In Genesis 1:26, it states “Let us make man/woman in our image.” Since God is an Infinite Spirit we know that the image that is being spoken of is not a physical one, but refers to the immortality of man and woman’s soul. This means that man and woman were created to be gods and goddesses. Now a lot of theologians like to pussyfoot around this subject because they are afraid of the truth, so they will say that this is true but Adam and Eve forfeited their divinity when they ate of the forbidden fruit. But, this is a response from individuals that have no knowledge of Self. Let me explain.
We’ve been told that when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, God commanded them not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. As the story goes, Satan disguised as a serpent persuades Eve to eat of the fruit and to give some to Adam. When God learned of their wrongdoing, God cast them out and forbade them entry.
Ok. We’ve heard this before, but what if this is not the full story? What if we are missing some valuable parts that could explain a lot of things?
Think about this. If we say that God is omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent, wouldn’t God had known before commanding Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit that they would eat it anyway? Wouldn’t God had known that Satan was going to tempt Adam and Eve because after all, He is All-Knowing, Right? I mean let’s look at it from an adult perspective. If we say that God is all knowing then we need to ask ourselves why God would command Adam and Eve not to do something, knowing all the time they were going to do it anyway. I mean this is like a mother baking a cake and putting icing (and all of the trimmings on it), and then putting the cake right in front of her child and saying, as they lick their lips and eyes glimmer with delight, “Don’t touch this cake or you won’t get any of it at all.” No good parent with commonsense is that cruel, so why are we led to believe that God is cruel like this?
Don’t answer that, because it will take you away from the point that theologians keep missing. The thing is this, if God is all knowing, and God knew that the devil was going to tempt Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, because God knew they were going to eat it anyway and that God was going to kick them out of the Garden of Eden even before Adam and Eve were conceptualized. Then, this means that Adam and Eve’s expulsion was part of a Divine Plan.
Now what was this plan?
Well, again, we have to think about some things. Imagine God, I know you can’t get a clear image, but it would be fair to say that if God is all knowing and omnipotent, then God is Perfect, right? That means there is nothing that God creates by accident, which is why there is no such thing as coincidence. Everything has a purpose according to God. This would mean that Garden of Eden was perfect as well.
Ok you got that. Now, imagine being in a perfect place. In this perfect place whatever you desire is at your fingertips. You say, “Hmmm…I would like this” and voila it appears. There is no struggle, no worry, because all of your needs and wants are taking care of. Remember, Adam wanted a woman, and God was like “Shazam! Here’s a woman Adam…call her Eve.” Alright? (Laugh.)
Here’s the thing. If everything you wished and wanted was at your fingertips, because your Daddy is doing everything for you. Yet you are being told you are created in the image of God, life in the Gardens gets pretty boring real quick. The reason is because you ain’t doing anything, you are free loading off of your Daddy.
Let me give you another example. Imagine you go out on a basketball court and shoot from the baseline and it goes in the basket. You run to corner pockets and shoot and you score. You run to the paint, shoot and score. You run to the free throw line, shoot and score. You run to the three point range, shoot and score. Now you are half court, you shoot and get the same results. You are all the way on the other side, you shoot and score. You decide to go into the bleachers and you shoot, and you score. You go to the concession stand, shoot and score. You are now in the parking lot and you shoot and score. Ok. By now you see that there is something odd about this scenario. You guessed it, there is no Opponent, not only that, there is no opposition or resistance at all. You are already thinking it, that if you had to practice and work hard, to score and do this in the face of an opponent that was trying to achieve a similar goal. Voila! Now, we got a game.
So, what am I saying?
I am saying that Adam and Eve got bored in the Gardens, so the devil came and said, “You want to play? Eat the fruit.”
That’s right! Adam and Eve wanted some “DRAMA!”
Think of how people in these contemporary times live their lives. Have you noticed how people with the most problems, the most DRAMA are always jumping around doing things? What is the aim or goal that people with DRAMA have? Isn’t it to find peace? Yet, people with peace find their lives to be boring because they have nothing to do? Think about the saying, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”
It was all about wanting some DRAMA. Sounds radical huh? Well, consider this, there was no such thing as good and evil in the Gardens, but after they ate the fruit there was. Not only that, there were no children or any signs of pain, because there was no struggle in the Gardens, which means that the whole Adam and Eve story was an attempt made by some poorly imaginative individuals to explain how God was going to allow us to exercise our will.
In other words, we couldn’t be gods and goddesses in a Perfect World and God knew this. We needed to live in an imperfect world so that we could exercise our divine abilities and prove that we were gods and goddesses. This was the only way we could not only know God but truly understand and appreciate who and what we are, because nothing is more satisfying then accomplishing something yourself. Want proof? Talk to an individual that survived and beat a debilitating ill-ness. Most of these individuals overcame the illness by becoming spiritual people who know God personally. It was through this relationship with the Divine they became resilient, strong willed, determined individuals.
What this means is that there is a difference between a Child of God and a Man and Woman of God. A Child of God is just that a “child” and like any other child, they depend upon others for their salvation. True Children of God simply follow the dogma and do what they are told out of fear that they will be punished. The world is full of Children of God, so long as they attend church or mosques, say their prayers, repent, follow the tenets of their religion, etc. they believe they will be saved. Anything else outside of these guidelines they have to seek advice or guidance from a leader, just like a good child would do when asking his or her parent permission to do something.
A Man or Woman of God knows that what makes him or her an adult is responsibility, so they take responsibility for their own salvation. They don’t stop studying and working on their spirit because it is not Sunday or someone didn’t tell them to do so. They consider the consequences of their actions and weigh how it will affect those around them. Unlike Children of God, a Man and Woman of God talks to God everyday either through prayer, meditation, divination, ritual, and especially when making decisions, because they understand that talking to God is Self-talk. A Man and Woman of God know that their salvation is a seven day a week, 24 hour process or way of life.
In summary, a Child of God is an individual with a lot of DRAMA in their life that is trying to become a Man or Woman of God. But, the thing is, you ain’t going to become a Man or Woman of God by following another man or woman and doing what someone else tells you to do. You have to navigate or sort through your own Self-Created DRAMA in order to become the ruler of your Kingdom, and that is the point of Garden of Eden story.
There are many traditional African beliefs that tell us that we chose to be here at this time. We chose our parents before we were born into this earthly existence. Other teachings tells us we created everything that is in our life at present with our thoughts and beliefs. Why? So, we can navigate and become the Hru (Hero) of our own Story. If we think about how many times we ignore our divine consciousness in opt for for DRAMA, we will get the idea. For instance Ladies, your Spirit told you that that man wasn’t good for you because he doesn’t pay bills, treats his momma and sisters bad, etc., but you got with him anyway. Why? DRAMA. You wanted to experience that crazy DRAMA situation. Now, you need to figure out why in order to get out of it. You need to figure out how are you going to change this situation that you are in with this crazy man that you “fell in love” with for the wrong reasons. Dilemma…this is why you have to seek the Power of God within.
Same can be said for you fellas. Your Spirit told you that that woman had her priorities all wrong when you saw her “eyeing” your ride, eating junk food all the time and not taking care of her health. So, don’t complain that she won’t take care of your seed (child) like Momma Oset. That’s not what you asked for and even if you did. It was not like the Sister was going to be an incarnation of Oset (Aset, Auset, Isis). No, you got to get her there and you can’t make her do it because the more you force the issue the more she will rebel. Dilemma…this is why you have to seek the Power of God within.
Understand, this is not about right and wrong. This is about problem solving. You created the DRAMA in your life for a reason. You got to understand the reason for the DRAMA. If you keep approaching your situations from a Child of God perspective, then you want God to come in and save you or clean up your own mess. If that happens (which it rarely does), you will only get a temporary break, because eventually you are going to get back into the same self-created situations again. This is why so many of us get out of so-called “non-constructive relationships” and get right back into another, as if you are going through a revolving door. It is also the reason people with financial problems, who all of sudden get a financial boom, shortly after lose all of their money and are deeper in debt than they began with.
This all stems from Child of God complex, because this infantile perspective will always convince you that it is everyone else’s fault and everyone else has the problem (but heaven’s no…not you), thus relieving you of responsibility of your own decisions and actions. Yeah, “He’s not a good man. She’s not a good woman. It was their fault why I loss my money” but you’re the one suffering – they are not because (that’s right) it is a grand allusion created by your ego. You are in the hellish situation you are in because you’re spending all of your time dwelling in TASETT – the Red Lands, the physical realm, the land of the devil or Set (Ego). You’re not getting the full picture or seeing Maa, only a child’s perspective – hence the reason Set is the youngest child in the Kamitic legends and his limited power is symbolized by Right Eye of Ra or the Aakhut (the Solar Eye) at the Ra moment.
But, if you approach your DRAMA from a Man of God or Woman of God perspective, then you will ask the hard questions, “Why did I put myself in this situation? What was I hoping to accomplish? etc.” These questions will lead you to see what’s “right” or “wrong” with YOU. That’s right because you made the decision to get into your own DRAMA, so these questions will help you to see what works or what is in balance and out of balance within yourself, hence Maa. You will understand and know the Power of God or Rau for yourself because after identifying the imbalance (or problem) you can now address it, now that you have spent time in KAMTA – the Black Lands, the spiritual realm, the land of the gods and goddess, your divine self or Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris), contemplating the situation in order to get a full picture about who you are and the decisions you made, hence the Left Eye of Ra – the Aabit (Lunar Eye) at the Amun Ra moment.
Yes, Children of God need rules (commandments, dogma, etc.) when it comes to their development. Men and Women of God make their own rules based upon Maa. So, I don’t know about you, but don’t you think it is time to stop being a Child of God and time to be a Man or Woman of God?
Well if so, let’s put down the toys and start being a Man or Woman of God today.
Hope that helps.
Awesome read.
Thanks Gary.