Hetep Family,
How’s it going? Today I was having a conversation with some former students of mine, and they were all commenting on how illogical people were. Anyway, we got to talking about what’s real and not real, and the question came up “How do you know that God exists?” One student had commented on how they asked this question but the response they got was “the Bible says…”
I’ve mentioned that I always hated when people do this because it was like the Bible is the Absolute Authority on everything, which meant in an ordinary conversation or debate. If you’ve never read the bible then you can’t talk. I mean it is funny now how people do this and forget that people have found anything and everything in the bible to validate their point. Remember, Jim Jones?
I mean seriously, we are brought up in this world to think but it seems as if as soon as you start asking logical questions such as how did Cain get married if Adam and Eve were the people only the planet? How did Noah find all of the animals in the world – even the male and female amoeba – and put them in the ark? Then, you are called a heretic because you are supposed to accept the fictional as truth like sheep. It is sad that people don’t understand that most religious literature is purely metaphorical and interpret everything they read, my apologies, I mean told (because I seriously doubt half the population has read the bible) literally. Then, preachers wonder why people stop going to church or why people only go to church to be entertained – to hear a good sermon, check out the fashion gear, hear the choir, etc. – or to fellowship. Isn’t it obvious…you can get the same entertainment at home for free. I am just saying…
I am glad that I have found Maa and thanks to the Maa, I know that everything has a purpose; nothing happens by coincidence, everything is about cause and effect, it is all about whatever works, hence divine balance is truth. In other words, the proof is in the pudding. It is because of the Maa, I know that God exists within me. Yeah, I have heard people say this and call each other gods and goddesses, but I know that God exists in me and I have proof.
When I focus my intentions on something like a job, improved health, etc., it usually manifests itself in my life and that’s how I know that God exists within me. When I focus my intentions on something and it doesn’t manifests I usually know that it is because I didn’t focus my intention long enough. I am not foolish to believe that it is me. I know that it something beyond my comprehension that is making things work in my best interest, while at the same time maintaining my body and everything else that I already have. In other words, I know that God exists within me not because someone told me or I read in a book somewhere, but because I know and that truth with me can’t be debated. When people ask how do you know God exist, this is the answer they want to hear…not some lecture on what some writer(s) a hundred years ago claimed, but what you know.
The point that I am driving at is that we can no longer call ourselves adults and aspire to reach our divine potential, if we continue to think like children and believe everything that we have been told. Truth is based upon experience and the only way to know God is to have experience with the Divine. No REAL adult who believes in God should be quoting any scripture to prove their point. They should be instead using scriptures to support what they know. I have not read the whole bible or for that matter, I have never read any holy book in its entirety, but I can relate my experience with the Divine to most scriptures when I hear and finally read of them.
The time has come for us to stop living our lives based upon what THEY say, because you know those mysterious THEY people can never be found when it comes to backing up a claim. The time has come for us to live our lives based upon what we KNOW.
Well, hope that helps.