Ancient African Spirituality is a Weapon against Mind-Control

Hetepu (Peace & Blessing) Family
The other day I went to the library and ran into this lady who was a friend of the family, whom I had not seen for a while. I said, “Hello and asked how she was doing?” And, she proceeded to tell me about all of the problems she was having in her life. She began by telling me that the other day she got out of the car and parked as usual but, somehow the car was not parked, and it dragged her several feet.
This of course prompted me to ask, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, but I got this…” she continued and told me about how her leg got caught under the car, how she has a big gash on her leg, scrapes and other bruises, while pointing and showing a big bandaid she put on.
“Did you go to the hospital?” I asked.
“No. Yeah, the firemen who saw me and stopped the car told me I should go, but I am not going to go because…” and she continued.
“You should really go to the hospital and get checked out.” I said.
“No. I am alright. I don’t even know how I got home. I remember getting in the car,” she said.
“How long ago did this happen?” I asked.
“Oh, I think it was last week.” She answered.
“You really should go to the hospital and get checked out.” I state again.
“Nooo. I am okay. Anyway see you later,” as she limps away.
“I hope you get better but you should really consider going to the doctor.”
The next thing I know, she went and logged on to a computer where she sat for hours watching social media.
Now, I was not sure if this was the case or not but this lady seemed to have a lot of drama in her life. The fact that she was spending hours watching social media instead of going to the hospital made me wonder if her drama was her own self doing. I mean, as she told me about the things that occurred to her, it was almost as if she was looking for attention. I mean (besides financial reasons), why wouldn’t you go and see a medical professional or get treated to make sure that you do not a concussion, staph infection or something worse? Unless, you want or are looking for something else to occur? I mean, I am not trying to judge but it seems like you would want to do something to prevent further problems.
But, the fact that she got on the computer and proceeded to watch videos and get on social media instead of going to seeing if she was okay, convinced me that her priorities were out of rack.
How did this happen? I wondered.

Well, remember we all have a part of our being that governs our automatic responses called the sahu (subconscious). It is completely programmable and does not have the ability to reason, which means if you tell a person “You’re stupid” a number of times. Guess what? You will eventually begin to feel, think and believe “I am stupid.”
Now, most of us are consciously aware of this blatant type of subconscious programming or at least so they think. But, most people do not understand that our subconscious has to always be put in check. Our sahu (subconscious) will believe any authority figure, it not put into check. Don’t believe me. Let a doctor come and say, “You will be sick for three days.” I guarantee you that if you do not tell yourself “The doctor is a lie” and reaffirm that this is not the case. You will fall ill because your subconscious cannot discriminate between what is real and what is not real, what is fact versus what is fiction.
Most people do not see the subconscious programming that passes under our conscious radar because they do not understand that the sahu (subconscious) does not discriminate between fact and fiction.  The sahu (subconscious) naturally obeys and believes all authority. TV and now the Internet are the new authorities. You were right if you said, “People only believe what is on TV” because “seeing is believing”
For instance, when people watch soap operas, romances, dramas, etc. Most of these stories all begin the same. There is damsel in distress who has some personal problem that she refuses to address, so instead she needs a man, a “friend,” some money, so that she can manipulate herself into a powerful position. The motto is “She has to use what she got to get what she wants.”
Of course, I can hear some people crying that this is not true because they do not believe or think that they act or behave like the dramas they watch but remember, this occurs subconsciously. Subconsciously, if you are in the habit of watching soap operas, romances, dramas, etc, your life is full of soap operas, romances, dramas, etc because you are programming your subconscious to be like the dark haired/brunette woman Joanna (Olivia, Maria, etc.) who manipulates her love interest John (James, Pedro, etc.) into lying to his blonde haired wife Becky (Mary, etc.), causing them to fight and have an argument, driving him into the loving arms of Joanna (Olivia, Maria, etc.). The next thing you know, the affair beings but in TVLand, they call it “Love.”
Remember, this subconscious programming occurs under your conscious radar, which means if you are in the habit of engaging in a certain action or behavior, you will think it is normal.
Oh, the subconscious programming is used on Brothas too.
If you are tired of police brutality, tired of the violence, poor economics but all of a sudden find yourself being more concerned about LeBron James, Steph Curry, D’Wade or any other sports teams. The subconscious programming was used to water down your aggression for change and channel it into purchasing sports paraphernalia or video game.
Now, don’t get me wrong. A little bit of escapism is okay and healthy. It is natural and is necessary for you to relax because it is the opposite of stress. But the first sign that there is a problem is when you see things falling apart.

It is like a drug addict. When you see your health failing, teeth and hair falling out of your head. That’s a sign that your escapism has just made you a slave to a destructive subconscious program.
When you have a lot of drama in your life and it seems like it is everyone else fault. You are under the influence of a destructive subconscious program.
When you give more of a damn about a sports team, athlete or entertainer, than you do about yourself, your community, etc. Umm, that is a destructive subconscious program.
When you eat something just to make yourself feel good. This is a destructive subconscious program.
Another sign that it is a destructive subconscious programming is that you do it because it makes you feel good but it does not improve your life one iota! In fact, there is no logical or rational explanation to explain its importance.

This is why if you ever talk to someone who is addicted to a behavior like cigarette smoking or overeating. They will tell you, “I know it is bad and not good for me.”  When asked why they continue to do it, “I can’t help it. It feels so good. I like it” and a whole plethora of other “feeling” excuses. Remember, the sahu (subconscious) does not have the ability to reason, which is why destructive habits do not make sense.

I really hope you are starting to see that some of our problems are due to what we are feeding or entertaining our subconscious with, which is a very easy thing to do. This is the reason our Kemetic ancestors understanding the power of the mind tried to warn us of these dangers by saying that Set was married to Nebhet (the netchar of beauty, love, entertainment, etc.). We find a similar mythology in the Yoruba tradition where Ogun is married to Oshun. It even exists in European lore where Mars is married to Aphrodite. Beauty, love, entertainment, etc. or escapism can easily be manipulated to serve a destructive purpose.

If you ever watched Gladiator starring Russel Crowe, you will recall that the emperor of Rome reinitiated the gladiator games for entertainment purposes only, in order to delude the mob (masses).

Does it make sense why you are being bombarded daily with advertisements, TV shows, films, movies, music, food, drugs, etc. to keep you from going within?
Now that you understand how the enemy influences you and remember that “seeing is believing.” The purpose of building and maintaining a spiritual altar is to get you to draw your attention within.
What’s within you?
God and your ancestors. That’s the short answer.
The long answer, the solution to every problem that exists in your life.
If you want drama and entertainment. Meditate. Get into developing yourself spiritually. I guarantee you, you will find all the drama and entertainment you need. Besides, there is a reward at the end and it is called an improved, happier and successful individual.
Let me tell you Family. When I was diagnosed with lupus. The game to stay optimistic and hopeful among people who were negative and talking that “God’s will (if I die)” crap was intense. Now, I can walk among the most illest individuals because my spirit is strong.
When I lost my job due to the ill-ness and had to find other means of bringing money in. I learned that it was Easy to complain and talk about what I don’t have and can’t do. However, it was Right or Righteous to go within and find what I was wasting money on and tap into ways of how I can improve my finances.

The point is that our salvation comes from within and because we live in this physical realm, we have to be remind our sahu (subconscious) on a daily basis of our divinity. This is the reason the Kemetic people decorated their entire land with hieroglyphics and wall carvings. Silly and immature Western archeologists will tell you that this was art, but it was visual affirmations.
Indigenous people all over the world decorated their homelands and adorned themselves with visual reminders because they understood how easy our sahu (subconscious) would get distracted and have us thinking we are just human beings. This is what Righteous People do, they don’t advertise and market products for people to consume death. Righteous People advertise and market to their spirit about the beauty of nature in order to remind themselves of their divine capabilities.

If you engage in activities and behaviors that stimulate the lower part of your being (sahu/subconscious), you will have lowly existence and attract low influences. If you engage in activities and behaviors that stimulate the higher part of your being (BA/Superconscious), you will have a high vibe and will attract high influences.

Images and memes from the movies:
Lord of the Rings & John Carpenter’s “They Live”

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