Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
In this post I am continuing to give a little insight to help those on the path because a lot of people do not talk about lows to spiritual development. We always hear people talk about how Jesus got them through some ordeal but rarely do Kemetic people give a testimony of how they overcame an issue, which 1) gives a false impression that this path is a piece of cake, and. 2) Makes one feel who is going through an ordeal that they are weak if they are falter in any way because they are not being perfect.
So, I am here to let you know that spiritual development like any other discipline has its highs and lows. We are all here because we are trying to perfect ourselves and according to the Maa Aankh. When we begin to experience gross losses, setbacks, lawsuits, relationship ills, problems, grave misfortunes, tragedies, unexplainable illnesses, financial woes, etc. It is an omen from the Universe that we have reached the Ra moment and that our Sun has begun to set, thus moving to the Ra Atum (Death) moment.
Although Set is the lord of chaos, confusion, calamity, storms, etc. and the ruler of TASETT (the physical realm, hence the name TA Sett), it is this particular quarter (Ra to Ra Atum) of the Maa Aankh that we see Set in his rawest form.
Remember, you are a god/goddess and you chose to incarnate to this physical plane we call TASETT (the Red Lands). This is TASETT and it is ruled by Set meaning it is not supposed to be fair, just, equitable or equal. It is supposed to be a bad experience so that we are inspired to return home (the realm of the gods/goddesses – Amenta, which is deep within KAMTA).
Understand. You chose to be here and you chose all of your experiences that are experiencing, both the good and the bad because you came here to master your divinity, which is your ultimate objective. You may not remember making these choices because you were born to a family and grew up with friends in a community supported by a society that discourages spiritual culture. But both Osar (Asar, Osiris, Higher Self) and Set (lower self) remember the oath you made prior to being born and they are committed to helping you fulfill your destiny.
Your Osar is committed to being a silent voice until you decide for your Osar to take a more prominent lead in your life, and your Set is committed to creating as many obstacles in your life to force you to resurrect your Osar. In other words, Set (the spiritual storms) exist to make us stronger and to help you to make through his storm, here are five suggestions that will help you:
- Get a journal and journalize your experience. Write down everything that is occurring. The purpose of this exercise is to help you to clear your mind.
- Ask yourself why is this experience occurring in your life right now? Typically whenever something unplanned or negative occurs, we tend to point the finger at what others have done. This question is meant to hep us take responsibility of our own actions, behaviors and ultimately our life.
- Stick to one spiritual practice that will bring you solace. If meditating works for you, then meditate. If prayer works for you, then just pray. If doing one particular ritual works for you, then do that one particular ritual. Remember, there is no right or wrong because it all occurs within our mind. Sometimes, when I am going through a storm the last thing i want to do is do any altar work so I work with my spirits mentally.
- Do the opposite of what you feel. When you are in the storm a lot of times your feelings will betray you because you are prone to reacting from a subconscious (sahu) level. This is the moment you should do the opposite of what you normally do. For instance, if you are in the habit of going at it alone, it may to your advantage to get with a group and vice versa.
- Finally, focus your attention on helping others. I know that sounds odd, but our Osar is a universal cooperative force that usually comes to the forefront whenever we are in a peaceful mind state. If you are worried about how something is going to work out, how are you going to get some money, how anything, your Osar will stay in the deep recesses of your mind because you are trying to solve the problem based upon your understanding, and not relinquishing power to infinite your Higher Self or Osar. This mental switch of relinquishing control or submitting is hard for many of us and gets easier with practice, but the simplest way for newcomers to make this switch is by focusing on helping others. For instance, volunteer to help someone free of charge. Leave some money anonymously at an aisle in a grocery store for someone. Remember, you are not trying to boost your ego, you are trying to boost your Higher Self and these are all activities that strengthen your BA (Higher Self) and weaken the influence of your sahu (lower self/ego).
Now, to get a little more real, the reason your Set is here testing you in the first place and at this exact moment is because you have some spiritual impurities that need to be burned out of your system, and this is the tempering process to do it. The cooling part comes afterwards, so stay strong because it is during the Ra Atum and Amun Ra moment that your spiritual guides will come to your aide. For instance, you may have some complete strangers talk to you out of the blue and give you great insight and/or gifts like money. This is where you will experience the unlimited power of KAMTA. The only way for you to know this realm is by witnessing it and this is why you are going through the storm. So, don’t fear and don’t fret, the storm never last.
Prepare yourself knowing that you will be stronger and wiser in the end.
Fantastic information, thank you…
Glad to help.
I love this 😁😁😁 Thank you for sharing 😉