Damn! Aren't You Tired of Trying to Overcome Someday? (Why the 60s Failed)

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
First, let me start by saying one more time that I am grateful for the sacrifices and contributions that those before us have made. It is the main reason we are able to talk and express ourselves freely. In fact, I recall Brother Bobby Hemmit saying in one lecture how because of the Civil Rights Movement, he could go any  occult and metaphysical shop in the south, which could not be achieved had it not been for desegregation.  Now, that being said, let’s use this time and platform to talk real.

Courtesy of: https://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-events/civil-rights-movement.htm

So, every time it is Black History Month, after going through the list of names of people and the contributions they made. Eventually we come to that period in time that leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, the Civil Rights era where we see the same images of people having fire hoses turned against them, dogs attack them and literally folks being beat down for basic rights.  For some strange odd reason (or not) after listing all of the sacrifices and contributions that were made, Black History Month celebrated in most churches and communities around the country always seems to conclude with us all singing (all together…yes I am a bit cynical today) “We Shall Overcome.”
You might get mad with me but so what. It needs to be said. It always concludes with folks begging to be treated equal.
When we folks get it? After all of the contributions, all of the sacrifices, all of the inventions, all of the advancements, etc. If you still have to sing, “We shall overcome…” They are not going to let you OVERCOME.
I mean seriously…am I the only one who can see this? Why are folks so concerned with trying to get other people to accept and respect them? I mean, when you see a bum on the street begging for change, do you respect them as your equal? No. You respect them as a human being but that’s it. If you respect them as your equal, then take them inside of your home with your family them.  If you have commonsense you will not, but this is what folks keep doing every year by asking to be accepted by compromising their ancestral principles.
Now, let’s talk spiritually plain.  The reason folks keep singing this and coming back asking about “What happened in the 1960s?” Is because a type of soul loss occurred. Yeah, folks lost their mind because it was a traumatic era but it has never been recovered because we keep looking at history from a western cultural perspective.
In western society, the purpose of history is to tell his-story which is simply a list of names, dates and faces.  We read and study history from a western cultural perspective much like we do with Kemetic, Akan, Yoruba, Kongo, etc. history. We don’t study history from our own cultural perspective, which is to invoke it by talking to our Ancestors who lived during that time.
Family. In the Story of Osar, Hru (Heru, Horus) defeats Set because Djahuti (Tahuti, Tehuti, Thoth) performs a ceremony that allows the deceased Osar (Ancestor) to speak.
The reason the 60s, 70s and every decade afterward has failed us is because our folks did not invoke their Ancestors and Spirit Guides. If they had invoked their Ancestors and Guides, our spirits of the dead would have reminded them just like Osar reminded the tribunal of the evils that were perpetrated on folks for 400+ years prior to the 1960s.  Instead, folks want to forgive and forget that slavery ever occurred, yet complain about how things are not fair in contemporary times.  If they had invoked the ancestors, the ancestors would have given them dreams of deals being made in secret, etc.
It is interesting that folks are willing to forgive and forget slavery so easily yet, they can’t even forgive or forget the $20 they lent a family member or friend.
HRU (Heru, Horus)

Family, we need to change this. If you know how to work with your ancestors and spirit guides, you need to start really communicating with them because if not. These people who are chasing the selfish American dream are going to lead everyone off the cliff.  This is the time we need our ancestors and spirit guides foresight and insight more than ever.  The only way we as Hru can reclaim our birthright is with the help of our Osares.

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