Five Reasons You Should Have a Het (Spiritual House) for Your Spirits

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
You know, the other day I was looking at my het (spiritual house/altar) and just thinking about how much it has grown from a simple cloth on a wooden box to a two-story altar with a plethora of empowering images. As I gazed upon my het, I am reminded of how much I have grown from mimicking the altars of others out-of-ignorance, to being able to construct a het anywhere by drawing a gateway with a piece of chalk on the ground as my ancestors have done before me.

Kongo Cross used for Ventilation during Underground Railroad

I am amazed at how much I have grown from seeing ordinary objects with concrete images to seeing how anywhere that lines meet form a maa aankh and can become a sacred space.  I stare in awe as I gape upon the numerous images and glasses of libations, which reminds me of the sense of community that the Kemetic people used to defeat the shemsu Set (followers of Set). I see that for those of us on this shamanic path that our het is very important for five reasons and they are:

  1. Reminds You That You Are a God/Goddess. Western religions separate human beings from God and always depict divinities such as angels, saints, martyrs, etc. as towering and tyrannical entities similar to the Greek gods. In Kemetic shamanism we are reminded that the so-called gods and goddesses were once people too. When their images are placed on the het at eye level or on the ground, we are reminded that our Spirits are not above us, and we are not above them.  But that they need us just as much as we need them, just like Osar needed Hru and vice versa. A het is built on the floor to remind ourselves and our Spirits that they are warriors.  A het is built at eye level to remind us and the Spirits that we are here to help one another. Therefore, the het is visual reminder of the partnership that must be created between us and our Spirits in order to achieve our destiny.
Npu (Anubis) - The Opener of the Way
Npu (Anubis) – The Opener of the Way
  1. Reminds You That You Are Responsible for Your Life. While it may be a great relief to put all of our cares and worries in the lap of some cosmic deity. It does not erase the why we are here, which is the reason if we continue to struggle with certain issues and problems throughout our life. It is because this problem is tied to your destiny, which means you incarnated to this planet to learn how to overcome that issue. A het reminds you of your purpose and helps you to gather the spiritual strength to achieve your divine purpose, by reminding you of the life of those who came before you.
  1. Helps You to Elevate Your Thoughts. Believe it or not our Spirits know that life on earth is hard because our sahu (physical-body consciousness) has been created to help us to physically survive. Consequently, everything that we do in nature supports our lower self, which means we are naturally selfish and egotistical beings. It is because human beings have an Ab soul that we can choose to rise above our animalistic or lower nature to access our divine nature or BA (Higher Self). The problem is that we have to be constantly reminded of our divine nature because all it takes is for one thing such as someone cutting us off in traffic, flipping us the bird, etc. And, BAM! We forget that we are gods and goddesses having a human experience and revert to our lower self. The het helps us to remember that we are divine beings by allowing our Spirits to interact in our daily life. So, when someone cuts off in traffic, before reacting we notice that the car is red and black, hence Npu or when someone flips us the bird. We see signs of Setian influence all around that person and so on. In other words, the het helps us to see life from a cosmic perspective.
  1. Provide Space to Practice Your Magick. I hear people saying all the time, “Wo/Man were made in the likeness of God” which means that we are supposed to be gods and goddesses too, but when it comes to people demonstrating their godliness. All they do is beg God to save them or save someone else. The Christian speaker Jesus says that all of these things that he does, we will be able to do the same and more through the Father (the Christian code for the BA or Higher Self). This means that when we connect to our BA, we all have the power to bless, heal, etc. as Jesus has done. The het provides the space for us to practice our magick and realize our divine potential. It allows you to contribute to creation instead of being a pawn of nature.
  1. Frees You From Mental Slavery. The Western world was created to gratify our animalistic or lower self. It thrives on the survival of the fittest model, which requires that humanity like animals connive, enslave, steal and kill others to survive. Every aspect of Western society from their religion to politics, to their education to medicine, it is all driven by the same theme, which involves exploiting and subjugating others. This is why the Western society is flirting with disaster because it does not know how to teach its citizens how to get solutions from the BA (Higher Self). Even after the greatest Western minds like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and many others have attested to the power of this Higher Intelligence, Westerners refuse to explore and teach this truth, thus further encouraging its members of society to invest in their lower nature and ultimate demise.
    The het gives us an escape by helping us to communicate with souls of the past, thereby exploring new ways of how to solve old problems.

There are other reasons why the het is a very powerful spiritual tool and when you understand its importance.  It will become clear that the reason Westerners demonized our spiritual practices and destroyed our altars, shrines and collected our sacred objects, which they store in their museums, is because they could not reproduce the same results.  So instead, Westerners chose to eradicate free thought but thankfully the souls of the righteous do not die and our Spirits are always near. If you are sitting on the fence as to building a het for your Spirits, I hope this article will help you to build your Spirits a home.

1 thought on “Five Reasons You Should Have a Het (Spiritual House) for Your Spirits”

  1. I gather up rocks, nice, clean, smooth ones, and form a rock altar for the Earth Mother. Pretty leaves, wildflowers, a few dandelion here, a few duck feathers there with a clean tall glass of drinking water and voila! an altar is born.
    The more I understand this life in the here and now, this real form of hell, the more I ask for strength to fight it. So you can imagine I make A LOT of altars! LOL!

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