How Come the Lord Did Not Tell You Not to Sin?

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
I remember one day I was talking to this individual who had converted to Christianity not too long ago. Like most new converts, this individual was very zealous and all they wanted to talk about how “good God has been” to them.  Now, I was happy that this individual had changed their life because I knew them prior to their conversion and they needed religion in a bad way.  But, in a relatively short time after this individual had converted, I noticed that they had become a borderline fanatic.
As I listened to them go on and on and start every sentence with, “The Lord told me…” I noticed that they were dressed differently than usual. Instead of the normal street clothes they were now donning conservative wear. Their hair was processed and their skin was covered in acne. When I asked about their relationship with their spouse, they told me that they were having problems but they were going to fix their problems through the power of prayer.
Then, this individual invited me to attend a church revival with them because there was this guest preacher who was exorcising demons. They had told me that this was the second time this preacher had come to the city and the last time, “the Lord really blessed because this guy was on fire.” This individual also told me that the last time this preacher came they brought another preacher with them who was from the Dominican Republic, who had the power of healing. So, this revival was going to focus primarily on healing and exorcising demons.

Looking at this individual with a ‘gas face (skepticism).’ I told them as politely as I could. “No thank you,” but you know these religious zealots cannot take “No” for an answer and they asked again. Again, I declined, a second and third time, but then they said something that should not have struck a nerve but it did, which was.
“Ok. You just don’t want any healing. God could really bless you if you just attend.”
WTH?  That was it. I did not want to go off but I had no choice and asked, “Why doesn’t the Lord tell you to love yourself by eating nutritious food and stop putting a host of chemicals in your body? Why doesn’t the Lord tell you how to manage your anger and watch what you say so that you can stop offending your spouse and others? Why doesn’t the Lord tell you to respect people regardless if they believe and instead of trying to force people to accept what you believe, that you should instead live by example? I am just curious why the Lord never tells you this.”
Instead of answering my questions, they claimed that they had to leave so that they could get a good seat for church service.
Now, I knew this individual was not going to answer my questions because that is how most religious zealots are. They always claim that the “Lord” told them to do something and that you should follow whatever they say, but when you put personal responsibility back on them. They immediately shift it to the devil and claim that it was “the Lord’s” doing.  It is interesting that “the Lord” never tells these people about vanity, greed, envy, sloth, wrath, lust, and gluttony, which is what most religious individuals (especially in the United States) suffer from.
I mean, isn’t it bizarre that the Lord speaks to these people and gives them all sorts of insight but never says, “Thou Shalt Not Get Cosmetic Surgery. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Husband or Wife. Thou Shalt Not… (You get the point).”
Isn’t it interesting that the Lord talks to these people but never tells them how to avoid being overtaken by vanity, greed, envy, sloth, wrath, lust, and gluttony.  Better yet, how is it that these people are able to hear messages from the Lord telling them to do “his Will” in spreading the gospel, but not hear the Lord telling them not to offend others, have extramarital affairs, steal money, use drugs, etc.?

I propose that it was never the Lord talking to these people in the first place. If you look closely you will see that most of the religious leaders and most of the adherents who follow in their footsteps, are afflicted by three or more of the Seven Deadly Sins (vanity, greed, envy, sloth, wrath, lust, and gluttony).  The reason most adherents are not taught about the seven deadly sins is because they are not bible based.  In fact, the concept is said to be created by Evagrius of Pont, an Egyptian monk around 300AD. Evagrius compiled the list as a the “evil thoughts” that plague humanity, which circulated throughout Christendom. Although the Church denounced the sins and branded Evagrius a heretic, it was Dante’s Divine Comedy, which popular the sins as major transgressions against God that required the sinner confess and ask for repentance.
Now, the reason the Seven Deadly Sins were rejected was because it put a monkey wrench in the whole salvation scheme that claimed that Jesus died and washed away one’s sin.  According to theory, if Jesus died and washed away one’s sin, then the Seven Deadly Sin should not exist. If these concepts were allowed to flourish, salvation would have been put back in the hands of the individual.  The reason the Church banned the Seven Deadly Sins was because they could not profit from it. By banning this list and declaring Evagrius a heretic, the Church (and future Church leaders) could always claim that they are the mouthpiece of God.
Family. God exists within you and God is not going to give someone a message about you without telling you about it. This reminds me of a funny story.  My brother had helped this lady out one time by giving her a ride home from church, helping to carry things into her house, etc. Just to be nice. Apparently, this lady misinterpreted his kind gestures and told my brother, “The Lord said that you were going to be my husband.” To which, my brother replied, “Well, the Lord did not mention that to me” and that was the last time he talked to her. (Laugh).
Like I said, God exists within you and God is not going to give someone a message about you without telling you about it. This whole notion that the Lord is talking to people, is a manipulation and perversion of a metaphysical concept. The Lord talks to all of us but you need to know which Lord is talking to you.
Here are some more people who claimed that the Lord told them to do “His Will.”

By the way, should I mention that the “Lord” according to these religious zealots claimed to have told them to bomb churches.  This same “Lord” in history also told similar people to massacre the Amerindians and enslave the Africans because they did not worship Jesus.  The interesting thing is that even after they converted to Christianity, the “Lord” told them to continue to persecute the Native Americans and Black Americans. Oh, I forgot to mention that the “Lord” also told these men in Europe and the Americas to murder women and children because they were witches.
The “Lord” that these people worship is very violent and when he cannot get his way. He pouts, has a temper-tantrum and destroys whatever is in his midst because the Lord that most of these people are talking about is Satan. What the monk Evagrius was trying to convey to his ignorant Christian brethren is that we have two Lords: God and the devil, and they both exist within. The Seven Deadly Sins are the “evil thoughts” that lead to Satan.
No. Satan worshipers are not black robed people who meet on a Saturday night at 12 o’clock midnight and chant or read the bible verses backwards. Then, they disrobe and have a massive orgy and do all sorts of drugs. Nope, that’s the Greeks and Hollywood has been fascinated by this image because it models itself after the Greek city Athens, but these are real Satanic worshipers. The word Satan means Adversary and it was derived from the Kemetic Set-an, which refers to one’s lower self or ego. Thus, true Satan worshipers are worshipers of their Ego.    True salvation comes from self-control and self-discipline, and if these people would have listened to traditional African healers, priests and priestess. They would have explained to them that they have been worshiping the devil all along. This is the reason there is so much evil in the world and most of it is being committed by so-called God fearing individuals.

The real Lord that most of these people are worshiping is the Lord of Chaos, known in the Kemetic tradition as Set.  According to Kemetic legend, Set was so wild and uncontrollable that in order for Hru (Hrw, Heru or Horus) to defeat him, Hru had to castrate him.  Does it now make sense why our society has literally gone to hell in a gasoline basket with dynamite? Can you see how most of these people who are claiming that the Lord is talking to them are really listening to Set based upon their egotistical, prideful, selfish, lustful, vengeful, gluttonous, greedy and narcissistic behavior? Yes, it is Set who is ruling the world but there is nothing to fear. Unlike the religious fanatics who are bracing for the end of the world because they believe the devil is some physical impish red man running around with a pitchfork challenging God, so they believe they are helpless.
We know that the true devil is our lower self and the way to stop the devil is to simply deny him power. In other words, stop listening and following your ego and learn to follow your Higher Self.  This is what the battle between battle between Hru and Set is all about. Stop giving into your Set (Ego)! Fight him! Stop worshiping Jesus and BE JESUS by telling Set,

“Get ye behind me Set-an!” 

The obvious question is how do you know when it is the Lord (your Higher Self) speaking and not the Lord of Chaos? Well, when Set is talking to you, the Lord of Chaos usually is going to cater to your anxieties, fears, worries and guilt.  Think about that. Everything that you are afraid of, worried about, get anxious about, etc., this is what the devil preys upon.  In fact, every time you try to do what is Right, it is Set who whispers in your ear to do what is Easy by robbing, stealing, cheating, manipulating, exploiting, abusing and taking advantage of others emotionally, financially, physically, sexually, etc.  Proof of this can be seen in all of the cases of the corrupted public and religious official. Not only that Family. Your Set does not want you to embrace your divinity. Your Set wants you to believe you are powerless and that God has abandon you. Your Set preys upon using your fears.

Thankfully, we have a Higher Self or Osar.  When your Higher Self or Osar tells you to do something.  It is usually what you do not want to do but is the Right thing to do.  Your Higher Self or Osar encourages you to do what is Right instead of what is Easy. The cool thing about following your Osar is that the more you listen to your Higher Self, the louder this voice becomes and the stronger you become spiritually. To the point that no one or no thing will be able to sway and take advantage of you ever again. Not only that, you can generate your own prosperity and blessings instead of falling for these scams.
Understand. The true power of God is within and to use it requires self-control and self-discipline. If something or someone tells you differently, note that this is not Osar or the Lord speaking.  it is Set.

11 thoughts on “How Come the Lord Did Not Tell You Not to Sin?”

    1. OMN (Oh My NETER). Bro? This is banging! Big Thanks! Seriously appreciate the love. You got to let me return the favor. We got to collaborate. Thanks again!

      1. You’re welcome. I actually recorded a couple of videos months ago. But I was just fine tuning them. I’ve done some videos for my favorite bloggers. Just trying to show some support. Glad you enjoyed it. Peace ✊🏿

        1. Hey, there is only one thing. The website is on the video is not correct. I have changed it to start selling spiritual supplies. The new website is Thanks again Bro.

  1. I’ve had similar conversations with people. It’s amazing how some people can be so religious, but engage in very little character development. If you aren’t doing that, you aren’t doing anything. It’s just something to do and a means to stroke their own ego.
    I don’t always respond, but I always read your posts. Thanks

    1. Yeah, this is just something that has been on my mind with these ppl claiming the Lord talks to them. Character development is key to having the True Lord speak. You know? Thanks and I am glad that you responded. I look forward to hearing from you in the future. Hetep.

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