Derric “Rau Khu” Moore was born and raised in an Apostolic Pentecostal home in Detroit, Michigan. Throughout his childhood, he was told that he was supposed to be a preacher, but when he was a teenager and the Holy Ghost failed to empower him as promised. He went on a quest to understand why, which led him to meeting some very interesting individuals and being mentored by various practitioners in the Afro-Diaspora faiths and traditions.
Consequently, his lesson and the overall theme that he tries to convey in his books and podcast, The Land of Kam’s Ancestral Way, is that it does not matter what you do. It does not matter what you accomplish and have achieved. It does not matter where you are from. You can be the nicest person and the most moralistic individual in the world. The facts are that it does not matter how much good you do, there is someone out there who is envious and plotting against you. Therefore, you cannot rely on what you believe and what you know, so you can’t think your way out of every situation. You cannot always rely on those closest to you, such as your family or friends. You can only rely on your infinite and omnipotent Spirit, which we were all given to use as a guide, teacher, protector, and provider. That our Kemetic ancestors categorized, compartmentalized, and symbolized as divinities, which were incorrectly called gods and goddesses.
Maa Aankh I:
Finding God the Afro-American Spiritual Way, by Honoring the Ancestors and Guardian Spirits. (Volume I)
In this unforgettable spiritual memoir Derric “Rau Khu” Moore lays out the numerous spiritual paths and teachers from the Five Percent Nation and Kemetic priesthood, to the Rootworker, Yoruba priestess and Santeria high priest, who inspired him to the discover the shamanic tradition reflective of his cultural heritage and ties the Bantu-Kongo people with the Kemetians (Ancient Egyptians).
A Practical Kamtic Path for Obtaining Power
This introductory volume provides an understandable overview of the Kemetic philosophy and tradition from a shamanic perspective. It includes practical instructions on how to build sacred spaces, perform divination, pray, and conduct rituals for spiritual development.
Maa Aankh II:
Discovering the Power of I AM Using the Shamanic Principles of Ancient Egypt for Self-Empowerment and Personal Development (Volume II)
The devil is real. He exists within us and is attached to our lower self or subconscious. This is the reason the devil knows all of our fears, worries, and what buttons to push to make us physically and/or spiritually harm ourselves. The devil is none other than our Ego, which the ancient Kemetic sages called Set, but there is a way to defeat him. The how-to, as revealed in this book, lies in decoding the Story of Osar (Osiris).
A Guide to the Kamitic Way for Personal Transformation
Before the Kemetic sages created the 42 Declarations of Maat, which is the inspiration behind the Ten Commandments, they first contemplated and thoroughly studied the seven universal laws based upon the Divine Energy that exists within everything, including you. The Kemetic sages called these laws, principles, codes, or Maa, which means balance, order, righteousness, and truth. Learn the practical way to apply the Codes of Maa to your life using stories, symbolism, meditation practice, prayer, rituals, and divination described within.
Maa Aankh III:
The Kamitic Shaman Way of Working the Superconscious Mind to Improve Memory, Solve Problems Intuitively and Spiritually Grow Through the Power of the Spirits (Volume III)
Scientists are finally beginning to understand what the ancient Kemetic sages knew all along, which is that God’s greatest creation is the human mind. How to tap into the higher powers of our mind or Superconscious is mysterious, odd, and often bizarre, which is the reason the Kemetic sages had to create elaborate mythologies and rituals to activate the higher consciousness. Discover the many ways to tap into your Superconscious so that you can improve the quality of your life.
Kamta Primer:
A practical manual on how to apply the Kemetic philosophies of life and perform Kemetic magick. The first half of this book includes numerous rituals that can be easily followed by beginners and advanced students. The second half explains how to apply Kemetic philosophy along with the rituals to create real physical changes.
Honoring the Ancestors the Kemetic Shaman Way:
A Practical Manual for Venerating and Working with the Ancestors from a God Perspective
There are numerous ways to honor your ancestors but the Kemetic Shaman Way focuses on developing a rapport with the ancestors so that they empower you and you empower them. Learn practical ways of invoking the spirits of the dead using ritual, meditation, and prayer.
Click here to read excerpts from Honoring the Ancestors the Kemetic Shaman Way.
Kamta Way:
A Shamanic and Spiritualist Guide to Kemetic Spirituality for Power & Spiritual Englightenment
The Kamta Way is an update, reprise, and expansion of Kamta: A Practical Kamitic Path for Obtaining Power, with the difference being that The Kamta Way goes in-depth and shows the reader how to use magickal practices daily, such as divination practices, blessing and protection spells, and prosperity work.
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