Ancient African Spirituality is doing what is Right not (necessarily) what is, Easy

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
You know there is a lot of confusion about what ancient African spirituality is about. Some people think that it is all about receiving a cool name listing all of these ancient African spirits.  Others think that it is all about living with no consequences for your actions and behaviors.
I understand and know this because I remember that when I first became interested in ancient African spirituality.   I came across this book where this lady was given instructions to get a particular man by offerings the orisha Oshun a pumpkin with her loved interests name inside of it, along with other objects sacred to the Yoruba orisha of love. The lady was also instructed after her petition was answered to make a weekly offering to Oshun for her continual blessings. After this lady made the offerings, Oshun brought this lady and man together but a few years later. The couple began to have all sorts of problems, until one day her husband became so furious that he grabbed the weekly offerings the lady was making to Oshun and threw them on the floor. When the lady went to the individual who gave her the initial instructions for capturing her loved interest. She was simply told that the same way Oshun brought them together, she could dissolve their relationship as well.
I remember that after reading this story I thought that all ancient African spirituality was all about was you doing a spell and “Voila!” You magically get what you want, so long as you keep the spirits happy. What I learned, the hard way I might add, is that this is not African spirituality. This is what the Hollywood horror films and other misinformation about African traditions want you to believe ancient African spirituality is about.
It is true that if you make an offering to the spirits, that “Voila!” They will give you what want or at least put you in the right place to get what you want. However, after you get what you want, you still have to do the work to keep it. For instance, if you do a love spell for the spirits to get you a man or woman, but you do not know how to keep that man or woman because you have a “stank” attitude, bad manners, you talk “at” your loved one instead of “to” your loved one, etc. Guess what? That person you attracted is going to leave because this is “African influenced magic” not ancient African spirituality. African magic makes up a very small percentage of ancient African spirituality. I would say at least 2 – 5%, while the bulk of ancient African spirituality involves working on yourself.
You see, African spirituality is based upon what I call the Ba (Superconscious or Higher Self) and involves working on yourself because it understands. That most of our problem are self-created, self-induced and self-inflicted problems that stem from our sahu (subconscious). In other words, most of our problems are due to destructive, nasty and negative habits that we most likely learned during our childhood.
This is hard for a lot of people to accept because many do not understand how they got their destructive habits. Well, don’t beat yourself up about them because as I mentioned. You got them subconsciously (sahu), which means you did not deliberately learn these destructive and negative habits. As a child, you indiscriminately imitated them because your Ab (conscious mind/spirit heart) was not developed. When we are all children, we are all very impressionable and believe everything that we see and hear as the gospel truth.  To get real with you, a lot of what we believe is the gospel truth, we learned from our parents – primarily our mothers.
Yes. Many of the things that our mothers taught us is the reason we are having problems because as children. Our mother cannot do wrong, after all she carried us in her womb for nine months, breastfed us and was the first human being to teach us anything. She repeated everything to us and took the time to teach us the first things that make us who we are. To many of us, subconsciously Mom is (the first) God and God cannot do any wrong, so it is hard for many of us to accept that our Mom may have taught us something incorrectly.
But, what we have to understand that if there is something that we are in the habit of doing and it is not working for us. It is not Maa (Truth), which means it is not based upon the Ba (Higher Self) but upon the sahu (lower self) and to be exact, our parents (or Mom’s) opinionated perspective.

So what does all of this mean?
Well, it means that your personality, which was influenced by your Mom (and/or parents) is not who you are, but how you are in the habit of acting and behaving as.
In African spirituality you can’t say, “This is how I am” , “Just accept me for who I am” or “I can’t do x, y and z” because this is not who you are. This is what you are in the habit of acting and behaving as. Who you are is based upon your Ba (Superconscious/Higher Self), which is a clean slate that means you can become anyone and anything.
In other words, you may come from a broken home, which means psychologically speaking. You most likely when you grow up will have relationship problems because this is what you are habitually familiar with due to your subconscious (sahu) programming.  However, you have a Ba (Superconscious or Higher Self), which means that you can change this subconscious program and have a happy relationship.  You simply have to ask your Spirits to help and work through your conditionings.
No, it is not going to be Easy (all the time) but it is the Right thing to do and it is worth it. History is full of examples of individuals who have overcome incredible odds that were stacked up against them to become healthy, wealthy, powerful and influential people. If they can do it, you can too!

Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

Only angry, egotistical and lazy people say, “This is who I am” as an excuse for their destructive, nasty and negative behavior.  Being yourself is great if it works for you but, if keep hitting a brick wall in regards to your health, finances, career, relationships, etc. Yourself, is most likely a subconscious (sahu) habit learned when you were younger.  And, this is the reason in the Kemetic tradition, our subconscious (sahu) habitual self (lower self) or ego-self is symbolized as Set (Typhon in Greek, Set-an or Satan in Judeo-Christian belief ), the spirit of chaos, havoc, laziness, stubborness and destruction.

You will know it is Set influencing your behavior because Set fights against positive change and wants you to continue to blame others for your shortcomings. Set is the lord of excuses and wants you to keep getting the same results using the same old conditional thinking. He will use everything within his power, especially fear to discourage you away from positive change.

The beauty of ancient African spirituality is that it focuses on your Ba (Superconscious or Higher Self), which is symbolized as Osar (Osiris).  Osar wants reminds us that at any time we can hit the reset and start over because our Ba gives us a clean slate like a blackboard that can be erased.

In other words, it does not matter where you come from or what your background is because your past does not define who you are. It only indicates what you have overcome. Therefore, the magic of ancient African spirituality is that it helps us to not focus on what we are, but what we can become.


8 thoughts on “Ancient African Spirituality is doing what is Right not (necessarily) what is, Easy”

  1. What this breaks down to is not wanting to accept responsibility for your own actions and depending on “someone else” to do the dirty work for you. ALL OF IT.
    I’ve known folks that have asked the Orishas to help them with a business plan and when it begins to reveal itself, they sit back and expect Chango to “just do the rest.”
    I’ve been to black neighbourhoods where I’ve demonstrated how to grow a medicine garden from scratch only to learn that they have no intention of digging in the dirt themselves…(that’s my job…to just hand out fresh parsley and basil to them for FREE.)
    Anyways, I digress.
    Nice post.

    1. terrell ceaser oziah kepo

      Greetings, landofkam has my email and with your approval diaryofanegress, if the medicine garden information can be forwarded to me that would be most appreciated. Peace and power to all.

  2. “In other words, you may come from a broken home, which means psychologically speaking. You most likely when you grow up will have relationship problems because this is what you are habitually familiar with due to your subconscious (sahu) programming.  However, you have a Ba (Superconscious or Higher Self), which means that you can change this subconscious program and have a happy relationship.  You simply have to ask your Spirits to help and work through your conditionings.
    No, it is not going to be Easy (all the time) but it is the Right thing to do and it is worth it. History is full of examples of individuals who have overcome incredible odds that were stacked up against them to become healthy, wealthy, powerful and influential people. If they can do it, you can too!”
    Nice post! Great breakdown on African spirituality. I’ll have to share this post.

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