Anointing, Initiation, Spiritual Growth, New Thought, Evolution

Kamitic Spirituality 101

Hetepu (Peace & Blessing) Family. I recently received an email asking that I explain the difference between the subconscious and superconscious, and how it relates to Kamitic spirituality, so I thought this might benefit others as well. When we are born, our mind (subconscious and superconscious) is like an empty slate. Besides the normal subconscious …

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The Difference between Kamitic Spirituality and Western Religious Beliefs

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings Family) You know archaeologists, religious zealots and the lot would like people to believe that indigenous people all over the world just worship rocks, cows, trees, their ancestors, deities, etc. They would have you to believe that those of us in spiritual traditions are primitive and idol worshiping people.  And, that …

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