation that we are in at the present moment.And, for most people because of the popular notion of what salvation has degenerated to.  We have been taught that in order to be saved one is to give their life to Christ and all will be well.


I remembered when I was younger, I wanted to be saved from the rising crack epidemic and crack related crimes that were claiming the lives of so many young Black and Latino people in my native city of Detroit. Today some of our youth are fleeing from similar issues such as the gun related violence in Chicago and other urban cities across the United States. Some may be praying, “to be saved” from random acts of violence that seems to be spontaneously occurring in public spaces. At the same time, others might be praying, “to be saved” from some domestic issues or abroad to be saved from some type of conflict.


Whatever the case, we are told that the way to be saved is to give your life to Christ. The giving of one’s life to Christ ritual has worked for some but not for the greater majority, as we see in the rapid decline of our society’s ethics and morality. Also, because of a lack of spiritual science, for those individuals that were successful in giving their life to Christ, for him “to save” them from whatever danger they were fleeing from. Their life may have suddenly improved for the moment, but after the zeal has died down, they find themselves in a familiar powerless situation.


The reason this spiritual remedy is a temporary fix is because nothing occurs suddenly.  According to Ancient African cosmology, everything happens for a reason because we live in a Cause and Effect universe. You might not understand what you did to get in the predicament or situation that you are in. In fact, the actual cause of you being in the present situation you are in could have taken place in a past lifetime, no one knows but God. The point of the matter is that you are in the Effect stage right now, meaning you only see one part of the universe – the physical realm.

The Right Eye of Ra (also known as the Solar Eye corresponds to the literal, physical sight and the left hemisphere of the brain. Associated with the TASETT perspective.)
The Right Eye of Ra (also known as the Solar Eye corresponds to the literal, physical sight and the left hemisphere of the brain. Associated with the TASETT perspective.)

Right now, according to Ancient African cosmology, you are going through the storm.  You are in a living Hell or in the Devil’s workshop, which the ancient Kamitic/Kemetic people allegorized as an arid, red and desolate desert they called TASETT – the Red Land of Set (the Kamitic/Kemetic devil), who is said to be the author of confusion, illusion, chaos, conflict, war, etc. It should be noted that it was the desert where Jesus was tempted by the Set-an or Satan.
TASETT - The Red Lands. Literally also known as the desert region of Lower Kamit in the northernmost part of the country. Metaphorically, it symbolizes our Lower Self - represented by the red Deshret crown of Kamit.
TASETT – The Red Lands. Literally also known as the desert region of Lower Kamit/Kemet in the northernmost part of the country. Metaphorically, it symbolizes our Lower Self – represented by the red Deshret crown of Kamit.

If we were to draw from Jesus’ experience while he spent his 40 days and nights in the desert. We would note that he did not pray to be delivered or saved from the living Hell he was in, nor did he ask to be saved when the devil visited him.
Jesus being tempted by Satan -
Jesus being tempted by Satan –

Have you ever wondered why?

Well, think about it. If you were saved from placing your hand over a fire when you were a child, would you have learned how to respect this force yet, master the ability of using fire for constructive or destructive purposes? Answer, probably not. The point that people miss is that the whole meaning behind the temptation is that the devil was offering Jesus a shortcut to Power.

What Am I Saying?

To put it plainly, the situations that we are in is the metaphoric fire meant to transform us, just like it did Jesus. Fire tempers metal and then it makes it resilient.  This means we are not supposed to be praying for salvation, which is the reason so many of us are not having our prayers answered. We are supposed to be praying for the power and strength so that we can overcome the devil within us and outside of our being.  That is why we are in these present situations.

So How Do We Get Saved Kamitically/Kemetically?

Maa Aankh Cosmogram: Being Saved Kamitically Means Do A Complete 360
Maa Aankh Cosmogram: Being Saved Kamitically Means Do A Complete 360

Understanding that we cannot and will not be totally “saved” from a situation, means that it is part of our destiny that we are in this situation in the first place.  We were placed in this situation so that we can observe what the problem is from the inside and out. We must complete the cycle or the revolution. Many of us get lost because we get stuck or we stop in the RED – TASETT. We have to continue on and make it to the BLACK, because Rebirth takes place on the other side.  So, how do we get to the other side? Well, this is where those three classic steps come in – Repent, be Baptized and Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, but I am speaking Kamitically/Kemetically:

  1. Repent – means that you see the error in your ways due to your ignorance and you ask for forgiveness.  This is usually hardest step because many of us do not believe that we are part of the problem. Sometimes part of the problem can simply be you not willing to accept the fact that your perspective of life is limited to your personal experience; and that you must learn to rely upon your intuition.  This requires you having faith in the unknown.  As stated earlier, everything happens for a reason regardless if we recognize it or not.
  2. Baptized – means that you make a commitment to God (and your ancestors) not to engage in the destructive act ever again. It is a form of initiation. Spiritually inclined people know that you can be baptized by water (the literal way) or baptized by fire (strictly metaphorical, referring to initiation by life, where you have to spiritually evolve in order to survive).  In the olden days, this was the original purpose for people ritually bathing themselves. Nowadays they sell colored and perfumed waters in grocery stores with the title “Curios”, but when you understand the concept. You can make your own ritual bath like our ancestors did prior to the commercialization of our spiritual practices.
  3. Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost  – means to receive Rau, Spirit of God, and allow it to empower you. In the beginning it may seem like a struggle, but eventually roads will open, opportunities will present themselves, etc. assisting you in your objective. This is when our netcharu (neters, angels, etc.) like Npu (Anpu, Anubis, etc.) come to our aide as he did with Oset (Aset, Auset, Isis in Greek).

Now, just like Jesus, you will be tempted by Set to return to your old ways. Whatever the devil held over you, he will bring it back up because he is the only one that causes you to worry about your past, present and future. But true victory comes when you can stare your devil in the face and not be moved or swayed to follow him back up that familiar path.  You will know when you have been truly “Reborn (a complete change in consciousness – hence Amun Ra see the Maa Aankh – Ancient African cosmogram above)” when you don’t fear the devil.

KAMTA - The Black Lands. Literally also known as the fertile region of Upper Kamit in the southern part of the country. Metaphorically, it symbolizes our Higher Self - represented by the white Hedjet crown of Kamit.
KAMTA – The Black Lands. Literally also known as the fertile region of Upper Kamit/Kemet in the southern part of the country. Metaphorically, it symbolizes our Higher Self – represented by the white Hedjet crown of Kamit/Kemet.

You see, rebirth according to Ancient African cosmology, takes place in the hidden, unknown, spiritual realm called KAMTA – the Black Lands where Osar – our Higher Self and the Spark of God reside, deep within the recess of our mind.  It is Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris in Greek or in Christian lore Jesus) that makes us see how we are connected to each other in our community (hence comm-UNITY).

The Left Eye of Ra (also called the Lunar Eye corresponds to intuition, spiritual sight -  hence insight and the right hemisphere of the brain. Associated with the KAMTA perspective.)
The Left Eye of Ra (also called the Lunar Eye corresponds to intuition, spiritual sight – hence insight and the right hemisphere of the brain. Associated with the KAMTA perspective.)

This is what it truly means to give your life to Christ. It is what the ancient Kamitians (Kemetians) referred to as Maa Kheru, which literally means “True of Word.” We call it nowadays, “Show ‘N Prove”, but it refers to speaking truth and living truth because you now see the Absolute Truth or Maa (holistic).  You have a clear vision because now you have both your Eyes (the Solar and Lunar Eyes of Ra).
Together the Solar and Lunar Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective as both the right and left hemispheres of the brain are united.)
Together the Solar and Lunar Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective as both the right and left hemispheres of the brain are united.)

Another way of saying Maa Kheru is “To Be Made Whole Again”, meaning you have received the double Pschent crown – the white crowns of your KAMTA and the red crown of your TASETT.
The Double Pschent Crown (White Crown of KAMTA and the Red Crown of TASETT)
The Double Pschent Crown (White Crown of KAMTA and the Red Crown of TASETT)

It is interesting that after saying this I am reminded of a documentary that broadcasted about some ex-gangbangers who turned their life around and now sponsor antigang events and programs, to prevent young people from falling into trap laid by Set.

Unify Your Kingdom Within
Unify Your Kingdom Within

The difference I hope you can see in being “Saved Kamitically/Kemetically” is that your salvation is not based upon one ritualistic act, but every time you find your self (soul) in a bind.  When life gets chaotic and seems like your demise is near. You have journeyed into the Set’s (the devil’s) realm, which means you are there to purify your soul of your ego (specifically anxiety, fear, selfishness, ignorance, etc.) – the devil within. This is our greatest enemy and the one we fight with all the time.  It is here we Repent, Be Baptized and Receive the Holy Spirit.
After we have gone through TASETT (Hell) and died.   We will be reborn and can return to help those who are in need of being “saved” themselves.
Hetepu (Peace)
Derric “Rau Khu” Moore

For a full discourse, see: The Maa Aankh Volume I & II