African Diaspora and the African Legacy

Kamitic Spirituality 101

Hetepu (Peace & Blessing) Family. I recently received an email asking that I explain the difference between the subconscious and superconscious, and how it relates to Kamitic spirituality, so I thought this might benefit others as well. When we are born, our mind (subconscious and superconscious) is like an empty slate. Besides the normal subconscious …

Kamitic Spirituality 101 Read More »

Hru (Heru, Horus) Knows that Nonviolence is Predicated on His/Her Opponent Having a Conscience

Hetepu (Peace and Blessings) Family. You know when most people hear the term “spiritual blindsided” they immediately equate it with being caught off guard by a situation resulting in inappropriate behavior, like losing their temper. While this is one aspect of being spiritually blindsided, from an ancient African perspective when an individual is too spiritual …

Hru (Heru, Horus) Knows that Nonviolence is Predicated on His/Her Opponent Having a Conscience Read More »